MINUTES - Council - 19480803r·-~--·~-'-':~<.--nC..:;.;,~~~;~~z-W.'C•=.?A.=rn'~~·~~~~--,..;_.;._~---~•:..C.... .• ..;..·_~~~~~•~,'',::::;:·, -~~~~~~,.~~~,.:~~~~-M.~~~~\Sli~J .. ~;~~0.,~;~:.~;..~.~---~~.,-•~-<-';;..~,"--~::~._,d0..-iJ_,.;_~~~-~A~~-· -'-----""! 1 . ELEVENTH MEETING AUGUST jR 3rd 1948 I ! The regular monthl~ meeting of Council was held in the Council Chambers on Tuesday Aug. 3rd at 8.00 p.m. Members of Council present; Mayor Dr. Rose; Reeve Cook; Dep Reeve Corner; Councillors,Davies; Corbett; Swindle; Pringle. · ...• The minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as printedf. SWINDLE, PRINGLE; That the following orders on the Treasurer for the same attached hereto:;;: RELIEF Medical Assn. Travis a Est. Dominion Store Aurora General Store accrounts be paid, that the Mayor issue and the Seal of the Corporation be 4 X 56¢ Rent Food Food 2.24 7.50' 15.20' 42.50' CORNER, COOK; That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto'~ PLANNING BOARD. Consultant, Secretarial & Surveying services. 406.00 DAVIES, SWINDLE; That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto~~ CORPORATION Aurora Hydro Comm. Postmaster w.J.Mount Petty Cash Bell Telephone Co. Aurora Hydro Comm. Ontario Hospital, Woodstock Banner Press County of York Jno.A.Madsen Mfg.co. Miller Paving Co. R.L.Boag Wagner Signs Franklin Press W.H.Cunningham & Hill Ltd. H.N.Clark Muir Cap & Regalia Ltd. Municipal Spraying & Oiling C.H.Moinnis Aurora Building Co. Hilborn,Williams & Co. C.E.Hiokey & Sons Ltd. Municipal World Ltd. R. Marshall Mingay Transport F.Dunham C.N.R. J.E.Buchanan Co~ Clerks office June Town Hall 11 Disp. plant Stamps Foreman Express· etc. ll 65 135 305 314 361W 500 II St. Lighting July Hospitalization Printing a/c Hospitalization less Ora. Slides 5270 gals Oil List prop.sales Sts. Signs Printing debentures Rooto Trips 'to Toronto, Debs'<. Police caps 94 hrs. grader Police uniforms Sts. & sewers A/C 1948 Audit Fog Nozzle, fire Dept. 1 question (legal) Assessor July 1948 Cartage Postage,o/s trips etc. Flasher Apl. & May/48 Gravel, sidewalks 1.52 \ 6.8~ 61.17, 17 .oo, 76~25, 3.73 '. 2.90' 6.88' 2.50' 2.95' 2.os, 3.24, 5.20' 377.17\ 46.00" 37 .25" 1.37" 267.78' 1035.55 ' 2.16' 17.28' 49.14, 24.00'. 10.00' 13.07' 470.00' 152.05' 137.10 \ 150.00' 28.80' 2.;00" 125.00 \ 9.50' 21.05' 35.56' 179.50' 11th meeting Page 2 DAVIES, SWINDLE; on the Treasurer hereto'~·· That the Wage accounts be ppid, that the Mayor issue orders for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached CORNER, SOOK; That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto~ WATERWORKS Aurora Hydro Comm. Drummond McCan & Co. Ltd~ Bell Telephone Co. Francis Hankin & Co. Ltd. Canadian Brass Co. Ltd'• B.F.Davis DELEGATIONS : Ill #2 Sleeves 16 12 ftepairs Service Fuel etc. to meter Boxes 67~32, 44.59, 37 .95, 3.80, 27.00, 72.21, 254.30, Len Feran appeared before Council, asking permission to trim a tree in front of his residence on Leppar St. and obtain information in regard to a private swwe~ CORRESPONDENCE~ Request from the Police Dept. for another typeriter was recei¥ ed~ stating the one in use at present is obsolete and not suitable for police work!~ DAVIES, CORNER; That the Clerk be autherized to purchase a second hand typewri~ tar for the use of the Police Dept~ Carried'~ A report from the Planning Board was received with regard to sub-divisions. On motion of DAVIES & SWINDLE the report was adopted. Carrie d A letter from the Flyers Hookey Club was read, after which it was ordered filea. A letter from Mesal's Robb & Robb regarding apparent excessive rates charged for Tourist aooomodation was taken up by Council, after some discussion was ordered filed!~ COMMITTEE·REPORTS. Reeve Cook gave a verbal report on Waterworks progress at present and that the Nisbet pump had been giving trouble, but is now repaired'~ Dep. Reeve Corner brought in a report of the Streets Comm~ and the costs of same'~ CORNER, SWINDLE; That the report of the Streets Committee as presented be accepted~ · Carried''~ Councillor Davies submitted a report of the Industrial Committe.e regarding the industry on Leppar St'' DAVIES, CORBETT; That the report of the Industrial Comm. be adopted. Carried. · A report re extension of Coal sheds of B.F.Davis was tabled!~ DAVIES, PRINGLE; That the report of the Property Committee re Davis Coal sheds be adopted. Carried!~ UNFINISHED BUSINESS. Tenders for Lot 24 Tyler st. were opened and submitted. DAVIES, SWINDLE; That the offer to purchase the property on Tyler st. Lot 24, as-advertised, be sold at the price of $110.00 to Mr. RosssLinton. Carried!~ Tenders for the operation of the Arena for 1948-49 season were opened and considered~ By. request of Councillor Swindle a recorded vote was taken as to the person to get the concession~ SWINDLE, PRINGLE; That the tender presented by the Aurora Recreation Comm. for the arena be accepted•; The V'OteF~ Mayor Rose'~ Reeve Cook Pep.Reeve Corner Davies c. Swindle T. Pringle H~ Corbett c. Yea'~ Yea. Nay. Yea. Yea. Yea-~ Yea!"~ ---~'·- 11th Meeting Page 3 NEW BUSINESS; A petition for Sanitary sewers Py residents on South Yonge st.From the end of the present sewer to Part lot 178 on the east side & from lot 74 to lot 81 on the west side was received!~ to be constructed under the Local Improvement Act~ PRINGLE, SWINDLE; That the Solicitor be instructed to prepare a Construction By-law to construct a sewer as a Local Improvement under the Local Improve• ment Act on Yonge St'o south as far as W.L.Milgate 1 s lot subject to the correctness of the petition as presented. Carried!~ BY.;.LAWS. DAVIES, CORNER; That leave be given to introduce a By-law to empower Mr. J.W.Bowser to construct a sewer on Leppar St. and that the same be now read a first time. Carried. SWINDLE, PRINGLE; That the By~law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council dissolve itself into a committea of the whole for that purpose. Carried!~ . CORBETT, PRINGLE; That the By-law now before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law # 862 be suspended for that purpose. Carribed'~ DAVIES, COOK; That the third reading be taken as rea•ii Carried!;; Meeting adjourned~ * ~ '****%****** MAYOR