MINUTES - Council - 19490207. -------···- <· * SECOND MEETING FEB. 7th 1949 The Regular monthly meeting of Counoil was held in the Counoil Chambers on · Monday Feb. 7th 1949 at 8.00 p.m. Members of Counoil present. Mayor Dr. Rose; Reeve Cook; De.P.Reeve Corner; Councillors Corbett; Davies; Glass; Jones; Murray; Pringle/ DAVIES; COOK; That the Reeve take the Chair in the Temporary absenoe of the Mayor, Carried. The minutes of the previous meeting were adppted as printed. PRINGLE, CORBETT; That the ~~ wage aooounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders·on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried~ PRINGLE, COOK; That the following on the Treasurer for the same and hereto~ Carried • CORPORATION Drummond, McCall & Co.Ltd. Postmaster Petty Cash City of Toronto Mrs. M~V.Proctor C.N.R~ Grand & Toy Ltd. Reg. Wood R.L.Boag'i B.G.Whitelaw Stiver Bros~ Ontario Hospital, Woodstock Can. S.K.F.Co.Ltd. G.R.Ardill Mingay Transport Stoutts Garage Wilson Hardware Ernie Holman Toronto Salt Works Ltd. Aurora Hydro Comm~ J.W~ Bowser & Son J.C.Bod:f'ish J.E.Buchanan Hess Drug Store Jas. A.Cook & Son J~W~Bowser & Son Bell Telephone Co~ F.Dunham .Wilson Hardware accounts be paid, that. the Mayor issue orders the Seal of the Corporation be attached Fittings Disposal Stamps Express, Prop. w.w. Relief, Nov.&Dec. Typing Flasher Oct./48 Office supplies Work at arena List~ prop.sales Office supplies lfuel T.H. Hospitalization Bearings, Disposal Plant'i Material :f'or.red flags Cartage'i Gas, Oil Prop,& Fire Depts. Sts. & Fire Dept. Salt, Sts~ C/0 T.H~ Disposal plant St.Lighting Fire Dept. Disposal plant · Gravel, Sts •. Police & Bd.Health Bd. health Arena repairs #1 65 135 305 ~ 314 361 500 0/S trips etc~ Glass, Arena 34.oo, 24.oo, 4.13' 15. 74, 2.oo..,_ 76~36 '\ 3.60' 29.40' 1.26, 9~43, 40.85, 45.00, 6.76, 1.35' 24.50, 24.56, 13.87\ 11.92, 44.00\ 1.64 ... 10.99' 59.43' 276.91' 4.6o, 6.75' 14,00\ 1.80\ 6.36, 31.95, 3.1~ 7.09, 3.4~ 2. 9<>--2~05, 4.40... 5.20'- 23.15' 8.oo, COOK, JONES; That the folloldng accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders Qn the Trsasurer tor the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached Hereto. arried. WATERWORKS Bell Telephone Co. Aurora Hydro Comm. J~A.Mitchell & Son Frankcom's Garage # 12 #1 # 2 srushes asolinei ~, ...• _., .. - ---.,---. ---· --,-,.,:-··. _._,, _____ ,, ,-,,-,.,,., ,:.•_._,;_, __ ·;-;""-;,;. ,·,;;:,:.:~.,;.~.:-~,:-:,:.:;-.'.::;;;;;.<~.~ ,·,.;;_-;-;-•, ; ;·-···'-' . ' .-, ..• -. 3.90' 62~31-.. 37.76-.. .90-. 38.50 ..... ' .- ', __ _., 2nd Meeting Page 2 GLASS, JONES; That the follwwing accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried. RELIEF· Medical Assn. Traviss Est. B.F.Davis & Son Aurora Hairy · Aurora eneral Store DELEGATIONS 8 t 56¢ Rent Fuel Milk Food 4.48 . 7~50, 11.00, 14.28' 59.?2-, Messrs Swindle, Bretz,& Buchanan, representing the Aurora Recreation Comm. submitted a brief prepared for Council on three matters wished to be brought before council's attention. (1~ Ammendments to tne Commission By-Law; (2) Possibilities of installing artificial Ice at the arena; (3) Police supervision at the dances held Saturday evenings. It was agreed to turn the ammendments of the By-law over to the By-laws Committee for the~~ action~ Mr~ J. Harrison,speaking in regard to the hazard existing at the arena on Yonge St. with parking being allowed on both sides of the street. CORRESPONDENCE A letter from the Aurora Branch, Canadian Legion asking for permission to use the Town Park on Aug.l9th & 20th for their annual Filed Day~ field