MINUTES - Council - 19480503Seventh Meeting MAY 3rd 1948
The Regular Monthly meeting of Council was held in the Council Chambers
on Monday May 3rd at 8.00 p.m. Members of Council present; Reeve Cook;
Uep. Reeve Corber; Councillors Corbett; Davies; Jones;Pringle; Sisman &
Swindle. Owing to the temporary absence of the Mayor, and on motion of
Counoiloors Davies & Sisman, Reeve Cook was appointed to take the chair
in the Mayor's absence. Carried .•
ID~MMinutes of the Two previous meetings were adopted as printed.
SISMAN, DAVIES; That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue
orders o~ the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be
attached hereto. Carried.
Petty Casbll
Bell Telephone Co.
Municipal World Ltd.
Stiver Bros.
J.W.Bowser & Son
C. N, R.
E. H olman
Dunlop Tire & Rubber
Wilson Hardware
J. Goulding
J .E.Buohanan
Taylor & Son
Aurora Hydro Comm.
Dorr Co.
B. G. Whitelaw
Co. Ltd.
Ontario H ospital
Mingay Transport
By-Products of Can. Ltd.
Lundy Fence Co, Ltd.
Attridge & Son
Frankcom Garage
Grand & Toy Ltd.
R. Marshall
Stan. H ughes
B.F.Sturtevant Co. Ltd.
T. F. Spence
F. Dunham
Hilborn,Williams & Co.
Express etc.
Office Supplies
Fuel, T.H.
Prop. Uept.
Streets Dept.
Disposal .Plant
Flasher, Jan.Feb.
Gas, & Oil
Fire Hose
Cleaning supplies etc.
Use oar Mar. &Apl.
Gravel, Streets
First aid supplies
Prop. Reg,
Gas. Fire Dept.
Street Lighting,Apl.
Packing, Disposal plant
Rubber Boots etc.
Prop. Dept,
Office supplies
Snow fence & posts
Cleaning supplies
Oil. Fire Dept.
Office Supplies
Assessor, April
Compressor unit
Gas, oil March
Copy Criminal oode,O/S
stamps etc.
Bal. 1947 audit
6,20 v
2.90 v
3,53 v
8,36 v
2. 96./
3. 75 ./
69,05 v
9.51 v
4.20 v
34.10 v
38.66 v
294.00 v
6,13 v
12.00 v
377.17 v
30.00 v
.90 V'
34.38 v
2.00 v
3.19 v
127.50 v
3.20 v
1007.37 v
31.74 v
16,82 v
254,63 v
SISMAN, DAVIES; That the wage accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders
on the Traesurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached
hereto. Carr~ed.
:_·" ..
--\ ., ____ .
7th meeting May 3rd 1948 PAGE "2" ·
COOK, SISMAN; That the following ac•ounts be
orders ofi the Traesurer for the same and the
attached hereto. Carried.
paid, that the Mayor issue
Seal of the Corporation be
Town of Aurora
Canadian Brass Co. Ltd.
" " " " Bell Telephone Co.
Snow Welding Works
Babcock-Wilcox, Gouldie &
W.H.Spragg & Son
Bushing & nipples
Main & Curb stops
# 12
Angle Iron Etc.
Repairs to pump shaft
Cutting pipe
13.51 v
4.50 v
158.35 v
4.80 v
5.13 v
46.83 v'
SWINDLE, PRINGLE; That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue
orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be
attached hereto. Carried.
Medical Assn.
Traviss Estate
Aurora General Store
4 X 56¢
. 7.50 v
Mr. John Dodd, Kennedy st. appeared before Council, with
explanations of a petition submitted by the property owners of that street
and Gurnett St. for sewer.eervice. The wording of the petition not being
clear as to the portion of Gurnett St. to be served. Mr. Dodd was returned
the petition to have all'signers verify the necessary change.
Mr. Fred Caulfield spoke to Council, asking their permission
to construct a garage on Wellington st. w •• Mr. Caulfield was advised to
submit a plan of the structure and lot. to the meeting of the Planning
Board which meets on Tuesday May 4th.
Mr. A.E.L.Maughan presented a plan of the proposed sub-division
south of Cousins Drive. As Council has not ~mm the authority to deal with
the same at this time it was handed to Mr. Maughan to be forwarded to the
Provincial Planning Board for their approval.
A letter from John Lyan~ of the Planning Firm doing the wo~k
in York County was read. and on Motion of Councillors Davies & Sisman, was
turned over to the Local Planning Board. Carried.
A letter from George Lawson, Catherine Ave. regarding the gradi5g
of the street to the east of the property owned by him was read.
SISMAN,DAVIES; That this letter be left with the Streets Comm.
to be dea~t with, when the streets receive consideration for the year. carried.
A letter of thanks was received from the York Musical Festival
for the donation made by Council. and was ordered filed.
The Clerk of the Count¥ of York wrote regarding the forming of
a health unit for the 14 northern municipalities, as well as the minutes
of a meeting held in County Council Chambers. The letter was read and filed ·
Hilborn Williams & Co. letter enclosing an account for the balance
owing on the 1947 audit was received and ordered filed.
The Public Library outlined the workings of the new grant, to
receive the best advantage of Provincial grants, the contents were noted
and placed on file for reference.
G.C.Seidel Wellington st. E. applied for a permit to erect a
garage on Centre st. at the rear of property owned by Mrs. Elliott. The
matter will be taken up by the Building Permit Committee.
