MINUTES - Council - 19490404"-, '' SIXTH MEETING APRIL 4th 1949 The regular monthly meeting of Council was held in the Council Chambers on Monday April 4th 1949 at 8.00 p.m. Members present; Reeve Cook; Dep. Reeve Corner; Councillors, Corbett; Glass; Jones; Pringle; Murray;Davies. It was agreed that Reeve Cook take the chair in the temporary absence of the Mayor~ The minutes of the three previous meetings were adopted as printed~ PRINGLE, CORBETT: That the wage accounts pe paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached to t.his motion~ Carried~ ' PRINGLE, COOK: That the following accounts be paid; that orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the attached to this motion. Carried~ the Mayor issue Corporation be CORPORATION United Steel Oorpn. Ltd~ Postmaster Petty cash . Drummond McCall & Co. Ltd. Petty cash Bell Telephone Co. C.N.R. Stiver Bros~ T.X.Fice Aurora Bldg. Co.· Zeph-Aire Co.Ltd~ Grand & Toy Ltd. J.W.Bowser & Son Davis Garage Collis Leather Co. City of Toronto Storey Auto Body Aikenhead Hardware L.Lawaska B~F~DaiDis & Son J.R~Gundy F~ Dunham J. Bak Frankcoms Garage Mingay Transport County of York Aurora Hydro Comm~ Wilson Hardware Ltd. Ltd. Belts, Disposll Stamps Express etc~ Fittings, disposal plt. w.w. & Office suridries Police Clerks Office Fire Dept. Streets Flasher Dec~ 1948 Fuel, T.H~ Prop. & Police Depts. · Sts. & Fuel T.H. Blinds Office supplies Disposal plant Fire Dept. " " Cinders §alief, Jan. & Feb. epairs to truck Saw Staining woodwork Cement Blueprints for arena 2/S trips etc. epairs to tools PJ.re Dept. Cartage Hospitalization Jan. & Feb. St~ Lighting Mar. Disposal, Prop,Sts. & w.w. 15.19- 13~00~ 4~47 ' 20.25- 6.79- 10.58- 6.83-- 7.25- 2.95- 19.08- 54.40.0. 12.30- 96.02- 29.07-- 6~oo, .40 ... 20.95- 1.50' 4.00- 15.74- 15~80- 12.00' 2~oo- 5~oo- 25~00- 12~00- 5~2().. 3.80_ 10.75' 80.21- 318.50-- 94.35 ... MURRAY, PRINGLE: That the followi~g account be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this motion~ Carried~ PLANNING BOARD P.Alan Deacon Consultant 505.00 GLASS, DAVIES; That the following accounts be apid; that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this motion. Carried. RELIEF l!iedical Assn~ Traviss Est~ B.F.Davis & Son. Aurora General Store Aurora Dairy 8 X 56¢ ''•ent Fuel Food Milk 4.48 7~50-.. 43.00- 66~44- 7.56-c r- 6th meeting page 2 COOK, JONES: That the following accounts be orders on the Breasurer for the same and the attached to this m$tion. Carried. apid, that the Ma~r issue Seal of the Corporation be WATERWORKS Dominion Flow Meter Co.Ltd~ Ben Telephone Co~ .· Canadian Brass Co. Ltd. DELEGATIONS ·. ~epairs to meters # 12 Copper tubing, service boxes 41.78, ,3.80, 4J0.7h Mr. A~E.Gray attended before Council, asking that something be done towards leveling the grade to his driveway, as he is unable to get in ~ due to the high grade. Messrs. Lawson Bros. appeared before Council with a draft plan as to sub-~ivision of their land'on Catherine Ave~and by motion of .Councillors G~SS & D•VIES they were requested to appear before the Town Plarming.Board to receive their recommendations before going ahead with the p.ln. Carried. CORRESPONDENCE _An application from Mr. John Dodd for a Plumbers Licens~ was reoeived, and discussed by Counoil. CORNER, DAVIES: That Mr. John Dodd, Kennedy St. E~ be granted a Plumbers lioense as per his request of Apl •. 4th. Carried. A letter from The York Township Police Dept. was reoeived~ with a report of the police school recently held and particularily to the standing of Constable Langman, who attended, Certain reoommenda tions .. from the Planning Board were. read and on motion of ,. ·.1.• t.~•••·· Reeve COOK, & Councillor GLASS this letter was given to the By-laws Committee for their action and recommendations. Mayor Rose assumed the Ohair~ A letter from the Secty. of the Recreation Commission was read~ re changes in the appointments of the Commission personell. DA VIES, GLASS; That the recommena.e~ appointments to the Aurora Recreation Commission as outlined in a letter from Mr.T.F.Swindle be and are hereby approved for the year 1949~ Carried. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES . The. Fire & Water comm~ t1;ee presented a report of their meeting of Mar.·· 2lit. pertaining to surveys, connection fees, and repairs to the stand pipe etc. COOK, JONES, That the report of the Fire & Water committee be adopted and the Seal of the Corporation be attached to the motion. Omried. · GLASS, JONES: That the request of Colin Nisbet for a 2 inch water service for the greenhouse be granted and that a meter be installed. Carried. .. PRINGLE, COOK, That the following material be purchased for the Fire Dept. . ZOO ft. of 2tX inch hose. 2 alluminium pike poles~ 1 attic ladder all at an approximate cost of $J75.00 and that the Seal of the Cororation be attached to this motion. Carried. SPORTS & PUBLICITY committee Whereas the matter of Artificial ice for the Aurora Memorial Arena has become a very vital issue in our community and where~s the existing building has been declared to be suitable in sixe and construction for the purpos~, and whereas it is our confirmed opinion that this would go far to combat, cure or prevent the evil of Juv~nile delinquency, and whereas plans for the alteration of seating accomodation in the existing building and for the construction of a new building to house the ice machinery and dressing rooms have been presenjed by a special committee, after careful consideration and whereas similar plants in other Towns have shown themselves capable of carrying themselves without cost to the Taxpayer, and whereas a considerable sum of money must be spe~t to repair our present arena so as to keep it suitable for public use, and whereas the proposed plans and estimates provide for a concrete floor which would make the building suitable for certain public and recreational purposes all the year round and whereas tenders from several makers of ice machinery have been submitted and an estimated cost of the proposed new building has been received~ '~o:i •c;:->" · -•-r-o -.