PRINGLE, CORBETT; That permission be given the Legion to hold their ~ day in the Park on the dates mentioned. Carried. PRINGLE, MURRAY; That.we subscribe to the annual edition of the Association of Assessing Officers of Ontario, by way of Membership to the assn. at $10~00 per year~ Carried. A letter from the Dept. of Planning & Development, announcing a conference to be held Mar.l7 & 18th in Toronto, was handed to the Industrial Comm. for attention. The monthly report of .the activities of the v. o. N •. for the month of Dec./48 was received, the contents read and ordered filed with previous reports. The Aurora Board of Trade made a recommendation that Mr~ Thomas Swindle be the representative of that body to the Aurora Recreation Commission. Likewise the Home & School Assn~ recommended Mr •. J.E~Buchanan for re-appdlint- ment to the Recreation Commission. Announcement from the McLean Hunter Publishing Co. of a new monthly magazine "Civic Administration" was received, and since it covers such a wide series of subjects., the follwwing motionwas passed. DAVIES, CORBETT; That we subscribe to Civic.Administration for a 2 year term at a $5.00 rate for the t~ro years. Carried. Other correspondence was ordered filed~ REPORTS OF COMMITTEES . MURRAY; PRINGLE; That the Counoil appoint 2 members to the To~;n Planning Board to act from Feb. 7/49 to Dec.31/51. The Town Planning Committee suggests Dr.A.W.Boland & Mr.K.Nisbet, and further that the Council appoint a second member from the Council in the person of V~~R.H.Corner to the Planning Board. Also confirm that the Town Planning Board now consists of Dr.A.W.Boland 3 year member; term of office to expire Dec •. 31/51 K.Ntsbet 3 II II 11 II 0 0 11 Deco 31/51 Dr~C.R.Boulding 2 II II II 0 · fl II 11 Dec~ 31/50 w.s.Mills 2 " " " II " • " Dec. 31/50 E.H.Clarke 1 " II " 11 " " n Dec. 31/49 A.M.Cousins 1 " n " II " " n Dec. 31/49 J~Murray Council Rep. " 11E. 11 11 n Dec. 31/49 R.H. Corner " " II " 11 11 11 Dec. 31/49 Dr. C~Rose The Mayor~ Ex officio Motion carried.- PRINGLE, MURRAY; That the Planning Board be advised that the Policy of the Aurora Council with regard to Streets and Public Utilities in the Patrick "-···---·--' ---·:-·--·;-."""'"' • ''"""'--,>,\;,;._-;,;;:_,;.;-; .. ·;;;;\{• ;.~-:'·' ;,:.;,-,;~ ~~{<~\(,;,:<·-; ,,_;-;;,-_ ,_.,,_, _____ , .. .-.• .v,~~~~~-;~'"C'"--:···;--·· _ _! . 3rd meeting page 3 and Stephens subdivision is as laid do~1n by the terms of the Looal Improvement aot 1937 -Chapter 269, Section 2. Carried. · The Mayor made a verbal report of the meeting of the Police Committee held Jan. 20th 1949 regarding the attending of a Police sohoml by W.J.Langman. Chairman Davies, of the By-Laws Committee tabled a report &f his committee regarding fees for Election officers and poll&ng places. DAVIES, CORBETT; That the report of the By-laws & Industries Committee re revision of Election Expenses be adopted~ Carried. A further report regarding the ammendments proposed to the Procedure By-law was received, Copies of the report to be prepared by the Clerk for the further consideration of Council. DAVIES~ PRINGLE; That the report of the By-laws & Industries Committee re revision of By-law # 862 be accepted~ Carried. UNFINISHED BUSINESS . CORNER, DAVIES; That the recommendation of the Engineer~ Prootor,Redfern & Laughlin of the installation of sewers be paid to the amount of $3,356.13 and the installation of watermains of $577.30 be paid to Kamlee Construction Co, anrl the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried. COOK, PRINGLE; That we accept the recommendation of Proctor,Redfern & Laughlin for payment to Marino Construction of $1,646.09 account lor construction of sewers, and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached herto. Carried. BY-LAWS DAVIES, MURRAY; That leave be given to introduce a By-law to "Provide for EXPenditure on Roads & StreetsU amd that the same be now read a first time. Carried. · · CORBETT, GLASS; That the By-law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose. Carried~ JONES, GLASS; Th2.t the By ... la~r no~r before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law #862 be suspended for that purpose.Carried. DAVIES, JONES; That leave be given to introduce a By-law to n Authorize the borrowing of $14,900.00 against Construction By-law # l006"an4 that the same be now read a first time. Carried~ GLASS, MURRAY; That the By-law no1-r before the Council be read a second time and that the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose. Carried. PRINGLE, JONES; That the By-law now before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law# 862 be suspended for that purpose .• Carried. • .CORBETT;GLASS; That the third reading of this By-law be taken as read. Carried~ 0 DAVIES, JONES; That leave be given to introduce a ~y-law to bornow mm money to the amount of $1698.14 under Construction By-law· ff 1002 and that the same be now read a first time. Carried. GLASS, JONES; That· the By-law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose. Carried~ MURRAY, PRINGLE; That the By-law now before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law· # 862 be suspended. for that purpose. Carried. PRINGLE, CORNER, That the third reading of this By-law be ta:a,en as read. Carried. DAVIES, JONES; That leave be given to introduce a By-lai'IT to "· Authorize ·the numbering of Buildings & Lots in the Town of Aurora and that the same be no.w read a first time. Ca:rried. JONES, GLASS; That the By-law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose. Carried~ CORBETT, MURRAY; That the By-law now before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law # 862 be suspended for that purpose. Carried. · · JONES,PRINGLE; That the third reading of this By-la'l'r be taken as read Carried~ ~--:-:,·-.-·::"''~:,.-,_' · • c-~-,;•·-'·'•·" -.•.-.-A'.&.-: _,_,-.;·;·;•.:;~;,;,;;:;, ,,o:;s;;,,b-~" ,;-;,;;-,.;-· '"-'•'•\'•'• · · .. ·,~--·:<··-·p:·· -.. ,.- 2nd meeting page 4 NEW BUSINESS COOK, JONES; That the following supplies be ordered for the use of the Waterworks department, to be places in stock and for use of conver- sion of old services on Kennedy St.W. in the spring, and that the Seal-of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried. 100 ft~ lt"galvanized pipe 100 ft~ 2 " u 100 ft~ 1 " n 100 ft. 3/4 " " 100 ft. t II II 1000 tt. 3/4 Copper tubing 24 3/4 Main stops 24 3/4 Copper to iron st. shut offs 24 Service boxes with rods 12 t u dresser couplings 12 3/4 II H 6 1" d " 6 lt " n 6 2 " II 6 2t II " DAVIES, JONES; That the fan reguested by the Library Board be purehased from Mr~ w. Neal at a cost of @40.00 installed, and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried. JONES, DAVIES; That the Request of the Lions Club to hold a tag day on Feb. 26th in aid of Food for Britain be granted~ Carried~ JONES; MURRAY; That the parking problem on Yonge St. at the Arena be taken up by the Police Committee. Carried. Meeting adjourned. -!) ...... ~ MAYOR' _____ _ ----·---: ~-~-· -- -·· ,-,--, -.-··:-;c"'l ....•.. -.• v,.-.,~'-'· 'h :.-:.;.:->;•;o;_;.;_:,:;;,:'-'x<;;..::.:~,;;;.:-·,·,:·· --;._:.:;~,;:,;,>;,:o.-:--·-,,,-.· · '·";"·~n-·--·-·