BYLAW - Establish Highways - 20090120 - 510209DTHE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA By-law Number 5102-09.0 BEING A BY-LAW to establish highways on Part of Block 52, Plan 65M-2786 (Lensmith Drive) WHEREAS the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001 as amended, c.25, section 31 authorizes the Council of a local municipality to pass by-laws for establishing a highway and land may only become a highway by virtue of a by-law passed by Council; AND WHEREAS Council desires to establish certain highways; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the following lands be established as public highway by The Corporation of the Town of Aurora: Part of Block 52, 65M-2786, Designated as Part 5, 65R-27428 Town of Aurora, Regional Municipality of York 2. That this By-law may be registered in the appropriate Land Registry office on title to the said lands set out in Section 1 herein. 3. That the provisions of this By-law shall come into force and take effect upon third reading thereof. 4. Attached described in Schedule "A" is Registered Plan 65M-2786 and Schedule "B" the Ontario Land Surveyors Plan of Part of Lot 79, Concession 1, Town of Aurora. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 20 DAY OF JANUARY, 2009. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 20 DAY OF JANUARY, 2009. LUCILLE KING, TOWN CLERK '" '"' :n ~' "' ' . ; ' .,_. .:::: "' .. ' "' '"'·' --P.I.N. P.I.N. SCHEDULE II A" II t " N 72'41'55"E I'(_: 0."30 N 72'41'55"E ~ 0 "' o."' "'"" .. "'r -r- ~PART "f 0 g g~f<l N 72'41'55"E il "!. ;tf: 0:: -ir'==- z PA~ -- PART 2 PART 3 "' f ~~ '" '" '" ~ .:. ~ ' ' " I 3.3.53 33.53 :ci t~~~~~~N~72:'4~1:'5~5"~E~--------~-'" ---------------------~~~--J 0.30 N 72'41'55"E 33.53 "' "' "' 8 03655 PART 4 ~ .. r.-. , . , !"-, ,~... 1\11\l~-r\~, -1 ~.1 ~L-l) i I " " Ia 0473 N 72 N 72 GRADING PLAN OF PART OF LOT 79 CONCESSION l TOWN OF' AURORA REGIONAL MUNICIPAIJTY OF YORK !;CALE .1:,50. 0, @COPYRIGHT art/ surveyors 2007 Ontarlo Land Surveyors Metric " melru DISTANCES SHOYIN ON THIS PLAN ARE IN METRES AND ·-~-~\~N BE CON\IERTED _TO FEET BY DIViDING BY 0.3048 · '.' ,., ·-. . - !;§ J n'0~-~01] 0 I " ~.I •f] <D <.> I ~PROPOSF:.O ~ ., ~~ STM '·' ~ ~ ORI\i!WAY Notes ''· ,,1 ~\· ~00.39) '"' ->--- "' " 88 " LS '" "' Note denOtes existing· elevation denOtes _existing elevation deriotes· proposed elevation dEmOteS invert denotes Surface flow denotes top of gab!on w~U elevation denOtes first floor elevabon denOtes beU . box denotes -C(Jtch bi:Jslli den-otes· light standard denotes mailhole denOtes-water valve SCHEDULE "B" Key Plan (HOT lO SCIJ..E) _j I 'KWIO!Ct! STRal' M:ST ~ THE. CONSTRUCTION OF NEW SERViCES WlTHIN THE TOWNS RIGHT OF WAY SHALL BE DONE BY THE TOWN AT THE OWNER'S COST. No. 7 FF=268.09 33.53 No. 264 265.00 10.~ ertl swveyors Ontario Land Surveyors 1234 REID· STREET, UNIT 10, RICHMOND HILL L4B 1C1 iELEPHONE (905) 731-7834 FAX {905}731-7852 Et.4AIL lnfoOes-ols.com DRAWING : 03326-GRADING .DWG PROJECT : 03326