Permission was asked by the Agricultural Society to close Wells
St. between Mosley & Metcalf Sts. on Friday Evening & Saturday evening,
June 4th & 5th to accomodate the enlarged show this year.
SISMAN, SWINDLE; That permission be granted to the Auror~
Agricultural Society to Close Wells St. between Mosley & Metcalf Sts. for
the purposes of the Aurora Horse show on Friday & Sat·. evenings June 4th &
5th. Carried.
A letter from a Winnipeg firm regardinq Factory space was handed
to the Industrial Commmttee. I
7th meeting May 3rd 1948 PAGE "3"
A letter from Mrs. E.W.Green, North Yonge St. addressed to the Mayor, was
read, it pertaining to the possibility of giving sewer service to a lot
at the north of the prese~t house. The clerk was asked to reply to the letter
giving particulars of the existing levy on the sewer.
Deputy reeve Corner submitted his report of the Streets
Committee, outlin~ng the work recommended for the year.
be adopted. Carried.
CORNER, DAVIES; That the report of the Streets Comm.
SWINDLE, SISMAN; That the Reeve & Deputy Reeve form a ~ommittee to meet
the Minister of Highways in connection with work to be done on Yonge St.
Reeve Cook, made a report of the Fire & Water Comm.
regarding Firemen. . J
COOK, SISMAN; That the report of the Fire & Water Committee re Fireme.,be
adopted and the Seal of the Corporation be attached. Carried.
Chairman SWindle of the Social & Sanitation Comm.
gave a report on condition of garbage dumps, alsox a report on the Recreat-
ional Commission.
SWINDLE, PRINGLEt : That the report of the Social & Sanitation Committee be
adppted and that the action recommended therin be hereby authorized and the
Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried.
. • Councillor Pringle gave a report of the Planning
Board in relat~on to certain by-laws, the report was given to the By-laws
& industrial Committee.
.. SISMAN, SWINDLE; That the offer of Thomas Richard Carter
for the purchase of the west 67ft. of.lots 26 and 27, plan 120, being the
Scarlett property, be accepted and that the Solicitor be directed to prepare
all necessary papers to complete the transaction and that the Mayor a~d Clerk
be authorized and they are hereby authorized to sign any required papses or
agreements. Carried •
. DAVIES, JONES; That the Clerk be authorized to expend the
sum of $73.65 for each of the two uniforms for the Town Police and that the
Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried.
SISMAN, JONES; That the ~uest of the Imperial Oil Ltd.
to provide Farmers Service Station with underground tanks on their property
on Yonge St. South be granted. Carried.
CORNER, SWINDLE; That the Clerk be authorized to procure
forms for the Town Foreman, indicating work being done on the streetsaas
follows; date, street, time spent, nature of work. as per resolution passed
on Apl.5th and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried.
. CORNER, DAVIES; That during the Christmas season oneof
our best Drees was cut down at McMahon Park by someone who knew where to
get a nice Xmas tree w&thout cost. As it takes several years to grow a tree
of' this kind, it is a direct loss to the park and the Town, and the party
who is responsible for this should be brought to court, penalty for this
is a heavy fine and imprisonment. This should be brought to the attention
of the police and investigated at once. We recommend that action be taken
and that area be policed every day. Other damage has been done, kicking
in the door, breaking electric light brackets and smashing windows. Carried.
were read.
applicant in
The applications received for the position of Milk Inppector
The Clerk was asked to get a figure for remuneration from one
order that all facts would be known.
SWINDLE, DAV:l:ES; That the last Saturday in April, each
year be tree planting day for the Town of Aurora. Carried.
7th meeting !Vlay 3rd 1948 PAGE 11 411
SWINDLE, PRINGLE; Wheras the Aurora Recreational Commission is acting as the
agent or the Aurora Town Council, and wheras said Commission require immediate
funds to carry on the necessary work. Thererdre be it resolved that the said
Recreational Commission be granted a surrjcient sum as required, the total
or which shall not exceed Twenty-rive Dollars ($25.00) and that the Seal or
the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried.
SWINDLE, PRINGLE; That the Clerk be hereby instructed to purchase a suitabl~
trash can, to be placed in a suitable location at the corner or Yonge &
Mosley Sts. by the Old Town Hall, and that he request the members or the
Police Dept. to request the newspaper boys to put their paper.wrappings in
it and that the Seal or the Corporation be attached hereto. ~arried.
SWINDLE, CORBETT; That the Clerk be instructed to have signs posted at the
ball park entrances, prohibiting the driving or cars and the driving or c
exercising or horses on the ball diamond in the park. and that the Seal or
1 the Corporation be attached hereto. Carr~e~
That the By-law(Construction or sewers on Tyler St.) now before the
Council be read a third time this day
DAVIES,SISMAN; That the Third reading be taken as read. Carried.
SISMAN, SWINDLE; That the By-law(Borrowing or $28,000.00) now before
the Council be read a third time. Carrie d.
JONES, PRINGLE; That the third reading be taken as read. Carried.
DAVIES, CORNER; That leave·be given to introduce a By-law to
authorize the sale or Lot 16, north side or Tyler st. to DONALD SUTTON. and
that the same be now read a rirst Time • Carried.
SWINDLE, PRINGLE; That the By-law now before the Council be read a
second time and that the Council dissolve itself into a committee or the
whole ror that purpose. Carried.
SISMAN, COOk; That ~he By-law now before the Council be read a third
time this day and that Rule 22 of By-alw # 862 be suspended for that purpose,
JONES, COOK; That the third reading be taken as read. Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 12.00 o'clock.