MINUTES - Council - 19481207i ".'' .;; ! ~. ~ ~ ·~ #~ A.A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~·~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SEVENTEEN MEETING DECEMBER 7th 1948 The_regula.r monthly mee'l;i!lg_wa.s held in the Clounci+ Chambers on Tuesday Dec. 7th 1948 a.t 8.00 p.m. Mayor Rose in the Chair, Reeve Cook; Dep.Reeve . Corner; Councillors Corbett; Davies; Jones; Pringle; Swindle; Sisman present. The minutes of the previous meeting were a.dppted~ SWINDLE; PRINGLE; ';t'ha.t the following accounts be paid; that the Mayor issue orders on th~ Trea.13Urer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried. RELIEF Medical Assn~ B~F~Davis & SOn F~D~Lacey Aurora General Store Traviss Est~ 4 X 56¢ Fuel Food Food Rent 2~114 :32~.50 ./ 3~00 v 40~ 20 v' 7.50 ./ SWINDLEL PRINGLE; Tha.t the Wage accounts be paid~ that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto~ Carried~ COOK, ~ONES; Tha.t the following accounts be paid~ that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached · hereto~ Carried~ WATERWORKS Aurora. Hydro Comm~ Drummond McCall & Co~ Ltd~ Canadian Brass Co~ Ltd~ Bell Telephone Co~ Aurora. Hydro Comm~ T~ F. Spence W~ R~ Case W~ Boaks w. H. Spragg J. w. Bowser & Son . #l Nov~lst #2 Nov~lst Spec~ fittings Service boxes #12 . I 1 Dec~lst fl 2 Dec~ let Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Threading pipe Supplies 65~32 ./ 37.06/ 730~30/ 38~00 ./ 3~80 ........... 64.92 v 36~67 v 33.60 v 38~00 / 38.00 v 2~()0 ~ 2.50 SWINDLE; COOK; That the following accounts be paid, that orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the attached herto~ Carried~ the Mayor issue Corporation be CORPOBATION Ja.s. A. Cook & Son Aurora. Hydro Comm~ Drummond McCa.lli & Co. Petty Cash Postmaster Hilborn,Caulfield & Co~ w. R. Case Provincial Treasurer Ernie Holman Aurora. Br~ Can. Legion C~ N. R~ R~ L. Boag Reg. Wood Hugh Bowman. Taylor & Son Miss I~ Gingell . Aurora Hydro Comm. R~ Marshall C~IUnty of York w. L. M1lgate J. w. Bowser & Son H~ N~ Clark Snow Welding Works Ltd~ Bd~ Health Town Hall Nov~ let Clerk's Office Nov~lst Disposal Plant Nov~lst Fittings,Disposal plant Express etc~ Stamps a/c 1948 Audit B:avel, streets ept. of Health Gas & 011 Wreath Flasher Aug~ 1948 List Prop. sales Labour on Arena Insurance Gasoline Typing statements ClerkTs Office Dec. let Town Hall Dec. let Disposal plant Dec.let St~ Lighting Nov~/48 Assessor Nov. 1948 Hospitalization Grease & 011 Supplies . . Vital statistics Reg. Cutting & welding ,., .. , .... ,. · ·-·· ... ~-· · --:'''.":"·'· · ··":': ' ·,-,:,:c,;,;;:-;•;•;·; •. .:,:,,,;-;.;.;-;-.;.;.;.;;_:;'::;;;:,;,;.VC.<·-~·· .• ;..;.;(·" ·-.0.~"-·:>_.:c,,,. c· .. "':':·•:;-··- 2~ 70 v' 7.54 v' 1~5lv 54~00,/ 157.50 v 6~08 v' 17.00 v 200~00 v' 168~00 v ~33 v' 53.93 v 15.00 v' 44~68 v' 2.58 v' 21~00 v 21.25v 1.98 v 27.61./ 1.51 v 10~01 v 64~)8 v' 216.17 v' 125~00 v 12.37v 5.20>"' 32.27v 18~00v 7.25v ---,~ ·· ~ ·. ···· · 17th meeting page 2 ·· '" B. D. Gilbert J ~ E~ Buchanan Wilson Hardware Judge Honeywell . Aurora Bldg. Co. Stiver Bros~ Toronto Salt Works Corner Insurance -Agency B~ F. Davis &Son Bell Telephone Co~ Grand & Toy Ltd~ Attridge & Son F.R.Underhill T~ K. Fioe F. Dunham Banner Press .• Gas, truck Gas, Assessor Sand & gravel Prop.& Sts. Dept~ Voter's List revision Sewers & Cement Fuel, T~H~ Salt & Calcium Insurance Fuel & Tile #1 65 1:35 305 314 361W 500 Office supplies Lumber Insurance Police Dept~ 0/S trips etc~ Printing & supplies 22.44 v 14.43v 166~20 v 52~07 v 10~00 v 104~65 v 79~55 v 128.84v 121.89 v' 45~9lv 2~8Sv 8~46v 3·~18v 3'.J4v 2;.05 v 3~5. 4 v:: S'.20V 19~17 v 293.20v 624.S4v 2~5Sv 11~3Sv 348~30 v PRINGLE; DAVIES; That the.following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the Same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto~ Carried~ · PLANNING BOARD . . Consultant,Technioal services, secretarial & Ph()tographic Survey, . Mosiac Mounting, Postage & L.D. Telephone calls. 1187.17 v DELEGATIONS Mr~ F~ Caulfield appeared before Council, asking permission to have th~ location of his new garage altered to Centre St. instead of Wellington ··· st. w. DAVIES, CORBETT; That this permission to change location of Bulding Permit be granted. Carried. Fire Chief Jones handed,in to Council a report on the activities ot the Brigade tor the year 1948, disclosing the number of fire calls and loss ot property. CORRESPONDENCE · A report was.read from the v. o. N. organization of-~ the work done in connection with the Public School Nursing and Health Program tor the months of Sept~ & Oct~ A letter trom Mr~ !leo~ Duffield regarding the manner in which the police WB!Ie handling the·One Hour Parking B.y-law on Yonge St. After discussion ot the matter was ordered tiled. Correspondenc.e From the Plan tor Hospital Care; Blue Cross plan; was read, setting out the need tor Municipal employees enrolling in this group. Council asked that this letter be held over until the new Council takes office and go into the matter further. Letters from the Oity_of Owen Sound and Messrs Prootor;Red1'ern & Laughlin were ordered tiled, as well as Can. Motheroratt Society. