MINUTES - Council - 19481101Sixteenth Meeting Nov. 1st 1948
The Regular monthly meeting of Council was held in the Council Chambers on
Monday Nov. 1st 1948 at 8.00 p.m. Mayor Rose presiding, Reeve Cook; Dep.Reeve
Corner; Councillors Corbett; Jones; Pringle; Sisman & Swindle present.;
The minutes of the three previous meetings were confirmed as printed.
SISMAN,SWINDLE; That the wage accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders
on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corpn. be attached hereto.
SISMAN,SWINDLE; That the following accounts be paid,
orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of
hereto. Carried.
that the Mayor issue
the Corpn. be attached
Aurora Hydro Co~.
Petty cash
Gordon R.Brown Sales
Aurora. Bldg. co.
Bell Telephone co.
Attridge & Son
Aurora, Greenhouses
Hess Drug store wm. Dunning
Andy's Sign Shop
Can. S.K.F. Co. Ltd.
Chas. Fry
Stiver Bros.
Burroughs Add. Machine Co.
Ont. Hospital, Woodstock
T. Tomlinson .l!'oundry Co. Ltd.
J. Goulding
;r. Bak
Aurora Hydro Comm.
F. Dunham
Davis Garage
R. Marshall
Disposal Sept.
Clerk's Office Sept.
Town Hall Sept.
Office Asst. & W.W.
Danger lanterns
Sewers etc.
# 1
Wreath & Mowing park
Repairs to arena
Sand, disposal plant
Property. sales
Stop sign
Bearing, disposal plant
Add. Ins. premium
Fuel T.H.
Add. machine rolls
Use car Sep. & Oct.
Repairs to tools
St. lighting Oct. 48
0/S trips etc. w.w. & truck
Assessor Oct. 48
( 852)
65.98 ./
7.83 ..;/
13 .oo v'
9.34 v
14.43 ./v
2.05v '-
6,.;I;2yr ~--.
12.32 v
. 46.00~
3.50 v
8.26 v
4.22 y'
3.75 v
SWINDLE, PRINGLE; That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue
orders on the Treasurer for·the same and the Seal of the Corpn. be attached
hereto. Carried.
Medical Assn.
Traviss E§t•
Aurora General Store
3 X 56¢
7 .50,j
JONES, SISMAN; That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue
orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corpn. be attached
hereto. Carried.
Aurora H ydro Comm.
Can. Brass Co. Ltd.
Bell Telephone co.
B. F. Davis & Son
. W. H. Spragg
# 1
Copper tube
# 12
Nut coal
Hepaid to grinder
64.72 v'
5.50 v
7 .oo ,(
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Sixteenth meeting Page 2
A letter from the Aurora Recreation Commission was received
asking Council's approval of the appointment of Wm. Mitchell as Director
for the Coill!ll8!ssion.
SWINDLE, SISMAN; That this Council approve the appointment of Mr. William
Mitchell as Recreational Director for the Town of Aurora at a salary of
$50.00 per week. Carried.
A letter from the st. dOhn Ambulance Assn. was received setting
forth the work being done and asking for a grant from the 'l'owm.
SISMAN, SWINDLE; That a donation of $25.00 be made to the St. dohn Ambulance
Assn • .National Appeal. Carried.
The remainder of the correspondence was ordered filed.
STREETS; Chairman Corner submitted a report of the work
already' done on certain catch basins in 'l'own, as well as a new foot bridge
on Wellington St. W .··also the grade of a driveway for Gousin' s Dairy on
Mosley St.
SWINDLE, CORBETT; That the matter of the entrance driveway to Cousin's Dairy,
south side of Mosley St. be handed to the Streets.Committee with power to
act. Carried.
A further report was submitted regarding the bumps on Yonge St.
in front of the Water tank.
SWINDLE, PRINGLE; That the bumps on Yonge St. opposite water tank be repaired
and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried,
Dep. Reeve Corner made a report on the delegation's findings
with the Department of Highways in regard to the paving of Yonge St.
Chairman dOnes made a verbal report on what might be undertaken to level the
park grounds thfs fall. It was agreed that the Property committee had a
very sound plan in mind and that since the cost of the work came within the
spending limits of that commintee, they were to proceed with the work.
Chairman Corbett of the Sports & Publicity Committee tabled his report
r~egarding the Street numbering now under way
CORBETT, d0NES; That the report of the Sports & Publicity Committ.ee be
. approved re numbering of houses. Carried.
:j~-~h'er, . a report. regarding the repair of hockey nets and frames was submitted
asking permission to purchase new nets.
CORBETT, d0NES; That the report of the Sports & Publicity Committee be
acc~~ted re hockey nets & frames and that the Seal of the Corporation be
i1lif a~ehed hereto. Garried. · ... Councillor Pringle gave a verbal report on the progress of the Planning
Board's new over-all plan of the Town, now almost completed.
Ceuncillor SWindle made a report on the sanitary conditions at the arena &
t~e proposed method of repairing same. Included also was a recommendation
regarding additional dressing romms at the east end of the building.
sWINDLE, PRINGLE; That the report of the sanitation Committee re toilets in
t~e arena be adopted. and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto.
also that this Council approve of the provision of material for construction
of new dressing rooms at east end of rink according to plans approved at
previous meeting and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carriat
Reeye Cook; made a verbal report ori the position of the contracts pertaining
.·to watermains and sewer installations, two contracts were submitted ~or
As no recommendation had been received from the Public School Board
regarding the school situation the matter could not be dealt with.
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Sixteenth meeting page 3 _
SISMAN, COOK; Resolved that ror purpose or certirying employment by the Town
or Aurora as permanent in accordance with paragraph (1) or Part 11 or the
First Schedule to the Unemployment Insurance Act and or special orders made
by the Unemployment Insurance Commission thereunder the rollowing be and they
are hereby authorized to issue certiricates; The Mayor and the Clerk. Carried.
SISMAN, COOK: That the account rendered by W.S.Gibson & Sons ror the period
Nov. 1945 to Nov. 1947 be paid and that the Seal or the Corporation be
attached hereto. Carried. -
The clerk presented a statement or arrears or taxHs on all properties rrom
the year 1943 to 1947 inclusive ror Council's decisions.
SWINDLE, JONES; That the Clerk send a registered letter to all persons owing
taxes ror the years 1943 & 1944 drawing ~ ¢o the attention or these
persons or this ract. Carried. -
The matter or the Meter room roor leaking was brought berore
Council and on motion or councillors SWINDLE, SISR~ that the matter or repairs
to the meter room roor be lert with the Property Committee with council's
authority to act. Carried.
The matter or a renewal or the lease with the Provincial Police was lert with
the Finance Committee to go into the details and make a recommendation-to
Since the new time ror power shut offs has come into efrect, the matter of
closing the Clerk's Office at five p.m.-was discussed.
SIS~, CORBETT; That,-commencing tmm•wli:tacti:Je;y: at once the Clerk's orrice be
closed at 5.00 p.m. daily, Saturdays excepted. and that a proper notice be
inserted in the Aurora Banner advising residents of this change in closing
hours. ~arried.
PRINGLE, SWINDLE; That we approve the recommend'ation of tl:E .lllurora Hydro
Commission':&: to turn off alternate street lights from the hour of 5.00 p.m.
to 1.00 ~. A.M. Carried.
SWINDLE, JONES; That the Water committee contact Marino Construction Co.
with respect to getting at least the water mains installed this fall, and
sewers also if clay pipe can be procured. Carried.
Meeting adjourned.