MINUTES - Council - 19480705.,_. ____ . . , ' ) -~ _,,/ TENTH MEETING JULY 5th 1948 .. • .. -· ... ,. -· ... --.. . The regular monthly meeting of Council was held in the Council Chambers on Monday July 5th 1948. Members present, Mayor Dr. C.Rose; Reeve A.A.Cook; Dep~R$eve R.H.Corner, Councillors .O:Orbett; Davies; Jones; Pringle,Sisman, Swindle. OOmDI&,DAVIES; That Reeve Cook assume the chair in the temporary absence of the Mayor• Carried;~ The minutes of the subsequent meetings were adopted as printed<~ SISMAN, SWINDLE; That the following accounts orders on the Treasurer for the same and the attached he rete. be paid, that the Mayor issue Seal of the Corporation be CORPORATION Bell Telephone Co. Ont~ Hospital,Woodstock Petty Cash Aurora Hydro Comm. Taylor & Son Frankcoms Garage C.N·~R. J. Goulding J~W.Bowser & Son Andy 1 s Sign Shop Aurora Greenhouses J. Bak .. Mingay Transport Miller Paving Ltd. United Steel Corpn.Ltd. Wilson Hardware Banner Press B.F.Davis & Son It T.A.Trent C.E.Hickey & Chas. Case W.J.Mount R. Marshall J.E~Buchanan Sons Ltd. l 65 135 305 314 361W 500 Hospitalization Express etc. St. Lighting, June Gas, Fire Dept • Oil ·" II Flasher Mar. 1948 Use of car, May & June Prop. & Sts. Signs for parll: Wreath & Plants Repairs to tools Cartage,Sts.dept. 10 hrs. Grader Compressor Belts Sts.&Prop dept. Printing etc. Sewer tile Cement Mowing on streets Helmets Fire dept. Gas & Oil Foreman on streets work Assessor ,June Gravel for streets 5~41" 8.73....._ 2.50, 2.85, 2.05....._ 3.87 ...... 5~20, 8~50, 10.54, 377.17, 4•22, 1~80.... 37 .62, 12.00... 8.~02' 9.oo, 30.50..._ 6.10, s.oo, 6s.oo, 15.19, 34~45, 32.04, 61.20, 210.00...._ 54.oo..._ 361.60, 46~98., 103.5~ 125.00, 962.8.0, SilMAN, SWINDLE;. That the monthly wage accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried. COOK, JONES; That the following account~ be ppid that the Mayor issue orders · on the.Treasurer for the same and the S~al of the Corporation be attached hereto'~ Carried!~ · ., · · WATERWORKS Bell Telephone Co • Postmaster Town of Newmarket J .w.Bowser & Son W.H.Spragg Canadian Brass Co. 12 Stamps Couplings Fittings Couplings etc. Fittings etc. 3.8.5, 30.0~ 6.06, 7.10..,_ 13.00, 8.6.43...... SWINDLE,PRINGLE; That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corp. be attached hereto. Carried~ RELIEF Medical Assn. Traviss Estate Dominion Store General Store 4 X 56¢ Rent Food Food · ...... ~.-.~·-;·; -H''-"":"'"'"':' '·'" ~.-.·.· ·.-: ,_,_;_,,_.;-,·-.:-:,c..:<;. ,;,;,;-;,,.;-,-:;,:_,_;,;·; :,:;_,;.,,;.:.J: •:>;·<"~' ~~-; .··.'-'-.-, · 2·.24 7<.5~ 15.2o-. 37•10, DELEGATIONS Tenth meeting July 5th 1948 page 2 Rev.L.R.Coupland addressed Council,· asking their permission to construct a retaining wall on the east bank of the creek at the rear of the Gospel Church at the Church 'a expense·~ Further that during the recent heavy rain, the storm sewer at the front of the Church would not take the full amount of water, thus overflowing and washing out the fill at the Church. Mr. Couplnad asked Council to consider a larger tile to reme~ the condition,.; . Olarence Davis informed Council that ~ B.F.Davis & Son were dismantling the caal sheds on Berczy St·~ and asked permission to enlarge the new sheds to be built'~ The decision to be left with the Property Commli CORRESPONDENCE· A letter from A.E.L.Maughan, advising the sale of Mt. Kettlewell's house on George & Leppar Sts•• asking Council' a permission for he new owner to carry on a small b~siness at the residence~ SWINDLE, SISMAN; That the matter be considered by the Industrial Committee. Carried!i A request from the Canadian-Legion for permission to hold a field day in the·Park on Aug 13 and 14th was received• The request covered the use of Mosley St. from Larmont, west on Mosley to 50 beyong:1 the Ar.mouriest for a street dance. also to remove a portion of the fence adJoining the park at this location!; SISMAN, JONES; that permission be granted the Legion to proceed with plans as outlined·~ Carried'i