-.-·-''''' · · • ,._.._-,v.,·v.·. ..•,"o' "'':·,_q,-_,,C'J,,:c:~ <:,•;,;·;~:~~\:O:.::o;-o·J;o.;c,;;s;.~<.•~·"'-'•;.:.:~~.o:~~'O-'"'-'.O..'C='C'-'~--;.:·;·.···--<•~'"" ·- ···-· 6th meeting page 3 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED •.. (1) That this Council go on record as in complete accord with the principle of Artificial ice tor tne Aurora Memorial Arena. ·· (2) That we approve of.the plans submitted in blueprint for the alteratioas of the seating etc. in the existing building. (3) That we approve of the principle of the palns for the proposed new building. (4) That we approve the recommendation of the said Special Committee, that the Management of the whole project should be directed by a Board of managers, composed 0 t responsible taxpayers of our Town. (5) That we accept a figure estimated to be $65 1 000.00 to cover this whole project, to be raised solely by debentures. (6) That ·we submit 'the proposal to'the ratepayers of Aurora by a Plebiscite to be held Friday April 29th 1949; CORBETT: .GLASS: That the report ot the Sports & Publicity committee be accepted. Carried. . . GLASS, CORBETT; That the Aurora Recreation Commission be hereb;w impowered to authorize any· organization or agency in the Town of Aurora to conduct on behalf of the Commission any part of its activities or program, but only where-; · (l) The said activity or program is in the nature of a program tor the public and a service to the community. (2) That such authorization is made in writing and recorded in the minutes of the Commission~ Carried. FINANCE COMMITTEE . Our calculations show that the net amount required tor 1949 on the basis of a total assessment of $1;936;ooo~oo can be provided with a rate of 48 mills and we respectfully recommend that iD be struck accordingly. PRINGLE, COOK; That the report of the Finance Committee dated Apl. 4th 1949 be adqpted and the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this motion, Carried. UNFINISHED BUSINESS llllDIE,The Council dissolved itself into a committ.eeo of the whole w!th'Counc!llor PringJ,e in the Chair, to discuss the matter of an assessor tor the coming year.Mr. Marshall was interviewed and the following motion passed. · . ROSE, COOK: That Robert Marshall be appointed as Assessor for the Town of Aurora for the 1950 assessment for an all inclusive tee of One thousand dollars, provided that~ (1) He include the survey of the water services of .. our Town~ (2) That the Work be completed by Sept. JOth 1949. DAVIES, CORNER: That the Clerk be authorized to write a letter of protest to the Minister of Education against the provision in Bill # 174 re Public Library grants. Carried. BY.;.LAWS .. . DAVIES, CORNER; That leave be given to introduce a By-law to 11 Submit a question to the Electors of the Town of Aurora ( re Artificial Ice) amd. that the same be now read a first time. Carried~ · JONES, GLASS; That the By-law now before the Council beread a tt7Kt second time and that the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole tor that purpose~ Carried~ JONES, GLASS; That the By-alw now before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law # 862 be suspended for that purpose, Carried. \," _ _., .. 6th meeting page 4, :, DAVIES, JONES; That leave be given to introduce a By-law to appoint a day for.the taking of a vote, and that the same )Je now read a first time. Oarried. MURRAY, OORBETT; That the By-alw now before the Oouncil be read a·second time and that the Oouncil dissolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose. Oarried. · · GALSS, CORBETT; That the By-alw now before the Council be read a third time this day .and that Rule 22 of By-alw # 862 be suspended for that purpose. Cs.rried~ NEW BUSINESS GLASS, JONES; That the Council approve of the proposed action of the Hydro Commission in altering the street lighting on Yonge St~ Carried. PRINGLE, CORNER; That instructions be given to the Engineer to install private sewer drains in conjunction with tge Local Improvement now under construction for Yonge st. s., according to Section 4 of the · Local Improvement Aot. Carried. A petition was received from land owners on Wells St~ from Kennedy St.E to Cousins Drive for sewers under the Local Improvement Act~ The report of the Engineer on costs of such work to be obtained by the Clerk as soon as possible. PRINGLE; MURRAY; That the Aurora Council invite the Councils of Newmarket King, and Whitchurch to attend a meeting to discuss the formation of a Conservation Authority to deal with the Wateraged of that part of the Holland River within our boundaries~ Carried. DAVIES, MURRAY:That Daylight Saving Time be effective in the Town of Aurora on the dates as adopted by the City of Toronto and that the Clerk advertise the same in the local press. Carried~ DAVIES, PRINGLE: That Councillor Glass to direct and sponsor the tree planting in the Town called for the last Saturday in April. Meeting adJourned. ~~~~-- Mayor ' .. ; •::;--;::~·;<;'<' . . . •' .. ·-;-· .. -,-,-·:~-·--~ ::~·.-_ ·:·'' '•'"' ., .,.,,, ,._,_ ... -..... ,,; .;.:.;.:. :-~\:•,';";_;(, .::::;,;)>!%~;~-;:,<;·;f,~::.:.o;::~;,;:.o:;~;-;0· -. -.•. ·-· ·.-. -·-·-···· ....