MINUTES - Council - 1949051616
A special meeting of.Council was held in the.Council Chambers on Monday
May 16th 1949 at 8.00 p.m. Members present, Mayor Dr.Rose; Reeve Cook;
Dep. Reeve Corner; Councillors Corbett; Davies; Glass; Jones; Mu~ay;
The meeting was called for the purpose of finishing work that could not be
completed at the regular meeting in May.
· . . Councillor Glass read the fincial report of the
' Aurora Recreation Commission, Prepared by Treasurer R.D.Heaton for the
period Aug.S/48 to Apl.?/49 •.
DAVIES, CORBETT; That the report be accpted and the
.p··· Treasurer complemented on the fine report prepared. Carzoied.
The Chairman of the Sanitation Committee reported
verbally the difficulty the Garbage collector was having in securing a
new dumping ground, since he will have to vacate the present location by
June the first.
DAVIES, GLASS: That the Sanitation Committee work
in conjunction with Mr. Buchanan to secure a gerl:iage dump for the Town,
Carried. · . .
Deputy Reeve Corner pres~nted a report on work to
be done in connection with sidewalks this year, which is on file at the
Clerks Office. ···
CORNER, DAVIES; That the report of the Streets committee Jlf
re sidewalks be adopted and tha Seal of the Corporation be attached to ·
this resolution. Carried.
A streets committee report was tabled, outlining
the work that has been done on the streets this spring, as well as a.
proposed project for lonnaught Ave.
CORNER, DAVIES; That the report of the Streets
committee be 5dopted and the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this
resolution. Carried.
report of May 2nd be held over until
further consideration at that time.
ThatJCla.use 14 of streets committee
the uly meeting of Council for
A letter from Mr.P.M. Thompson re hard surfacing the
boulevard on Victoria St.and correction of levels of sidewalk in front
of his property was given to th~ Streets Committee for action when work
is being done on Conna.ught Ave.,
JONES, CORBETT; That this request be left with the Streets committee
with power to act. Carried. .
. Aib letter from G. W.Lloyd, convenor .of the Legion
street dance, for permission to hold a. dance on Yonge St. June 29th was
GLASS, PRINGLE: That t):le Clerk ask permission from the Department of
highways to close this street for this occ~sion as well-as for the request
of the Lions Club for July 27th. Carried.
PRINGLE, COOK; That the Clerk be authorized to secure 100 copies of the
Auditors report for the year 1948,o:f the Corporation of the Town of Aurora
and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution.Carried.
Reeve Cook presented a report of the Fire and Water comm.
outlining proposed work in the Department, the report on :file at the Clerks
GLASS, JONES; That the report of the Fire and Water Comm.
be accepted and adopted. Carried.
COOK, PRINGLE; That the Clerk be authorized to purchase
the following material for the waterworks Dept. .
JOO:ft. 4" iron pipe; 2, 6" valves; 1, 4 11 valve; 1 hydrant,
That the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried •
. '.'•''~~":·--
16th meeting page 2
PRINGLE, MURRAY; That the Clerk be authorized to purchase a new street
orderly_from Briti8h Industrial Agencies, Montreal. at a cost of $120.00
F.o.B. Montreal. arried. · · ·
BY-LAWS DAVIES, PRINGLE; That leave be given to introduce a By-law to
"Authorize the issue of Debentures for the Aurora Arena Artificial Ice
and improvements in amount of $65.000~00 and that the same ne now read
a first time • Carried. ·
PRIBGLE, MURRAY; That the By-law now before the Council be read a second
time and that the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole
for that purpoxse. Carried.
GLASS, COOK; That Councillors. Glass and Corbett be a committee to make
nominations for the members outside of Council to act on the Board of
Management for the Arena. Carried.
PRINGLE, CORBETT; That the original committee of five, in the persons of
F.R.Underhillj H.M.McKenzie; A.M.Cousirts; W.C.Corbett; and James Murraybe
the working committee to hire am architect to draw plans for the Arena,
and to report their progress at the next meeting of Council. Carried~
JONES, MURRAY; That the Town purchase or have made 10 or 12 cement end
benches for the Park purposes at an estimated cost of $100.00 and that
the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. · Carried.
Meeting adjourned~