MINUTES - Council - 19490808i ., l '. ' l \ '.-_.-,· ----- .,,. SEVENTEENTH MEETING AUGUST 8th 1949 The Monthl.y meeting of Council was held in the Council Chambers on . Monday Aug~8th 1949 at 8.GO p.m~ Due to ~he Mayer being on vaeation, the Reeve occupied the chair for the evening, members present. Dep.Reeve Corner; Couneillors Corbett; Davies; Glass; Jones; Murray; Pringle. The mintues of the three previous meetings war~ adopted as printed~ PRINGLE, MURRAY; The the Wage aeoounts be paid; that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this reselution~ Carried~ - PRINGLE, MURRAY: That. the fell.owing accounts orders on the Treasurer for the same and the attaehed to this resolution. Carried~ be ppid, that the Mayor issue Seal of the Corporation be CORPORATION . Aurora Hydro Commission Petty cash 11 n PostljiB.ster Bell Telephone Co~ Aurora Hydro Commission E. Hol.man Thompson Machine shop Frankcoms garage Aurora Building Co~ J. Maaten J~W~Bowser & Son Walter Dunning Hil~rn, Caulf:l~ld (Caulfield) J. F. Kitching R.L.Boag J.E~Bu.ehanan Wilson Hardware J~R.Gundy C~ N. R~ Ontario hospital, Woodstock B~F.Davis & Son Prov. Treasurer Banner Press F~ Dunham Snow Welding Works Clerks offiee June Town Ha.l.l n Fire Al.arin 1 Disposal plant 1 . .E~ress & office etc. " · w.w. & office Stamps Poliee Clerks office Property Fire Clerks sffice Town Hal.l. July II II Fire Al.arm Disposal plant " St. lighting a Fire Dept. Man hole frame J grate Streets & Fire depts~ I beam Repairs & cleaning furnace Property Prop~ sereens P/S rooms A/C 1949 Audit Digging· (clam) . Prop. sales list Gravel etc. Prop. sts~etc~ Plan re arena Flasher May /49 Hospital.ization £eme11t & 'l'il.e ept. of Health :Printing & stationery ·. 0/S trips, exra Police, stamps Braekets, Sewers 1~52, 7~69, 1.oo . 58~22" 8.8,3"- 5.16 '< 24.0~ 12.4.5, 15~29'. 2.8.5, 7. 7o___ 1.,32\ 5.:3a\ 1. 00 '- 5:3~ 9:3 '- 319.2.5, 8.90\ .53~50\ 49.64" ,3.oo, J • .so" 19.70, 30.0~ 1.53.4~ 24.oo, 1. 26\_ 139.2.5" 18.5.8:3\ 18.oo, 22.2~ 46.oo, 2,30.8.5, 1.6~ 41.0~ 64~4o___ 5.1o, GLASS, DAVIES; That issue orders on the be attached to this RELIEF the following accounts be apid, that the Mayor . Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corpn. resolution ~ Carried~ Metical Assn~ 'l'raviss Est~ Aurora General Store 3 X .56¢ ~, Rent Food 1.68 7~50, 34.00, · .-,n;o;:.>e>,<;v ''··--::-:-: -.,,,,.,.,_.,__.~~~~--~---~--,,·,~:~ -,"0',,. ,.-.. -c.v.o:O:=~~:;:,~r.:~:.=GJ.c::::::;:;<::;'::~;;.-,-,:::;~:;o;;:::;,.'::'-·,~ ;;"·;• • · .,.,co;•OTP':'-'"'"' .-,~-,·..-;-··•-•••• ,,, ···---··~-·-~·"·--~'" -• .,~-.-,-.-.•o .-c--- i I ·----··-.. __ j ---9 1 --··-.. ~N ... __,,.,.,.~-""<0~=0=-;:,·.j~~:;.i:;i;:"'_; , .. ~~""'·-~,.,::< :: :::~JJ~~~"'r.ct~~~~~~~~:.:~;,:x:::·.~-;>·: · .:~.~. · .:::.:.:_:~-- ·-.... ... ~-- . SEVENTEENTH MEETING Aug. 8/49 page 2 JONES, GLASS; That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution~ Carried~ WATERWORKS Postmaster Aurora Hydro Commission II n p Bell Telephone Co. J~W~Bowser & Son M~G~Slater Drummond McCall & Co~ Ltd~ M~L.Baxter Ltd~ Cpmpressed Air Equipment Ltd. National Iron Oorpn. Ltd. W~H.Spragg B~F.Davis & Son Hj,ghland Oil Co~ H. Lehman · Can~ Brass Co. Ltd~ Stamps 1 & 2 June n July 12 Fittings & tools · Hardwaod (for clamps) 1 hydrant CGmpressor rent n n tees & valve boxes Cutting & threading pipe Fuel i gate valve etc~ Gasoline · Pipe,couplings, saddles 33.0~ 109.80, 99.19\ 4.60, 9~87\ 19~20, 121.00, 1os~oo, 1:3:3.00, 48.92, 9.7$, 252._72, :3.82, :39.00-.. :37.:30'\ ---__, >•.·: ·,>',. ' ·... '"' ·"' ,.:.· :~----·~·m,_~· -~~==,_,.,...;,.w,~""~~~..;...,,~.;"·:c.c.c__::"'"~ ~~ -~r.~·· ~"""""...;.. ... ~~:>. . .·. ·:· .. . ·--~~~....;_~~~~ .·::::::: :;-:_' ' --, /.,.-'"•- :__,! •,,._"·-· SEVENTEENTH MEETING AUG. 8th 1Q49 page 3 REPORTS OF COMMITTES . A short report from the Streets Committee r~garding the grade of a small pieoe of sidewalk on Victoria was presented• Certain conditions that exist,·could be corrected by paving, which expense the property owners agree to pay themselves~ · CORNER, MURRAY; That the report of the Streets Committee be accepted. Carried. That the Waterworks Dept~ place a meter in the Cousins new broiler house to register the consumption. Carried~ . GLASS, PRINGLE; That the Clerk be authorized to purchase a 2° water meter and the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution~ qarried. , , _at the waterworks Tl:le matter Qf a relief' man !'or one day each we~twas discussed ana. left _ to _the Water ,Committee to make recommendations' bymotion of JONES, DAVIES. and the motion passed. DAVIES, PRINGLE; That the Property Committee be authorized to negotiate with Mr~ Sisson to secure an option on property at the read of the waterworks property. Carried. The meeting adjourned until the call of the Clerk for a special meeting later this month; . J ~~ .1;.K-oP--, ********}(***ft**:":!.!:t******'* <MAYOlC