George Lawson again drew to the attention of Council that the request. for a change in the grade of Catherine Ave. E. had not received attention'~ CORNER, SWINDlE; That since some change had been made, the Comm-e felt that the matter was satisfactory·~ But in view of this fact, a report from the engineer .would be procured as to the possible grade necessary to correct the grade'i Carried!; wgtoo~ The Town Planning Board asked Council for a statement of policy in connection with any new Sub-Division·~ regrding the position of taxes when a subdivision is opened~ Also the stand to be taken in connection public utilities for such a sub-divis.ionr~ JONES, CORNER; That the Town of Aurora will not approve any sub-division plan until the taxes have been paid in fUll F~ Carried'~ DAVIES, PRINGLE; That the Planning Board be advised that the Policy of the Aurora Council with regard to streets, & public utilities in any new•. sub-division is as laid down by the terms of the Loacl Improvement Act·~ 1937 Carried!; ·Letters from w~s-~Mills; County of York; Dept• of Highways; and &ep~ Lister co~ Ordered filed\ REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Chairman C~rner of the Streets Committee gave a verbal report of the progress of the present street worki Councillor Swindle, Social & Sanitation Committee chairman reported on deve~opments of the sports equipment being purchase~ expecting delivery by July lOth. The Property committee brought in a report in connection with the offer of purchase by He Zimmerman of land at the rear of Tyler St~ now owned by the Town!~ This report was not adoptedii but on motion of DAVIES, JONES; the follwwing was passe~ That the vacant land at the rear of properties on the corner of Tyler St. and George St·~ be advertised for sale and. sold to the highest bidder·~ Tenders to be in the Clerk's Office by July 31st~ A further report on the condition of the foundation of the arena was brought before Council~ · JONES, PRINGlE; That the report of the Property Committee re repairs to the rink be adopted and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto~ Carried!li ' --~--,.,.. ... ~,"--• • -·"''H''A''-' '"·-• • • ,.-.:...'-''"<\'•:.;:,;,;,;.;:.;~:~;~.;:;;~~-.:......:,:,.-.;.;.~.:>~: :-_,_,~;,_,,.~~.:..-~;,,,_, '-·~ ,0,. ,. j Tenth meetipg July 5th 1948 Page 3 CORNER, DAVIES; That permission b~ given Mr.J.W.Bowser to construct sewerE from George St. westerly on Leppar St. at his own expense to be aupervised by the Town Foreman'~ Carried'~ CBRNER, COOK; That the Clerk be instructed to purchase 12" galvanized pipe for suitable entrance to driveways, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto'~ Carried. SWINDLE, JONES; That permission be given Thos. Newton to cut a partially dead tree in front of his residence on Town property·~ Carried'~ ' CORBETT, JONES; That Monday Aug'~ 2nd be declared the Civic Holiday for this year. Carried!~ · SISMAN, SWINDLE; That the Aurora Hydro Cpmmission be instructed to proceed with the proposed plan for new street lighting on Yonge St. south~ Carried~ DAVIES, JONESJ That leave be given to introduce a By-law to Appoint a Milk Inspector for the Town of Aurora and that the same ne now read a first time. Carried~ . . PRINGLE, SWINDLE; That the By-law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose. Carried~ SISMAN, COOK; That the By-law now before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law # 862 be suspended for that purpose. Carried. JONES, CORBETT; That the third reading be taken as read. Carried~ DAVIES, JONES; That the local arena be advertised in the local newspaper for rent for the coming winter season. Tenders to be in the Clerk's Office before July 31st. The conditions as to rebtal to be the same as applied for the season x of 1947-1948. Carried; The recent complaints of overflowing of sewers on Harrison Ave. be left in the hands of Councillor Jones to be :looked into and recommendations made. ~~ *mf"***************l~******* MAYOR