MINUTES - Council - 19490502"j -•''' '-<·. ___ • 9th MEETING MAY 2nd 1949 The regular monthly meeting of Council was held in the Council Chambers on Monday May 2nd 1949 at 8.00 p.m. Members present; Mayor Dr. C.Rose; Reeve Coo~; Dep. Reeve Corner; Councillors, Corbett; Davies; Glass; Jones; Murray; Pringle~ The minutes of the previous meetings were adopted as printed. PRINGLE, CORBETT; That the wage accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. PRINGLE, COOK; That the followi~g on the Treasurer for the same and this resolution. Carried. accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders the Seal of the Corporation be attached to CORPORATION . Aurora Hydro Commission Petty cash. Postmaster Petty cash Bell Telephone Stiver Bros. Co. Hess Drug Store . LaFrance Fire Engine Co. Stoutts Garage J.W.Bowser & Son Marino Construction F. Dunham Can. Bitumuls Co. Ltd. Municipal World Ltd. J. Goulding A. E. Hawkins Ontario Hospital, Woodstock J~C.Bodfish T.F.Spenoe Ken. Hack R.L.Boag . Grand & Toy Ltd. C.N.R. Aurora Hydro Comm. W.H.Cunningham R.C.Osborne Davis Garage Ernie Holman &. Hill Ltd. Clerks office Town Hall Fire lights Disposal plant Express eto~ Stamps Express eto. Police Clerks Office· .Streets Fire Dept. Fuel Prop, & Bd. Health Depts. Pike poles, recharges eto. Fire Dept. Sts., brooms Storm drain & cold patch 0/S trips eto. 3 drums patching material Office supplies Use oar, Mar. & Apl. Snow removal Hospitalization Repairs to wiring D.P. ftas. Sts. Repairs to tank hist, property sales Office supplies Flasher Jan./49 Cutting trees Mar. St. Lighting Apl. Roo to Fire Dept. mitts Fire Dept. Gas Gas, Oil eto. 1.68- 10.31:-l.oo- 65.u- 7. 27-: 41.00' 6.10- ll.03, 9.87- 2.85- 7.25- 100.30- 4.74,.. 73.25- 14. 75~ 3.66, 489.60- 10.20- 47.03- 16.93- 12.00- 169.00- 45.50- 28.32 ... 29.20- 9.75- • 76.- 10.75- 19.87 49.99:. 318.50-28.oo·..._ 13.50- 2.95, 53.86- JONES, GLASS; That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this relolution. Carried~ WATERWORKS Aurora Hydro Commission Town of Aurora Mueller Ltd~ Bell Telephone Co~ Can. Brass Co. Ltd. W.H.Cunningham & Hill Ltd~ # 1 & 2 Local Imp. Taxes Pipe cutter # 12 Pipe,oouplings service boxes Water gauge 63.57 .... 13.52-- 7.47 .... 3.80, 156.32 - 1.70- GLASS, DAVIES; That the following on the Treasurer for the same and this resolution. Carried. RELIEF accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue ordes the Seal of the Corporation be attached to Medllloal Assn. Traviss Est. Aurora Dairy B. F •. Davl,.s & Son Aurora General Store - 8 X 56¢ Rent Milk Fuel Food 4.48 7.50- 5.04- 21.10- 91.20- ---.\ DELEGATIONS May 2nd page 2 Mr. J. E. Buchanan, appeared before Council in connection with a dumping ground to take the Town refuse. Mr. Buchanan had been having trouble getting into the present grounds. A. Billing spoke to Council on behalf of the residents of Centre St. E. in that their cellar drain had been stopped and was flooding their cellars. This- drain empties at the railway. GLASS, DAVIES; That a special committee of Council be appointed to interview Mr. Lawson with a view to having the drains in question opened until such time as a suitable permanent arrangement can be made, this act b•ing taken purely to assist certain citizens involved and not as a Town responsibility. Carried. CORRESPONDENCE . The Bell Telephone made answer to our request to ascertain if the poles on Yonge St. Between Mosley & Centre Sts. might be moved. As this work would · involve considerable expenditure it was decided not to go ahead with this work. The County of York again drew attention to the fact that they were intending to form a Health unit for the 14 northern Municipalities and asked that if it was Aurora's wish to join in this Unit~ The Council instructed that a_ letter be written, to the affect that we wished to take part in the Uni;. COOK, PRINGLE; That we instruct the Clerk to reply to the letter of April 21st from the County of York, regarding the Health mnit for the rural portion of the County, That we re-afirm our decision of last year and support the Health Unit as outlined. Carried~ A letter from H. Zimme·rman asking for a light in front of his property on ~eorge St. be considered by Council. This matter was left in the hands of the Streets Committee for action. Ari account for work done by Marino Construction was submitted, as a result the following motion was passed~ . PRINGLE, MURRAY; That the following account be paid,, that tb,e Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for thB same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. arried. Marino Construction Progress Estimate Apl.27/49 # 2 Sewers ii _ · " u 27/49 # 2 Watermains Also Proctor, Redfern & Laughlin EngineErs fees $7322.21 529.22 467.57 Notification ot the annual convention of the Ontario Municipal Association to be held in London, Ont~ was received. the following motion presented. DAVIES, CORNER; That the Town Clerk be delegated to attend the Convention of the Ontario Municipal Association to be held in London Aug. 29,30, 31st and the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. The remainder of the correspondence was ordered filed. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Reeve Cook explained to Council the request for a water service extending from Edward St. along Counsins Drive easterly and over the C.N.R. tracks to serve a new building to be erected there. Am motion of CORNER & DAVIES; That the Water Committee interview Mr. L. Cousins .. · re paying for costs if this main is extended east of the C.N.R. Ca:tried. STREETS Dep. Reeve Corner submitted a detailed report of the findings and the committees recommendations as aresult of the inspection recently held. CORNER, MURRAY; That the report of the Streets Commitee be adopted except clause 14 and this clause be further considered at special meeting on May 16th Carrlbed. PRINGLE, MJ:IRRA.Y; That Council extend the meeting after 12.00 midnight to continue business on hand. Carried. '•,.w-.C May 2nd page .3 BY-LAWS DAVIES, JONES; That leave be given-to introduce a By-law to Authorize the construction of Sanitary sewers on Welle st. and that the same be now read a first time. Carried~ MURRAY, PRINGLE: That the By~law now before Council be read a second time and that the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose. Carried. PRINGLE, MURRAY; That the By-law now before the Council be read a third time this clay and that Rule 22 of By-law # 862 be suspended tar that purpose. Carried. JONES, GLASS; That the third reading be taken as read. arried. DAVIES, GLASS; That le~ve be given to introduce a By-law to Appoint an Assessor for the Town of Aurora, and that the same be now read a first time. GLASS, CORBETT; That· the By-alw now before the Council be read a second time and that th8 Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose. arried. The By-llw was returned with the blanks filled in with the name of Robert Marshall. MURRAY, PRINGLE; That the this day and that Rule 22 . DAVIES, CORBETT; That the MEETING ADJOURNED By-law bow before the Council be of By-law # 862 be suspended for third reading be taken as read. read a third time that purpose. Carried. Carried. &~~*:!:!=** MAYOR