MINUTES - Council - 19490110 (2)FIBST MEETING JANUARY lOth 1949 The First meeting of Council was held in the Council Chambers on Monday ian. lOth at B.oo p.m. 1949. Mayor Rose in the Ohair, Reeve Cook; ep. Reeve Corner, Councillors, Corbett; Davies; Glass; Jones; Murray; Pringle were present. The minutes of the 17th & 18th meetings were adopted as printed. The emergent meeting of Jan. 5th and the Inaugural meeting of Jan.lOth as read by the Clerk were adopted as read. The Striking Committees for standing committees for the year, presented their reporta as follows. Fire & Water Cook Jones Glass Streets Corner Murray Cook Finance Pringle Cook Corbett Town Planning Murray Pringle Corner By-Laws & Industry Davies Corbett Pringle Property Jones Davies Murray Social & Sanitation Glass Corner Davies Sports & Publicity Corbett Glass Jones Police Rose; Corner; Jones; Glass. Building Permits The Clerk The Mayor Davies. JONES, PRINGLE; That the report of the Striking Committee be adopted,Oarried. COOK, JONES; That the following orders on the Treasurer for the attached hereto. Carried. WATERWORI{S Postmaster Aurora Hydro Commission Ken. Rose J.W.Bowser & Son W.R.Case · Ivan Daniels J.C.Bodfish Canadian Brass Co. Ltd. B.F.Davis & Son Banner Press accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue same and the Seal of the Corporation be Postage Power # 1 Power # 2 llepa.irs to Roof Fittings Gasoline Anti-freeze (hydrants) Connecting motor etc. Curb stops,service boxes Fuel Printing 30.00-.. 63.11-- 38.21 ... s.so ... .78- 39.14- 4.90-... 139.49 .... 108.31-... s.so-... . 10.64 .... PRINGLE, COOK; That the WAGE accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried. PRINGLE; COOK; That issue orders on the be attached hereto. CORPORATION the following Treasurer for Carried. accounts be paid, that the Mayor Petty Cash Aurora Hydro Commission Petty cash Trinity Church R~ L. Boag _ By-Products of Canada Ltd. Mingay Transport Aurora Hydro Commission G. Chalk J. Goulding W.L.Milgate & Son W.H.Spragg Stiver Bros~ Aurora Greenhouses Wilson Hardware J.W.Bowser & Son Snow Welding Works B.D. Gilbert Ivan Daniels the same and the Seal of the Corporation Express etc. Adjmt. Nov. Bill W/W; Sts. bills Rent hall(Nomination) Division Court Meetings List property sales Wipers, disposal plant Cartage Clerk 'sOffice Town Hall Disposal plant St~ Lighting, Dec. Tilling Park . Use car Nov. & Dec. Heater, anti freeze etc. Threading pipe etc. Fuel T.H. Snow uemoval sts. Prop. & Sts. Depts~ Prop~ Arena,Disposal Welding Disposal plant Gas. Truck Gas Assessor 11.23 ... 59.33' 6.55 .... lO.o.o- 35.00' 1.16' 13.50' 8.75' 1.48-- 9~79' 62.22- 275.50"" 18.00 ... 12.00' 63.25 .... 9.00' 86.35, 42.oo, 12.20-.., 25.64, • 75, 3.65,, 29.28 .... 9.50, ' ·--··-" Attridge & Son Aurora Building Co •. Toronto Salt Works Ro Marshall F. Dunham Davis Garage J. Bak J.C.Bodfish T.K.Fice A.E.He.wkins & Co. J.R.Knowles B.F.Davis & Son Banner Press First meeting Page·i Arena Sewers Salt Sts. Assessor Dec./48 0/S trips Fire Dept. Repairs to tools Connecting motor(Disposll) Prop. & Arena Snow removal Fowl Sewer tile Printing 5.44, . . 6.30-.. 44.00-.. 120.00, 4.oo, 9.95' 3.75' 210.82, 22.10, 157.50, 118.30, 3.90-.. 