MINUTES - Council - 19490912NINETEENTH MEETING ( SPECIAL) SEPT. 12th 1942 A A special meeting· of Council was held in the Council Chambers on Monday Sept. 12th 1949 at B.)O.p.m. Mayor Rose in the Chair: Members present; Dep. Reeve Corner; Councillors, Corbett; Davies; Glass; Jones; Murray;Pringle. Persons outside of the Council attending; Dr.A~E.Berry,Dept. of Health; Mr. w. B B. Re«fern, on invitation from the Town. Mr. Stan. Walker; F.Wims; Lees Owram from the Collis Leather Co. along with a goodly number of citizens. The meeting was called to proceed with ways and means of correcting odours emanating from the Collis Leather Co. plant. · Before this matter was introduced, it was imperative that Council deal with two matters needing attention before the next Council meeting~ BY-.LAW DAVIES, CORNER: That leave be given to introduce a By-Law to Provide additional money for sanitary sewers on Wells St. and that the same be now read a first time. Carried. GLASS, CORBETT: That the BY-Law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose. Carried. JONES, MURRAY: That the By-Law now before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-Law # 862 be suspended for that purpose. Carried. DAVIES, CORBETT: That the third reading be taken as read. Carried~ CORNER: MURRAY; In view of legal advice, in connection with the resolution passed Sept. 6th regarding costs of the installation of the Nisbet sewer, K be it resolved that the previous motion be recinded and that the Council make the usual charge of $1.5~00 for the connection~ Carried~ . Mayor Rose welcomed the delegation attending and for the interest taken in the matter of tannery situation by the Compant officials, Dr. Berry and Mr. Redfern. The Mayor reviewed in brief what has taken place in this connection in the past. Mr. s.G.Hoffman, heading the delegation was asked to speak regarding the . petition. Mr. A. Hulse ably outlined the reason why this petition was forthcoming from the citizens and presented the petition, which includes some 400 names. Mayor Rose received the petition, presented by Mr. Hulse~ Certain suggestions were included in the petition ~or acttion, the first being the formation of a Fact Finding Committee to go into the whole matter in detail. GLASS, CORBETT; That we citizens committee that situation in question. approve of the first recommendation from the special a fact finding committee be formed to look into the ll Carried'• At this time Both Dr. Berry & Mr. Redfern spoke briefly on the matter and assuring all present they would co-operate in any way possible. Mr. Lees Owram expressed ~ views of the Company in that they would be very glad to see the matter cleared up for all time and that the special Committee would have the fullest support from the Company. ·-......•. -_.,"'~"''•'·--·-· ---·--·--.-•--:---.-·-:·•-•;···e>--,-, ;._._,_,·,•.o.c,_,_>..o.v.~-:.2..:.&~=~~.-.::.,;~;.:"'-'-'~~~-~;.,·-.. ·"·''· '' _;..--------~~"'~·-~"""'-=<>==! ~ ,-·">. ·, .. ;· . ...- ··~-'". ···-.....~-- Nineteenth meeting ( special) Sept. 12/49 page 2 PRINGLE, MURRAY; That a fact finding Committee be formed to investigate the entire problem debermining the cause of the odours.and the respective . responsibilities of the Collis Leather Company Ltd. and the Town of Aurora, as to the odours eminating from the Collis. Leather property. This Committee to consist of; · Mr~ G. Rowat; Mr. w. S.Mills Mr. Don.Glass Motion Carried. Mr~ F~J. Wims; Mr. H. Rogers; Mr~ S.G.Hoffman; Mr. Chas. Davies The Mayor ex-officio. PLUS one or two additional as the Committee may see fit. This concluded the business of the evening concerning the Committees, Council reverted to regular >business. DAVIES, CORBETT; That the Solicitor be authorized to take immediate proceedings against the. Kamlee Construct.ion Co. and the Bonding Co. and tha.t XKK Special Counssel may be engaged at the discretion of the Mayor, the Deputy Reeve and the Solicitor. Carried. Meeting adjourned~ • ~~· *K**~***** MAYOR