MINUTES - Council - 19480607_..---r-r-., ' I ·-~J ". ( • ! '··· EIGHTH MEETING JUNE 7th 1948 The regular monthly meeting of Council was held in the Council Chambers on Monday June 7th 1948. Owing to Mayor Dr. Rose being on vacation, Reeve Cook presided, with members of Council present as follows; Dep. Reeve Corner; Councillors, Corbett; Davies; Jones; Pringle; Sisman, Swindle"~- The Minutes of the last meeting were adopted as printed. SWINDLE, PRINGLE; That the following accounts be paid, that the Acting Ma¥or issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto~ RELIEF; Medical Assn~ Traviss Estate Dominion Store Aurora General Store B.F.Davis 4. X 56rt Rent Food Food Fuel 2.24 7o50\ 30.4~ .30~10\, 10~oo, PRINGLE; DAVIES; That the following accounts be paid, that The Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporat~on be attached hereto. TOWN PLANNING BOARD Denne Bosworth Levelling for datum points for aerial survey Americal Automobile Assn. Booklet Sundry Postage etc. 15{00, 1.oo, 4.oo, PRINGLE,JONES; That issue orders on the be attached hereto• wage the following/accounts be paid, that the Acting Mayor Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation Carried. JONES,PRINGLE; That issue orders on the be attached hereto. CORPORATION the following accounts be paid, that the Acting Mayor Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation . --·~-- Bell Telephone Co. Postmaster Aurora HYdro Comm. Aurora Building Co. Walter Dunning Prootor,Redfern & La~hlin Aurora Cleaners B.F.Davis & Son R.Mulholland F.R.Underhill L.G.Fallis & Son Taylor & Son W.F.Boaks Wilson Hardware Ernie Holaan J~W~Bowser & Son Snow Welling Works T .K.Fioe Toronto Salt Works Corner Insurance Agency Canadian Bitumuls Co. J .E .• Buchanan Banner Press Provincial Treasurer • Ill 65 135 305 314 36lw 500 Stamps C/O April T/H II Disposal." c/o May. T/H II Disposal " St.Lighting May Cement.lime etc. Prop. W/W Bldg. Eng.Fees Edward St. Fire Extinguisher fluid Cement & tile w.w.nept. 50 maple trees Bond, W ~Large Brooms Gas, Fire Dept • Gas & oil Sts. W/W,Prop 0 Dept4c' Coal Oil Disposal plant etc. Repairs to jack Tape, Fire dept. Calcium Chloride Bond, H .N •. Clark- Sidewalk mix Gravel & Cartage Printing etc. Health Dept. .,,.~.--.--.--:----,--·:<'7;;··,.,:-··r~·--,.,,-..,, ·;;·-:-c;:::::.,-,-···-· ····----;--'---;·----·---·.-. • .., .. ··-··-----· 3.2.5 .... 7 .90 ..... 2.80, 2.8>.. 2.05-... 5.13- 5.20, 17 .oo... 1.9~ 9.84..... 46~10, 1~61 ...... 7.74, 57 .21-.., 377 .17-.... 9.10.., 28.59 ..... 30.09, 20.00, 67.20' 21.4o-: 25.0(}.., 20~00-.. 6.00-.. 5.70..;. 48.51- 28.73-.. 1.45, 26.58- .75- 1 .• 10-... 121~52, 4o.oo..:. 47.03- 154.80._ 143.94 ...... 1.14 ._: i i C.E.Hickey & Sons County of York F.Dunham R.Marshall .. Dept. supplies Hospitalization Mar. o/s trips etc. Assessor May 1948 152.30...,_ 62.90, 17 .35, 120.,00, JONES,SWINDLE; That the following accounts be paid, that the Acting Mayor issue orders o~ the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto~ WATERWORKS Kamlee Construction Ltd~ Drummond-McCall & Co. Ltd. Township of King Aurora Hydro Comm~ Bell Telephone Co. Mueller Ltd~ J.W.Bowser & Son C.N.R. Proctor,Redfern & DELEGATIONS J Laughlin New mains Fire hydrant & gate valve Taxes # l Anl. 2 T1 l May 2 May # 12 Service clamps etc. Packing etc. Main rent Eng. fees Dec.l5/47 to May l/48 427.13, 136.25\ 20.19" 64.92, 42.87-..... 66.32......_ 42.23-..... 3.80.,. 40~09, 1.36, 1.oo ..... 328.62, Chas. Copland attended Council with suggestions for the re-numbering of the streets in Town. The matter will be given further consideration and dealt with later'~ · Mr~G.H.Taylor, representing Wood Gundy & Co. Ltd~, gave Council · an outline and information on a $28,000 debenture issue being offered for sale by the T.own. A sealed tender was submitted for consideration·~ CORNER,SISMAN; That the Tender of Wood Gundy & Co.l Toronto for $28 1 000~00 Debenture, Town of Aurora for a price of 99.33 at 2<r;% for a period of 10 years be accepted~ Carriede Rev. Perdue and E.H.Clarke, on behalf of the Churches Summer School appealedto Council, that if playground equipment is to be procured for this year, that such be done immediately in order that the same might be available for the School's use'~ Mr.w.L.Watson appeared before Ce>uncil, asking their permission to rent the arena for a series of Bible meetings to be held Sunday June 13th; June 2oth & July 4th CORRESPONDENCE: The Aure>ra Recreational COmmission requested Council to prepare a list of Town property that is vacant and suitable to use as playgrounds. SWINDLE,DAVIES; that such list be prepared and given to the Commission·~ Carried'~ A further letter from the Commission was received asking that playground equipment be obtained as soon as possible to have for use of the Churches Summer School. PRINGLE, JONES; That the letter fre>m the Aurora Recreational Commission be turned over to the Social & Sanitation Committee for consideratioa Carried!'