MINUTES - Council - 19480907' ,-----' .. // .. \ TWELVTH MEETING SEPT • 7th 1948 The regular monthl~ meeting of Council was held in the Council Ch~pers on Tuesday Sept. 7th 1948 at 8.00 p.m. with Members present. Dr.C.Rose, A.A.Cook; R.H.Corner; W.C.Corbett; Chas. Davies;H.N.Pringle; V.Jones;T.F.Swindlet~ CORNER, DAVIES; That the Reeve take the Chair until the arrival of the Ma¥or. Carried~ The Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as printed. SWINDLE,PRINGLE; That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried!; CORPORATION C.N.R. Burroughs Adding Machine Postmaster Petty Cash Aurora Hydro Comm. Bell Telephone Co. Provincial Treasurer J.W.Bowser & Son Collis Leather Co. Davis Garage Ernie Holman Mingay Transport Wm. Knapp B.G.Whitelaw B.F.Sturtevant Co. Nonnan Hope C.H.R. Newmarket Era & Express J. Goulding C.E.Hickey & Sons Ltd. Can. S.K.F .• Co. Ltd. F.D.Lacey Wilson Hardware J .E .Buchanan Grand & Tpy Ltd. Aurora Bldg. Co. Attridge & Son L.Joslyn Rogers County of York Frankooms garage R.L.Boag ~reight, Compressor unit Co. Service agreement Stamps Express,sts. etc. .Clerks office July Town Hall July Disp. Plant July Clerks office Aug. Town Hall Aug. Disp. Plant Aug. St • Lighting Aug • # 1 65 135. 305 314 361W 500 Health Dept. Fire,Sts,Prop. Depts. Used Typewriter Truck Assessor Gas etc. Fire Dept. Cartage, Sts. Painting at Town Hall Office Supplies Compressor attachments Mowing park Flasher ~une 1948 Printing (band concert) Use of oar July & Aug. Ladder staps, fire dept. Bearing, compressor Prop. dept. Supplies Gravel " II Swlks Disposal Park " Streets Office supplies Cement, swlks Sewers Lumber, swlks etc. Blood samples (Polioe)Dept. Hospitalization Gas assessor ~uly " Town truck July Property sales Oil 9022 gals. oil Streets Oiling 88 hrs ~rader 8" & i2 culvert W.L.Milgate & Son Miller Paving Ltd. Municipal Praying & Armco Drainage Co. Sediment testing Supply F. Dunham R. Marshall W.H.Spragg Co. Milk testing equipment o/s trips, stamps etc. Trip to Whitby · Assessor Aug. Repairs etc • • (USA) lO~o55\ 13.50, 9.oo, 9.40, 1.42, 5.06\ 51.23\ 1.54, 5.31, 56.17, 377 ~17, 3.oo, 7 .51, . '2.79, 3.34, 2.05, 3.43, 5.20, .33, 8.79, so.oo, 20.30, 22·:.93, 6.12, 10~00, 50~00, 1.63, 252.72'\ 8.75, 19.13, 5.61, 12.00, 9.oo, 6.59' 1.48, 58.25, 15.75, 10.50, 7.oo, 1272.40, 12.40, 1oo.oo, 1.30, 141.42, 1o.oo, 29.25, 20o63 '- 23o57, 2.56, 2'~00' 1790.82, 44o.oo, 291.46, 29.00, 44.55, 1o.oo, 13o.oo, 13.05, ----· 12th Meeting Sept. 7th page 2 PRINGLE, SWINDLE; That the Wage accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried'~ JONES,PRINGLE; That the following on the Treasurer for the same and hereto. Carried. WATERWORKS J.M.Offord Aurora Hydro Comm. Bell Telephone Co. Snow Welding Works J.W.Bowser & Son accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue ordeB the Seal of the Corporation be attached Repairs to pump #1 July # 2 July 1 Aug. 2 Aug. # 12 Repairs to water tank Pipe, couplings etc. 12.00, 68.51\!1, 37 .74, 67.52' 37 .86, 3.90, . 7 .75, 18.80' SWINDLE, PRINGLE; That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto·~ Carried:. RELIEF Medical Assn. Traviss Est. Aurora General Store DELEGATIONS; 4 X 56¢ Rent Food 2.24 z.so, 34.oo, Mrs. G.Lawson appeared before Council on behalf of Mr. Agnew pertaining to plans for a building permit. As no plans are on hand at present the matter was left until such plana are submitted:~ · CORRESPONDENCE A letter from the Loyal True Blue & Orange Home was received, asking Council's permission to hold a tag day in Aurora on Sat. Sept. 18th CORBETT, JONES; That permission be granted to hold this tag day as requested··~ Carried,. · . The Hart Mfg. Ltd. asked that a suitable direction sign be placed on Yonge St. to direct traffic to their plant'~ · DAVIES, CORNER; That the Hart Mfg .Co. be notified that the Coun·cn has no objection to the erection of a directional sign being placed at the S/E corner of Kennedy st.E·. thesame to be no larger than the sign of the C anadian Anodized Co~ already at this point. And that the request for a further 2 di.rectional signs at Gurnet & Connaught and Connaught & Edward St. be approved and installed under the supervision of the Town Foreman. Carried:• The Woinens Institute asked permission to hold a tag day on Sat~ Sept. 25th in aid of the Navy League of Canada. JONES, COOK; That the request for permission to hold a Navy Le·ague tag day on Spet" 25th be granted:~ CarrieO:. Miss N. Simpson asked for approval of a building permit for a house on Kennedy St. E·~ COOK,CORBETT; That the application of Miss Nellie Simpson to erect a building 20' by 14' on a lot owned bp her to be a portion of a 5 room hous:e to be completed within the next two years be granted:~ Carried:~ The Horticultural Society drew to Council's attention that