MINUTES - Council - 19490906I EIGHTEENTH MEETING SEPT. 6th 1949 The Regular monthlt meeting of Council was held in the Council Chambers on Tuesday Sept~ 6th 1949 at 8.00 p.m. Mayor Rose in the ChU.r, embers present; Dep. Reeve Corner, Councillors; Corbett; Davies; Glass; Jones; Murray; Pringle. The minutes of the last meeting were adopted as printed. PRINGLE, MUlii.RAY; That the wage accounts be paid, that the Ma;ror issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. PRINGLE, MURRAY; That the following accounts orders on the Treasurer for the same and the attached to this resolution. Carried~. be paid, that the Mayor issue Seal of the Corporation be CORPORATION Attt'idge & Son E~.C.Fielding T. Wh1111er & Co~ Bell Telephone Co. Mingay Transport J.C.Bodfish By~Produote of Canada Ltd. Franklin Press· · Hagereville Asphalt Ltd. Bruell Paving Ltd~ Municipal World Ltd. Armco Drainage Products Ltd. Taylor & Son St.Clair Roofing Co. B.G.Whitelaw Burroughs Adding Machine Co. R.L.Boag Wilson Hardware J. Goulding Davie Garage J. E.Buchanan Rose Avis F. Dunham T. Newton Attridge & Son Aurora Building Co. Grand & Toy Ltd. Aurora Hydro Commission Property Dept~ Police clothes Office stationery Police Dept. Office Fire Dept. Disposal Cartage Claeoking motor Wipers Printing debentures Load mix Surface treating Office 8" culvert lire & Police Dept. epairs W.W.Roof Office supplies 1 yr contract to service List prop. sales Prop.& Sts depts. Use oar July & Aug. WW; Fire; Truck; Gravel, sidewalks Gravel at w.w. Q/S tripe; Postage etc. fteppirs w.w. & M.H. Material Sidwwalke Sewers Stationery Clerks office Town Hall Fire alarm Disposal plant Street lighting Aug. 41.52" J4.6o, 2. 75" 13.35\ 11.35, 7.6~ 2.9~ 8.25, 2.00" 25.oo, 99.0~ so.5~ 911.31, 9.11, 79.0~ 16.)6\ 40).00" 2.25'\. 13.50, 1.78, 41.90, 10.0~ 51.20'-.. n.oo, 9.5~ 22.4~ 49.2~ 99.87 7.95'::::- )8. 5.5-, 1.45, 5.)1'\ 1.0~ 6o.o~ 329.09, GLASS, DAVIES: That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders.on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corpn be attached to this resolution. Carried. RELIEF Medical Assn~ Traviss Est. Aurora ~eneral Store 3 X 56f& Rent Food 1.68 7.50\ J4.oo, ,.c<-' .. ,, ,·., Eighteenth Meeting Sept. 6th 1949 page 2 JONES, GLASS; That the following accounts be paidl that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corpn. be attached to this resolution. Carried. WATERWORKS National Iron Corpn. Ltd. Drummond McCall & Co. Aurora'Hydro Commission Smart Turner Co. Bell Telephone Co. Neptune Meters Ltd. M.L.Baxter Ltd. CORRESPONDENCE Cousins Job " " # 1 & 2 Bolts Rotating elemnet ~ 12 .epair cage & piston Compressor 1083.91\ 163.1,5, 132.68, 2.00\ 250.00" 5.85, 194.40\ 105.0\ Notification from the Municipal Board was received setting the date for a hearing of ~•·t•• appeals against the equalized assessment of the County. Filed. A letter announcing the citizens petition to be presented to Council at a special meeting ·regarding the odours from the Collis Leather Co. was read and Council set Monday Sept. 12th at 8.30 as the Special meeting. A request from the Loyal True Blue & Orange Home for permission to hold a tag day on Sat. Sept. 17th was received. DAV~ES, CORBETT; That the Council grant permission to hold this tag day, on bept. 17th. Carried. A letter from Proctor,Redfern & Laughlin giving an estimated cost of sanitary sewers for Centre st. was read, the clerk to notify the person heading the petition to view the letter and costs of the work. Dept. of Highways submitted blanft forms for road subsidy, and on motion of CORNER, DAVIES; That this Council make application to the Dept. of Highways of Ontario for an interim subsidy on work done and costs paid to the 31st of Aug. 1949. Carried • Application for a Plumbers license was re•eived from Alfred Charles Heard., with qualifications attached to the application. PRINGLE, MURRAY; That a Plumbers license be granted to ¥r. A.C.Heard of the Town of Aurora. Carried. Other correspondence· filed. DELEGATIONS. Messrs. ·Downey, Ward & Wright appeared before Council asking for water service extention on Lepper St. mX to take care on two new houses being built there. Particulars were obtained from these gentlemen and deferred until later in the meeting. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Council went into committee of the whole with Dep. Reeve Corner in the Ohair to discuss the tenders for work on Cousins Drive. Three tenders were received and opened. the final decision being a motion. ROSE, DAVIES; That the tender of A.E.Hawkins for the work of grading Cousins Drive be accppted, provided that it conforms with the eight specifications laid down by the Streets Committee. The tender price to be $1300.00 plus the cost of extra culvert tile required to widen the road, Carried~ PRINGLE, MURRAY; That we accept the contract price of James Wall for a 6" water main according to the contract to the Corporation for the sum of $1075.72 provided that Choice Cut-Up Chicken Ltd reimburse the Town for the amount of $582.73, being the contract price to install a 3" main to Choice Cut-Up Chicken Ltd. and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. !i( ,, . . -r '-~-~ .. v •. ·-·· Eighteenth meeting Sept, 6th 1949 page 3 NEW BUSINESS PRINGLE, DAVIES; That the proceeds from the sale of the Arena Debentures be deposited in the Imperial Bank of Canada, that the account be operated in the same manner as the General account, in that all cheques etc, will be signed by the Mayor & Treasurer, That all cancelled vouchers be received upon the signature of the Treasurer, being furnished to the Bank~ . That the account caDried in the Imperial Bank of Canada, Aurora branch be known as; Town of Aurora, Arena A/C, Carried. CORNER, DAVIES: That the Town agrees to construct a sanitary sew.r across X Yonge St, provided Mr. Nisbett pays SO% of the cost. Carried, DAVIES, CORBETT; That the Council hereby grant assistance of $50,00 per month to a recently discharged T, B, patient, 50% of which will be reimbursed by the County according to Statute, Carried, PRINGLE, MURRAY; That a li' inch water main be extended on Lepper S.treet west to serve two new houses being built. and the Seal ot the Corporation be attached to this resoluflion, Oarribed. meeting adjourned, *~*** MAYOR MOT/IJA/ /?L:C/;1/<(Ed.. . .-S.E£ 4-?0T/ON /ttl /'7~ MEE7/~/t9 bF 0 ... A/C/l-• SEPT/'>.)'f'J. · .. X.