MINUTES - Council - 19480927.. \~ ... • / THIRTEENTH MEETING Sept. 27th 1948 *SPECIAL* "·,-- A special joint meeting of the Council and the members of the Public School board met in the Council Chambers on Monday Sept. 27th at 8.30 p .m'~ Members of Council Present; Mayor Rose; Reeve Cook; Dep.Reeve Corner; Counciltir~ C6rbett; Davies; Jones; Pringle; Sisman; Swindle; For the Public School Board; Dr. Boland; Chas. Dodson; John Offord; J;,Hudson; W~S.Mills. Mayor Rose reviewed to those present, the situation regarding the School proposition thus far, drawing attention to serveral possible alternative ways of getting around the lack of facilities•~ Dr. Boland, vice Chairman of the School Board enlightened the gathering on the matters considered'. by the Board justifying the stand taken: • Mr. w~ S'• Mills also submitted· a piot.ure involVll.ng the cost per pupil for two plans to solve the problem. On motion of SISMAN, SWINDLE; That a ecOmmd.ttee be formed. to consider all facts to be brought before the next meeting~ Carried. · CORNER,DODSON; That the committee to gather these facts be comprise& of the following persons; Cfias. Davies; Ree.ve A.A.Cook; John Offordi; W.S.Mills; Dr. G.W.Williams; E.J. Eveleigh; with Mayor Dr. Rose acting as the Chairman of the COmmittee;. Carried~ It was agreed that the next joint meeting of the Council & Public School Board would be held on Oct. 18th'~ The Committee agreed to meet for discussion Oct. 8th at 8.30 p.m'~ As the discusslhon with the Board was now over, all members and visitorSJ to the meeting adjourned•;i The Council having :a: mrlrlnR"Il' 1111 further business. to deal with, proceede<ill· at this time~~ PRINGLE, SWINDLE; That leave be given to introduce a By-law to Apply for Extention of time to complete the Assessment Roll and that the same be now rea~ a first time. Carried. SWINDLEfJONES; That the reading be taken as read. Carried" SIS~JIAN, COOK; That the By-law now before the Council be read a second time · and that the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose. Carried~ PRINGLE,SWINDLE; That the reading be taken as read~ Carried'• DAVIES, CORNER; That the by-law now before the Council be read a third time ~his day and that Rule 22 of By-law # 862 be suspended for that purpose. Carried" ~ CORBETT, SISMAN, that the third :!:leading be taken as read~ Carried'i ~~ n> A.Jv )t.. ~.r /~ . _~i"0,t yy? ~ ....... ******~********~~ MAY0It ~ P~"!l ' . }if L ,P.~·