~ DAVIES,CORNER; That the Solicitor be instructed to prepare a Constructio~.:t-law for the construction of a sewer on Gurnett St. to Kennedy St. E. and . west on Kennedy St. as outlined in a petition in the hands of ·the Town.Clerk~ Carried~ · Tyler St. Committee An offer of purchase by H.Zimmerman for a lot at the rear of owned by the Town was submitted to Council. SWINDLE,Jeti!i; That this offer be handed to the Prope~y for their reeoomendations. Carried~ A letter from Mrs. Len Holman asking that the Town trim a tree at that property was given to the Streets Committee for action. Carried. 8th meeting June 7th 1948 Page 3 A letter from the Hart Manufacturing asking that consideration be given to the grading and other work be done on Cousin's Drive in order to make the street passable to transports, to relieve heavy traffic on other Town streets CORNER, SWINDLE; That this lette.r be acknowledged and the Hart Co. informed. that Council is seriously considering this work, provided funds are sufficienr to undertake the work~ Carried~ A petition from residents of Wellington st. W~ against the erection af a garage on the South side of Wellington st. was received • The Planning Board. submitted.their opinion on the matter and made the following recommendation. "Concerning Mr.Caulfield 1 s request to Council for permission to construct a garage on Wellington St.w., south side, that we inform Council that we have no objection to the use of the land for this purpose and recommend that if K such a building is constructed, it be kept back 24 feet from the present st. line•" DAVIES,SWINDLE; That the report of the Planning Board be adopted~ Carried~ SISMAN ,SWINDLE; That the residents protest be filed~ Carried• An account from the Ontario Hospital,Woodstock regarding a patient, resident of Aurora was received and discussed by Council. CORNER, SWINDLE; That the Clerk write the Ontario Hospital with regard to this patient, asking if the account should not be taken care of by the Veterans Affairs Dept~ Carried~ A letter of recommendation from Proctor,Redfern and Laughlin re sewerage from the Collis Leather Co. entering the Town Disposal Plant was dealt with and the following motion passed. DAVIES, CORBETT; That a copy of the letter from the Town Engineer be forwarda to the Collis .Leather Co. advising that the Town does not intend to close the matter at this time • Carried'~ ~tiDH!DS> JONES,DAVIES; That the request of the Watchtower Society for the use of the Rink be granted and that the rent charged, be the sum of Js.oo per Sunday for a period of th•ee Sundays. Carried. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES The Streets Committee presented their report re the planting of trees, and work to be done on the streets'~ CORNER, DAVIES; That the report of the Streets Committee be accepted and the Seal of the Corporation be attached ·~ Carried'~ · PRINGLE,DAVIES; That the Council appoint one new member to the Town Planning Board to fill the vacancy by Mr.E.R.Youngs who has tendered his resignation. The Town Planning Board suggests Mr. A.M.Cousin,s term of off·ice to expire on Dec. 31st 1949~ Carried~ The Planning Board recommends to Council that in future development on Wellington st. they consider Wallington St. as an artery of 100 feet and therefore any building permits for houses be on the basis of 15 feet back from the 100 foot highway line. DAVIES, CORBETT; That the report of the Planning Board be adopted~ Carried'~ The Sports Committee submitted the schedule for baseball in the Town Park. SWINDLE, DAVIES; That the schedule of the Sports committee be adopted .• Carrit A further report of the Sports committee was submitted regarding the park~ CORBETT,JONES; That the report of the Sports Committee be adopted as read and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto~ Carried·~ Owing to the hour of 12.00 o 1 clock being reached at this time, Council adjourned until a special meeting is to be called• -~~--~--~- ACTING MAYOR