MINUTES - Council - 19480405--·-· ,-·- FIFTH MEETING APRIL 5th 1948 The Regular monthly meeting of Council was held in the Council Chambers on Monday April 5th at 8·~00 p.m~~ with Mayor Dr. Rose in the Ch&&r, Reeve Cook; Dep. Reeve Corner; Councillors Cbrbett; Davies; Jones; Pringle; Sisman & Swindle present~ DAVIES,SISMMT; That the minutes of the Previous meetin be adopted as printed~ Carried. SISMAN, SWINDLE; That the wage accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto·~ Carried!'~ SISMAN, SWINDLE; That the following accounts orders on the Treasurer for the same and the attached hereto; Carried·~ bB paid, that the Mayor issue Seal of the CorpDration be CORPORATION Bell Telephone Co. Aurora Hydro Comm''~ J.W~Bowser & Son C~S.Nisbet C. N. R. Toronto Salt Works Lois Love R~L~Boag J.A~Mitchell Thos. Whillier & Co. Municipal World Ltd. Underwood Ltd. W.R.Oase Ernest Holman Aurora Bldg. Co. A~E~Hawkins J ~F.Willis Wilson Hardware Edward Paxton B.F.Davis & Son B~G~Whitelaw W.H.Cunningham & Grand & Toy Ltd·~ Stiver Bros. Thornto~ Browning County of York Hill Ltd. # 1 65 135 305 314 361W 500 C/O ~eb. T/H eb. Disposal Plant Feb. C/O Mar. T/H Mar. Disposal Plant Mar. St. Lighting Feb. 11 11 Mar. Property Dept. Snow removal Feb & Flasher Dec.47 Rock Salt Add. Ins. Prem. Prop. Registrations · Co&l 011 3.34 v 7.36 v 2o50V 2.90 v 2o05v' 3o35V 5o20V lo78v' 10.60>" 61.43 v 1.90 v 10.20 v 59.59 v 377.17,.., 377 ol7V 7.10 ...-- Mar 162.00 v 16.94 v 22.001""' 3~76 v 1.46V 1.30~""' Assess. Roll Supplies 2 license books Typewriter,att. paid ll5o69 v 2.34V by hydro comm. Snow removal Fire Dept. Town truck Streets Fuel C/O Moving stump (spruce Office Prop~Dept. Etc. 54 yards gravel Calcium (Sts) Fuel (Disposal) Office supplies Root, sewers Office supplies Fuel T/H Oil Library Hospitalization 197.60 v' 26.40 v 4.49V 2.oov 38.oov i8.oov st. )3~00v 1.15v' 68.sov 99o90v' 7 .60v 16.77v 2o35V 24.oov · 18.94~""' 103.70v '21.00,/ Jan. & Feb. a/c 47.68 v F. Dunham 0/S trips & Expenses 9.35 v Taylor & Son Gas Disposal plant 1.58~""' R. Marshall Assessor Mar.48 130.00 v SWINDLE,PRINGLE; That the following accents be paid, That the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried. RELIEF Medical Assn. Traviss Est. Aurora General Store BoFeDavis & Son Dominion Stores ltd. 4 X 56~ Rent Food fuel food ··,-,:-~··1;""·'·····-:,···-""~'"·'AN,,.,_.,:.·.v;.-:~.;,S•" _., ,_, ... ·--~~:::-~-~-:;;~-"""""''~o-'""·''"·'-"··· ·'·'·'·' "'·-·~-r----··· ·• 2.24 7 .so vi 42.50v 38.75v' 30.40v \ .· '·'---_.- /'" ·--~. ( ~-~-~ 5th meeting Page 2 COOK, SISM.AN; That the following accounts be orders on the Treasurer for the same and the ·attached hereto~ Carried. WATERWORKS Bell Telephone Co. Aurora Hydro Comm Fetty Cash Can. Brass Co. Ltd·~ Postmaster J~W~Bowser & Son Dom. Flow Meter Co. Ltd. Strathdee Transport Ltd. Drummond McCall & Co. H.N.Clark Ivan Daniela Davis Garage Mueller Ltd~ Wilson Hardware B.F.Davis & Son DELEGATIONS; paid, that the Mayor issue Seal of the Corporation be 12 # 1 Feb. # 2 Eeb. # l.Mar. # 2 Mar. Express Service Boxes Copper Tubing Stamps Coal Oil etc. Repairs to meter Express Gate Valve Trip to Galt(Fump) Repairs to gas pump Gasoline Corp. stops etc. tools Fuel 3.90 v 62.91 v 40.99 v 64.12 v 40.99 v 5.17 / 3§~:~~ ~ 27.00 v 2.28 v' 17.30 / 1.28 / 21.25 v 9.84 v 2.8ov 39.38 ..; 26.45/ 4'.15/ 37.35/ . Representatives from the Collis Leather Co"~ in the persons of Dr8 Beer; Mr. Whimms; Mr. Lees Awram; Mr. Stan. Walker attended ·counc:J.l, a report By Dr. Beer on work done by that Company in regard to their disposal plant was read and a copy given to each member of Council for reference'~ Mr. Don. Glass & Wm. Morris on behalf of the Lion's Club submitted a general plan that the Club has in connection with the proposed eonstruction· of a band stand in the Town park. asking that the Town take care of the lighting and wash room facilities and select a suitable location for the erection of the band stand'~ This proposition to be discusselil:1 at a special meeting of Council to be held Tuesday April 13th. CORRESPONDENCE; A letter from Spitzer & MilJ.s re space for a factory was given to the Industrial Committee for conside·ration. A suggestion from the York Pioneer & Historic Society to the effect that, when a community center is established, that suitable spe.ce be alotted to house valuable and historic documents. This letter handed to the Planning Board to be filed for future reference.•~ M.Campbell, 88 Victoria St. Ottawa., asking for details of any Municipal works contemplated in 1948. No purpose for the information· was stated. the letter was ordered filed'~ A letter fnom the Board of Trade was held over and a meetingto be arranged at an early date'~ A request from the Lion's Club for the use of the Town Park on the evening of May 24th for their fun and fireworks display was read~·· SWINDLE,PRINGLE; That the request of the Aurora Lion's Club for the use of the Ball Park on May 24th be·granted. Carried. An application from Donald B. Sutton for a veteran's Lot was brought lBefore' Council, with instructions to the Clerk, that if such a lot is available that the regular agreement be prepared:~ A letter from Hilllorn Williams & Co. was ordered fileSi. The Workmen 1 s Compensation letter was filed·~ Redfern letter re cost of watermains was left with the clerk for future reference of the W0ter & Fire Committee~ REPORTS OE COMMITTEES; /6orner Chairman5lt s@Kill of the Streets Committee tabled 3 reports left on file at the Clerk 1 s Office for reference'~ SWINDLE,CORNER; That the request of McCall Frontenac Co.,Yonge St. to construct a sidewalk in front of their property at their expense be granted. Carried. · . CORl,ER, cooK·; Th8.t the sidewalk lhn front of Davis Garage be compl- eted as per report and·the Council accept it with the supervision of Town Foreman and the Seal of the Corporation be attached bhereto. Carried!