MINUTES - Council - 19490110(
' i•
The Inaugural meeting of the Council was held in the Council Chambers on
Monday Jan·. 1Pth'l949 at ll~OO A.M.
Members Present; Mayor Dr. Rose; Reeve Oook; Dep.Reeve Corner; Councillors
Corbett; Da~es; Glass; Jones; Murray; Pringle.
' '
The Declaration of Office was administered by the Clerk; to which each
member assented with his signature.
Mayor Rose asked Rev~ Howie to give the Inaugural Prayer~ Rev~ Howie used
a portion or the 33rd Psalm t'or this purpose.
Mayor Rose welcomed the members of Couneil; and expressed his pleasure
in the attendance o·t' the citizens. ·
Present at the meeting were the following; Rev~ Wbatmough; Dr. Mulligan;
Rev~ Park; Rev~ Howie; R~ Linton; Dn., Williams; ~E~L~Ma.ughan;F~R~Underhill;
L~C~Lee .
The Coune1l took a<iva.ntage ot' the opportunity to say a t'ew words; as well
as the vistors who fittingly replied •. All expressing their wishes t'or
Couno1J.:'s suoess in the coming year.
The Inaugural meeting being completed; a motion was passed.By Oounoillors
DAVIES & PRINGLE " ·That the. Striking Committee be ocmposed of the Mayor;
Reeve; Depu:lly Reeve An~ Oou11cillor Davies. The Committee to meet at the
hour ot' 7.00 P.M. this date. Carried.
*****~~ •• ~~****' ,MAYOR•