MINUTES - Council - 19481018· .. _.
A special meeting of Council was held in the Council Chambers on Monday
Oct.l8th 1948 jointly with the Public School Board and the aommittee
jPPOinted at a previous meeting'~
embers of Council present; Mayor Rose; Reeve Cook; Dep.Reeve Corner;
t:louncillors COrbett; Davies; Jones; Pringle; Sisman; ·Swindle;
For the Board & Committee; Dr. Boland; W.S.Mills; J.Hudson; Dr. Williams;
Chairman, Dr. Rose gave a verbal report of the Committee's findings
as a result of two meetings held by the committee.
Dr• Williams submitted certain figures that would have to be conaidered
in arriving at any conclusion with regard to the buildings •
.• J After this information was available to all present, the meeting was openeil
for discusst.on.
After a lengthy discussion, the Public School Board was asked to tender
a request to Council at its next meeting, as to what their Board desired
in connection with the school situation'<i
No further business coming before the Council at this time Cuuncillor~
DAVIES & Jones moved that the meeting with the Public School Board be
adjourned'~ Carried~
Since certain maaters:·of urgency needed to be dealt with at this time,
Council continued~
The matter of applying for Certificates of exempted employment for the
Townrmen for Unemployment Insurance was discussed. ·
The question of whether all employees wished to be exempt was raised,
and before any action was taken the Clerk agreed to contact each employee
to make certain that each wished to either contribute or be exempte~.
Councillor Jones of the Property Committee explained to Council the
situation of the sanitary facilities at the arena and asked Council for
its guidance in makllmg the necessary alterations thereto.
SISMAN, COOK; That the Social & Sanitation Committee be authorized to
install proper toilet facilities in the Aurora Arena and that the Seal of
the Corporation be attached hereto~ Carried'~
Councillor Swindle presented a plan of proposed dressingE rooms for
players that would greatly facilitate the accomodation now at the rink, * and asked that Council approve the location of such dressing rooms.
An estimate of the proposed work 1 s cost to be obtained and presented at
the next regular meeting of Counail for its consideration at that time.
Meeting adjourned'~
SISMAN, DAVIES:That the location • ~ L, 7 9 s -~of
rooms be approved aacording to the plans submitted.
the intended dressing
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