MINUTES - Council - 19490105""----~·· EMERGENT MEETING JAN, 5th 3,00 p.m. 1949 An emergent meeting of Council was held in the Council Chambers on Wednesday Jan, 5th at J,OO p,m, 1949. Members of Council present; Reeve Cook, in the Ohair; Dep. Reeve Corner, and Councillors Jones; Swindle; Davies, The meeting was called to discuss the possibility of the installation of a section of sewers on Yonge St,s, to allow Mr. L. Sparks to proceed with his building program, Mr. Sparks,along with the Foreman were present, Mr. Sparks explained to Council the perdioament he is in at the present time, in that without the sewers being installed he was unable to proceed any further with his new building, and asked that Council take steps to have possibly 600 feet of the sewer completed this winter. Mr. Sparks also stated that he has been able to procure suff'ecient tile f'or the Job, After considerable discussion, regarding the legal stand that could be taken, and that permission from both the Department of Highways and the Onaario Municipal Board,w~h~«t6i1~winh motion was passed, DAVIES', CORNER; That l!lr, Lyle Sparks be authorized to purchase 600ft;. of 8" glazed tile & fittings for sewer purposes, to be paid for by him, Mr. Sparks to be re-imbursed at a later date when debentures are issued to cover this project, and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto, JONES, DAVIES; That the Reeve, Dep,Reeve and the Olerk f'orm a delegation to attend before the Ontario Municipal Board i~ necessary in order to get permission to do this work; and that the Clerk ask the Engineer to contact the Department of Highways in regard to permission from them to go ahead with the project at this season of the year, Carried, Meeting adjourned ""--. ..... :~.~ .. . ~