45.11-.. GLASS, JONES; That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried~ RELIEF Medical Assn~ Traviss Est~ B.F.Davis & Son Aurora General Store Aurora Dairy CORRESPONDENCE· 8 X 56¢ Rent Fuel Food 1-l:ilk 4.48 7.50, 49~60, 85~15\ 17~85, A letter from Mr~ A~ Hulse regarding certain book-ends was •art with the Clerk to be dealt with along with the member of the Aurora br. Canadian legion. A letter from the Canadian National Institute for the Blind was received asking permission to hold a tag day~ PRINGLE, CORBETT; That permission be granted the Institute for the Blind to hold a tag day on.Saturday May 7th, Carried. Letters from Mr~ E~H~Clarke; T.F~Swindle for the Recreation Commission; Ontario Good Roads Commission; and the Monthly report of the v. o. N. Contents being noted and were ordered filed. UNFINISHED BUSINESS The correspondence from the Plan for Hospital Care was left in the hands of the Social & Sanitation Committee and the Clerk to arrange to obtain . information and see if a group can be formed within the Town employees etc. The application for a building parmi t fr()m Mr. C.A.Hinds to build on Lot 33, Cousins Drive was granted in Council. BY..,LAWS DAVIES, CORNER; That leave be given to introduce a By-Law to Borrow $55,000. to meet current expenses until taxes are collected, and that the same be now read a first time Carried. PRINGLE, COOK; That the By-Law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose. Carried~ CORBETT, MURRAY: That the By-Law now before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-Law # 862 be suspended for that purpose. Carried. . COOK, JONES: That the Third reading of this by-law be taken as read. Carried. DAVIES, JONES: That leave be given to introduce a By-Law to appoint one High School District Trustee and that the same be now read a first time Carried. COOK, MURRAY: That the By-Law now before the Council be read a second . time and tha t the Council dissolve itself into a o.ommi ttee of the whole for that purpose~ Carried~ CORBETT, GLASS: That the By*law now before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-Le.w # 862 be suspended for that purpose Carried. . . CORNER, CORBETT: That the third reading of this By-Law be takaa as read. Carried. , __ . .-.· First Meeting Page 3 DAVIES, CORNER: That leave be given to introduce a By~Law to appoint a member to the Local Board of Health and that the same be now read a first time. Carried. · PRINGLE, COOK: That the By-Law not-r before the Council be read a. second time and that the Council dissolve itself into a. committee of the whole for that purpose~ JONES, GLASS: That the By-Law now before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-Law # 862 be suspended for that purpose. Carried~ CORBETT, PRINGLE: That the Third reading of this By-Law be taken as read Carried. DAVIES, PRINGLE: That leave be given to introduce a By-Law to appoint a member to the Public Library Board and that the same be now read a first•time. Carried~ GLASS, JONES: That the By-law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council dissolve itself into a. committee of the whole for that purpose~ Carried~ . JONES, CORBETT; That the By-Law now before the Council be read a third. time this day and that Rule 22 of By-Law # 862 be suspended for that purpor.se. Carried~ · . C90K 1 CORBETT; That the third reading of this bylaw be taken as read. Carried. DAVIES, JONES: ThatK leave be given to introduce a By-Law to approve agreement for Mr. L.Feren to connect to Sanitary -sewer constructed by J.W.Bowser, and that the same be now read a first time. MURRAY, PRINGLE: That the By-Law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose. Carried. JONES, GLASS; That the By-Law now before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-Law # 862 be suspended for that purpose. Carried. · CORBETT: DAVIES; That· the third reading of this By*law be taken as read~ Carried~ NEW BUSI~ESS DAVIES,ORNER; That Mr. Ross Linton be and he is hereby appointed as the Representative of the Town of Aurora to the Board of the York County Hospital~ Carried~ COOK, PRINGLE; That the Council of the Town Department of Highways for Statutory grant, on form T.V.3 C, being balance of subsidy. Meeting adjourned~ of Aurora petition the based on figures submitted Carried. ~/ ..-~~************** MAYOR ,.