MINUTES - Council - 1949051616 lOth MEETING (SPECIAL) MAY ilxTH 1949 A special meeting of.Council was held in the.Council Chambers on Monday May 16th 1949 at 8.00 p.m. Members present, Mayor Dr.Rose; Reeve Cook; Dep. Reeve Corner; Councillors Corbett; Davies; Glass; Jones; Mu~ay; Pringle. The meeting was called for the purpose of finishing work that could not be completed at the regular meeting in May. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES · . . Councillor Glass read the fincial report of the ' Aurora Recreation Commission, Prepared by Treasurer R.D.Heaton for the period Aug.S/48 to Apl.?/49 •. DAVIES, CORBETT; That the report be accpted and the .p··· Treasurer complemented on the fine report prepared. Carzoied. ',~~-~- The Chairman of the Sanitation Committee reported verbally the difficulty the Garbage collector was having in securing a new dumping ground, since he will have to vacate the present location by June the first. DAVIES, GLASS: That the Sanitation Committee work in conjunction with Mr. Buchanan to secure a gerl:iage dump for the Town, Carried. · . . Deputy Reeve Corner pres~nted a report on work to be done in connection with sidewalks this year, which is on file at the Clerks Office. ··· CORNER, DAVIES; That the report of the Streets committee Jlf re sidewalks be adopted and tha Seal of the Corporation be attached to · this resolution. Carried. A streets committee report was tabled, outlining the work that has been done on the streets this spring, as well as a. proposed project for lonnaught Ave. CORNER, DAVIES; That the report of the Streets committee be 5dopted and the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. JONES, DAVIES; report of May 2nd be held over until further consideration at that time. CORRESPONEDNCE ThatJCla.use 14 of streets committee the uly meeting of Council for Carried~ A letter from Mr.P.M. Thompson re hard surfacing the boulevard on Victoria St.and correction of levels of sidewalk in front of his property was given to th~ Streets Committee for action when work is being done on Conna.ught Ave., JONES, CORBETT; That this request be left with the Streets committee with power to act. Carried. . . Aib letter from G. W.Lloyd, convenor .of the Legion street dance, for permission to hold a. dance on Yonge St. June 29th was received. GLASS, PRINGLE: That t):le Clerk ask permission from the Department of highways to close this street for this occ~sion as well-as for the request of the Lions Club for July 27th. Carried. PRINGLE, COOK; That the Clerk be authorized to secure 100 copies of the Auditors report for the year 1948,o:f the Corporation of the Town of Aurora and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution.Carried. COMMITTEE REPORTS Reeve Cook presented a report of the Fire and Water comm. outlining proposed work in the Department, the report on :file at the Clerks office. GLASS, JONES; That the report of the Fire and Water Comm. be accepted and adopted. Carried. COOK, PRINGLE; That the Clerk be authorized to purchase the following material for the waterworks Dept. . JOO:ft. 4" iron pipe; 2, 6" valves; 1, 4 11 valve; 1 hydrant, That the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried • . '.'•''~~":·-- 16th meeting page 2 PRINGLE, MURRAY; That the Clerk be authorized to purchase a new street orderly_from Briti8h Industrial Agencies, Montreal. at a cost of $120.00 F.o.B. Montreal. arried. · · · BY-LAWS DAVIES, PRINGLE; That leave be given to introduce a By-law to "Authorize the issue of Debentures for the Aurora Arena Artificial Ice and improvements in amount of $65.000~00 and that the same ne now read a first time • Carried. · PRIBGLE, MURRAY; That the By-law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpoxse. Carried. GLASS, COOK; That Councillors. Glass and Corbett be a committee to make nominations for the members outside of Council to act on the Board of Management for the Arena. Carried. PRINGLE, CORBETT; That the original committee of five, in the persons of F.R.Underhillj H.M.McKenzie; A.M.Cousirts; W.C.Corbett; and James Murraybe the working committee to hire am architect to draw plans for the Arena, and to report their progress at the next meeting of Council. Carried~ JONES, MURRAY; That the Town purchase or have made 10 or 12 cement end benches for the Park purposes at an estimated cost of $100.00 and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. · Carried. Meeting adjourned~ *************** MAYOR ··--'