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Councillor Swindle made the suggestion that garbage might again this year be used tor till purposes on the east side of Gurnett St~ with the usual supervision of the Foreman, this was consented to by Council. Reeve Oook_tabled his report on a service tor Mr~ E~L.McCarron; Wellington st. E. along with the letting of the Watermain contract for various other projects in Town COOK, SISMAN; That the report of the Fire and Water Committee re McCarron Service and Water mains be adopted, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto~ Carried~ · .. -_ .• ,, , .• , • .._.4J--.···· \ '. ._., 17th meeting "Page :r Council"lor Jones reported verbally that work on the proposed dressing rooms at the arena was not going to be bu&lt at this_time. Also that a change was found necessary in the sanitary facilit~es, and that the approval of the Board of Health had been given on the change. Permission was asked to move a partition at the rear of the band room, to make more room available~ Clounoil agreed to· this alteration. · SWINDLE, PRINGLE; That the Property Committee be instructed to purchase 2 stoves for the arena at a cost of $20~00 ea~ or less~ Carried. CORBETT, JONES; That the House Numbering Plan, proposed by the Sports & Publicity Committee and drafted by Chas. Copland be adopted. That a suitable By-law enforcing this plan be prepared for an early meeting in the new year Carried. · SISMAN, SWINDLE;. That the account of the Dept •. of Public Welfare re~ C.Felker & Family be paid and any :f.'urther adjustments resulting therefrom be also paid and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried. ·The report of the Streets Committee held over from the previous meeting· awaiting word on the possibility of the resurfacing of Yonge St. . . was again held, with the Reeve and Dep. Reeve still following up the matter. · •·-' · The Cl,erk presented the yearly report on the Restaurant Licensing . ' . · . B;t.,.lt.w, showing tl:lat 9 licenses had been issued and :3 inspections made to . date• .·.·.•·· · . · '. · · · •· · · DAVIES,. SWJ:NDLE; That the report on the Restaurants be accepted and approved. Carried• BY; LAWS~ . . · DAVIES, ~ISMAN; That leave be given to introduce a By-law to authorize the granting of aid in the building of an auditorium for the (Jan. Legion, Branch :38.5 and that the aame be now read a first time. Carried. . SISMAN,SWINDLE; That the By-law now before the Cotincil be ua read ·a'second time and that the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the " whole for that purpose~ Carried~ · ;:-0. ., SWINDLE, SISMAN; That the By-law now before the Council be read a · .thirdtiine ;this day and that Rule"'22 of By-law# 862 be suspended for that . purpose~ Carried~ ..• :. · . JONES, SWINDLE; That the third readin of the By-U.w be taken as read ··\Carried. · · SWINDLE; That a 12• L.C.smith Typewriter be purchased for use in the~Clerk's Office at the quoted price of $1715~17 and the Seal of the •Corporation be attached hereto~ Carried~ · . DAVIES, JONES; That Boxing Day, _Dec~ 27th be declared a Civic Holiday_in the Town of Aurora. Carried. The matter of a revision of the By-law setting the remuneration for 'Election officials was discussed~ and on motion of SWINDLE, & JONES that . the mattftr be handed to the new Finance Committee for consideration, Carried. \;' PRINGLE, CORBETT; That the usual annual gift of Poultry be presented to· the Town Employees at Christmas 1948, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto~ Carried~ JONES~ DAVIES; That the account of Miss Mildred Graham, covering clerical work re assessment be paid in the amount of $77~0 and that the Seal of :th,~_Corporation be autached hereto~ Carried~ /" ---~----. --.. --~-.. --,.,.,,,, --,-,.--,-,,-.. ,--_.,, '>: -,-.• .:,;-;.;,,: :-;:< ;::;.:: .• ·,;.;; . .;:; -;·.;-;.: ,,~--·.-:.-·. . . --,·--··· . ·--.-~---. ~---. I I '~--."·' ~ 17th meeting page 4 CORNER, CORBETT; We the Council of the Town of Aurora extend to Mr. & Mrs. J. A. Knowles our hearty congratulations on their 60th wedding anniversary, Married on the 27th day of ~ov. in the year 1888. They were born in the County of York in the year 1866 and are now 82 years of age~ Their ancestors came to Canada from Hull, England one hundred years ago and it took nine weeks & three days to make the voyage. We wish to covey to Their Majesties,the King and Queen the remarkable long married life of these residents, who, many do not have . the honour to achieve, Signed on behalf of the Council of the Tot~ of Aurora. Carried. SWINDLE, JONES; That the Clerk amd the Aurora Branch of the Canadian Legion Co-operate in the distribution of the Book ends belonging to those persons who served Xk in the 1939-1945 war. Carried. Meeting adjourn~d. ******~** MAYOR