~ COOK,SISMAN; That the report of the Streets Committee regarding the planting of trees be adopted:~and we co-operate with the ·,·-·-·----· 5th Meeting Page 3 Horticultural Society in proceeding with this work, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto~ Carried~ SOCIDAL & SANITATION Committee brought their report re Memorial Community Center before Council~ SWINDLE, PRINGLE; That the report of the Social & Sanitation Committee re Community Center be presented at the Community meeting to be called by the Mayor, as per request of the Aurora Board of Trade. Carried:• FINANCE COMMITTEE Report as filed with the Clerk~ SISMAN, COOK; That the report of the Finance Committee be adopted and that the recommendations contained therin be acted upon and carried out as required. Carried'~ SISMAN,COOK; That the following schedule of Municipal grants be approved for·the year 1948; and for Aurora Public Library Board Aurora Horticultural Society Aurora Agricultural Society Aurora Boys Band Aurora Branch v. o. N. York Musical Festival Aurora Fire Brigade that necessary provision for the above grants be made in the year 1948 •• Carried'~ $1788.87 so.oo, 100'~00 25o.oo,· 600'~00 . 25~00.,( 1788.87 the budget DAVIES, JONES; That the recommendation of the Town foreman regarding the inst1:1llation of the Compressor in the Disposal plant be accepted;; Carried. SISMAN, COOK; That the Town of Aurora follow the procedure of the City of Towonto regarding daylight saving~ Carried·~ CORNER, COOK; That NO PARKING signs be erected from the corner of Mosley & Tyler Sts. on Yonge St. at a distance of 20ft. more or less from each comer~ At present time cars are allowed to park up to each corner and wheras cars entering Yonge St. from the above streets it is necessary to drive out too far on Yonge St. to get a clear vision of on-coming traffic, breating a dangerous hazard and avoid serious accidents • Carried'~ CORNER, SWINDLE; That whereas it is the pleasure of Council to pass accounts relating to work done in the Town only by time Table, not knowing where the work is done or having no record. We the Streets Committee feel that there should be some knowledge or check and we recommend that the foreman, when presenting his time table also give a account of the work done on each street or attend each Council meeting and give a report·~ Carried. CORNER, DAVIES; Whe~s a large number of homes in the Town of Aurora has no numbers on them ascertaing the correct location. In order to improve . conditions for the benifit of the citizens, vis~tors and travelling public and have the Town more up to date and modern. and greatly assist the assessor Council official and firemen in a short time'~ Be it resolved taat a correct survey be made and each home owner and businessman be requested to have the proper number put on their property, and the By-laws Committee bring in a By-law instructing home owners and businessman-to have this done within a period of six months on the passing of this By-law. and at the end of this period those who have not complied with the By-law that the proper authorities be instructed to have the numbers put on and aharged to the home owners. Carried·~ SWINDLE, PRINGLE; That the traffic light sign located near the water tank be moved north to a location near the elm tree at the north west corner of the arena parking lot. Carried·~ 'I Fifth meeting Page 4 DAVIES,JONES; That leave be given to introduce a By-law to Limit the number of Public garages and servoce stations in the Municipality of the Town of Aurora and that the same be now read a first time. Carried• PRINGLE, CORBETT; That the By-law now before the Council be read a second :IC!:B time and that the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose. Carried. SISMAN, COOK; That the By-law now before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law # 862 be suspended for that purpose. Carried. · SWINDLE,CORBETT; That the third reading be tal,en as read, Carried. DAVIES, CORNER; That leave be given to introduce a By-law to STRIKE the Rates for the Town of. Aurora for the year 1948'1 and that the same be now read a fmrst time. Carried. PRINGLE, CORBETT; That the By~law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council dissolve itself onto a committee of the whole for that purpose. Carried. SISU~, COOK; That the By-law now before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-alw # 862 be suspended for that purpose. Carried. JONES SWINDLEl That the third reading be taken as read. Carried. Meeting adjourned at 11~55 p.m. ·~ -. ***'f~~klf****lflf***** MAYOR