MINUTES - Council - 19490606-.'~"". TWELVTH MEETING JUNE 6th 1949 The regular monthly meetin of Council was held in the Council Chambers on Monday June 6th at 8.00 p.m. 1949. Members present; Mayor Rose; Dep.Reeve Corner; Councillors Corbett; Davies; Glass; Jones; Murray; Pringle. The minutes of the May 4th & 16th meetings were adopted as printed. PRINGLE, CORBEtT; That the wage accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the reasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried~ · PRINGLE, CORBETT; That the following accounts be paid, that the issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and that the Seal of be attached to this resolution. Carried~ CORPORATION Aurora Hydro Comm. Hilborn, Caulfield Co. Petty cash Petty cash Postmaster Br~ Industrial Agencies County of York Petty cash Bell Telephone Co. Aurora Hydro Oomm. B.G.Whitelaw Banner Press J.W~Bowser & Son F.Dunham Strathdee Transport Ltd. J.E.Buchanan County of York Miller Paving Lt.d~ Davis Garage T. Tomlinson Foundry Co. Ltd. w. Mitchell By-Products of Canada Ltd. Aurora Building C o. Judge F. Denton City of Toronto Stan. Hughes Corner Insurance Agency Collis Leather Co. Ltd. Mingay Transport 0. E. Hickey & Sons Ltd. Provincial T.reasurer O.N.R. Wilson Hdwe Stoutts Garage E. Holman Frrankcoms Garage R. L. Boag H. Lehman Taylor & Son Municipal World Ltd. B. F. Davis & Son Aurora Cleaners Pilkington Glass Ltd. Stouffville Sand & Gravel Clerks office Apl~ Town hall Fire alarm Disposal plant Bal. 1948 audi:b Reception, highways Office, Bd.H. W.W. Stamps St. Orderly 1949 levy. less Or. ~xpenses, mun. school Police Glerks office Property Fire Clerks office May Fire alarm Town hall Disposal pU.nt Office supplies Printing & stationery Disp. Prop etc. 0/S trips. stamps clothes etc. cartage, storm sewer grates Gravel Hospitalizajion less Or. Use grader & prime Fire & w.w. Depts. Gulleys & frames Gas. Oil etc. Wipers Disposal plant Fuel; Sewers; etc Reviston Voters List Welfare Dept. Towing, Police Dept. Clerks Guarantee Bond Case for Assessor Cartage Sts. Fire Hose, etc Dept. of Health Flasher, Feb. & Mar. Disp; P.J:'op·; w. w. etc. Repairs Fire Truck Gas. Fire Truck 0:11, Fire Truck List property Sales Gas & Grease Fire & Police Dept. 01'tice Supplies Sewers tile Carbon Tet. Fire Dept. Lights for disposal plant Gravel for streets Mayor the Corp. 1.4.5-. 8. 87-- 1.00-. 19.16-. 350.00.. lo.oo- 5.96-. 24.oo- 117~6o- 8685.65- 5.00- 10.95- 8.20- 3.75- 7.70- 1.42- 1.00- 8.26_ 60.49- 4.04- ·156.32- 58.00- 36.60- 7.60- 35. oo-. 22.05 ... 2922.78- 15.5S-. 120.96- 11.75 ... 8.50.... '.288.50 .... 10.00-.. 15.78-. 1.oo ... 40.00< s.oo:;. 3.75- 322.40, 2.10'-. 41.93· 88.84 ... 40.70'- 3.08- 1.80-.. 11.36 ..... 11.00- 5.98- .92-- 42.70- 20.00- 15.05-. 623.57-. / j :':.1 __12th meeting page 2 __ GLASS, CORNER, That the following accounts be plid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto: · RELIEF: Medical Association Traviss Est. Aurora Dairy ~rora General Store 8 X 56¢ Rent Milk Food 4.48 7.50 6.30 73.96 wt JONES, GLASS, That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto: WATERWORKS Aurora Hydro Comm. Township of King Canadian Brass Co. Ltd. Bell Telephone Co. Aurora Hydro Comm. Snow W elding W orks J. w. Bowser & Son Babcock-Wilcox & Goldie & McCulloch Snap-On Tools Ltd. C.N.R. National Iron Corp. Ltd. DELEGATIONS Power, Apl/49 Taxes 1949 111 gal. pipe #12 Power May/49 Welding ~ipe, paint., etc. New sleeve, W. W. Pump set Wrenches Rent-611 Main 411 pipe, bends, valves 97.9:7 ..... 20.29' 22.0.6~ 3.85, 102.19' 2.0.0-.. 132. 73, 63.52' 22.65~ 1.oo~ 422.6~~ Mr. Gordon Phillips appeared before Council asking permission for a Building Permit to erect a house on the rear mf 57 feet of Mrs. s. E. Graham lot on Catherine Crescent. JO NES, CORBETT: That the request of Mr. Phillips for a Building Permit on the above lot be granted. CORRESPONDENCE Fire Chief Harry Jones drew to the attention of Council the need for supervised waste disposal at the rear of the stores on both sides of Yonge Street in the main business block. Planning Board: A letter from the secretary of the Planning Board drew to the attention of C ouncil necessary regulations in connection with the services for all new sub-divisions being started in the Town. This communication was left in the hands of the By-laws Committee for future action. A letter received trom Dr. Gunton regarding Garbage collection at his residence on W ells Street was left to the Simi tatlon Committee for its action. · ·· REPORTS OF COMMITTEES GLASS, JONES That the recommendatiom of the Fire and Water Committee be accepted granting Mr. Lorne Cousins permission to lay and install his own water main and service, and that Mr. Cousins accept full responsibility for same. Carried. A verbal report by Dep. Reeve Corner was given to Council regarding the interview with the Provincial Engineer on work done, and proposed work ofthe Streets Committee. The Secretary of the Planning Board annannced that the Town Planning Board wished to meet the whole council at an early date to discuss by-laws and future enforcement of their proposed regulations. The date set for this meeting by council was Monday, June 13th at 8:00 P.M. 1. .., : "-..~ .· ' 12th Meeting Page 3 Chairman Victor Jones of the Property Dept. submitted recommendations to C ouncil for repairs to roofs, brickwork, steps and eave-troughing on Town Buildings. _ DAVIES, JONES: That the report of the Property Committee be accepted and prices be called for in the local press, for the execution of the work itemized. Carried. GLASS, CORNER: That the Finance Committee arrange a ltbnservation meeting for a later date, in the early Fall. Carried. The Sports and Publicity report was submitt-ed by Councillor Corbett regarding the 1949 schedule for the use of the Town Park. _ CORBETT, JONES: That the report of the Sports Committee be accepted. Carried. A.verbal report by Councillor Glass was given regarding the difficulty involved in finding a suitable garbage dumping ground. As a result, the Sanitation committee will hold a meeting on Thursday, June 9th, to discuss with Mr. Buchanan future arrangements in this connection. Mayor Rose, chairman of the Police Committ.ee, brought in a rJiport of Committee's meeting held May 23rd outlining hours of duty and other the recommendations. CORNER, GLASS: That the ~xoept that C lause 4 be By-laws commi tteB". UNFINISHED BUSINESS' report of the Police Committee be accepted, deleted, and that Clause 7ibe referred to the Carried. Estimates for the scaling and painting of the Water Tank were received. As only two tenders were received, Council felt that additional tenders should be called for, and that such tenders be advertised in the Banner. DAVIES, CORNER: That the Clerk be authorized to order the installation · o~ an extension phone for the Clerk's office. Carried. Meeting adjourned. *b~&t?f,(.