the soft maple trees at the Arena were hindering the evergreens that had been planted by the Society, and asked that the matter be given attention'~ This letter was handed to the Property Committee to correct the situationr~ COMMITTEE REPORTS The Planning Board brought in a report pertaining to land to be used for park purposes, as a result the following motion was pas~redi' SWINDLE,PRINGLE; That the Council approve the policy of accepting from Sub-dividers, land designated for park or public purposes and in so doing, assume respossibility for its maintenancei~ Carriedii Streets Cbmmittee,Chairman Corner submitted a detailed report on an ineerview with Dept. of Highways officials in connection with the paving of Yonge St~ · CORNER, COOK; That the report of the Streets Committee be accepted. Carriedi~ i . 12th meeti:Qg __ ~E31lt • 7t.h _].948 page 3 CORNER, COOK; That tbe Council authorize-the Clerk to write-the Dept. of Highways, advising them that the Council of the Town of Aurora would app~ eciateXHBM them sending thier engineer here to look over the situation re Connecting Link on Yonge St. and report to Council or Committee as soon as convenient or earliest possible date. Carried'~ The Recreationx% Commission asked Council's approval for the Commission to undertake certain alterations at the arena according to the plan submitted!~ . JONES, DAVIES; That permission be granted to the Aurora Recreation Commission to make the alterations in the Aurora Arena as outlined.on the plan presented, and permission be granted to commence the necessary work at once. Carriedli Mayor Rose gave a verbal report of the discussions at the recent Police Committee meeting. DAVIES 1 COOK; That a notice be inserted tn the Aurora Banner, warning operators of motorcyclessin the Town of Aurora that the provisions of the Highway Traffic Act regarding motorcycles must be observeffiand that no further warning will be given after this date. Carriedii Mayor Rose presented a report of the meeting of the Board of Health held Sept.lst. in regard to Milk Inspection, School Health Plan and services~ ROSE, SWINDLE; That the report of the Board of Health be accpted. and adopted. Carried!~ UNFINISHED BUSINESS CORNER;COOK; That the usual interim Statutory grant for subsidy from the Dept. of Highways be applied for~ Carried~ CORBETT, JONES; That a letter be sent to Mr. J. w. Bowser expressing sympathy in the loss of his wife • Carried'i BY.;.LAWS DAVIES,CORNER; That leave be given to introduce a EW-law to Authorize the sale of Lot 24, Plan 30, Town of Aurora and that the same be now read a first time. Carried'~ SWINDLE,PRINGLE; That the By-law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose. Carried. JONES, CORBETT; That the EW-law now before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of EW-law # 862 be suspended for that purpose. Carried~ COOK, JONES; That the third reading be taken as read. Carried. DAVIES, JONES; T_hat leave be given to introduce a EW-law to Authoj!~;f« construction of Sanitary Sewers on Yonge st.s. from Lot 176 to Lot 178. and that the same be now read a first time·• Carried. SWINDLE, PRINGLE; That the By-law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose • Carried·~ _ CBRBETT, JONES; That the EW-law now before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law # 862 be suspended for that purpose. Carried. · DAVIES,SWINDLE; ·That the third reading be taken as read. Carried. DAVIES, JONES; That leave be given to introduce a EW-law to Authorize-" the leasing of the Aurora Arena to Aurora Recreation Commission and that the same be now read a first time. Carried• SWINDLE,PRINGLE; That the EW-law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose~ Carried. JONES,CORBETT; That the EW-law now before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of EW-law # 862 be suspended for that purpose. Carried·. COOK,SWINDLE; That the third reading be taken as read. Carried• NEW BUSINESS: . A petition for Sanitary sewers on Yonge St.s. from Lots 179 to 184, and Lots 81 to 814 was received!~ DAVIES, CORNER; That the solicitor be authorized to prepare a construction By-law for the installing of a sewer as requested by petition for the south end of Yonge St • Carried;; ' .. 12th meeting Sept. 7th 1948 page 4 DAVIES, SWINDLE; That the Recreation Commission be authorized to purchase lumber necessary to complete the Aurora Tennis Club fencing and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried~ A verbal report of a condition existing at the Hart Mfg. Ltd. plant was reviewed by the Mayor, pertaining to sidewalk approach and the driveway, in order that.the street will not be impaired. The Streets Committee have taken the matter in hand and wlli.ll act upon it at once~ Meeting adjourne~~ ~~-~)"". ·*******~***** Ml\,YOR. -~