MINUTES - Council - 19490411·., "~~' 7 . • th MEETING (SPECIAL) APRIL 11th 1949 A special meeting of Council was held in the Council Cahmbers on Monday Apl.llth 1949 with Mayor Rose in the Chair; Members present; Dep.Reeve Corner, Councillors Corbett; Davies; Glass; Jones; Murray; Pringle. · · This meeting was called to pass the Striking of Rates By-Law for the year 1949~ DAVIES, CORNER; That leave be given to introduce a By-law to Strike the rates for the year 1949 and that the same be now read a first time. Carried. CORBETT, GLASS; That the By-law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose. Carried~ PRINGLE, CORBETT; That the By-law now before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law # 862 be suspended for that purpose, Carried. JONES, GLASS; That the third reading of this by-law be taken as read. Carried. The mill rate for the year 1949 was set at 48 mills~