MINUTES - Council - 19480413\ '"-···
A special meeting of Council was held in the Council Chambers on Tuesday
April 13th 1948, Mayor Dr.C.Rose in the chair, Reeve Cook; Dep.Reeve
Corner; and Counciloors Corbett; Davies; Jones; Pringle; Sisman; Swindle
PRINGLE; _CORBETT; That the Clerk be instructed to purchase 2 two pant
uniforms for the Police Officers and that the Seal of the Corporation be
attached hereto. Carried,
SWINDLE,Pringle; That we advertise for applications for the position of
Milk Inspector for suppliers of milk to the Town of Aurora. That the
duties be outlined by Dr. G.W.Williams, M,O,H. and that applications be
filed at the Clerk 1 s Office up to noon April 30th 1948 • 11arried·.
Council agreed that a letter be written to the Lion's C1ub expressing
~N% tts approval and wholehearted support of the proposmtion of that
Club's undertaking, to construct a band shell in the Town Park. Also
that-the Lion 1 a Club submit a plan of the band stand, requesting
permission for a building permit to construct the same.
SWINDLE, CORBETT; That the request by the Supt·. of the Hydro Commission
for permission to cut a tree on Mosley St. at the Town hall, and similar
permission to erect two poles at the rear of the Town Hall lot, be left
in the hands of the Streets Committee to be dealt with. Carried.
SWINDLE, JONES; That the appointment of a plumbing inspector for the Town
be· delayed until notice of such an appointment being necessary is ·
recei'lued from the Department·~ Carried,
JONES, CORBETT; That the Fire Committee arrange a joint meeting of the
Fire Brigade and the Fire Committee and suggest the East Room of the Old
Town Hall, in an attempt to iron out our disagreements. Carried.
The brief prepared by Dr. Beer of the Collis Leather Co. was discussed; in
committee of the whole, further information and discussion will follow.
DAVIES,SISNL~; That leave be given to introduce a BY-law to PROVIDE FOR
now read a first time. Carried'•
JONES,CORBETT; That the By-law now before the Council be read a second
time and that the Council dissolve itself mnto a committee of the whole
for that purpose. Carried~
SISMAN,COOK; That the By-law now before the Council be read a third time
this day and that Rule 22 of By-law # 862 be suspended for that purpose,
SWINDLE,JONES; that the third reading be taken as read. Carried.
DAVIES,CORNER; ThatE leave be given to introduce a By-law toAUTHORIZE THE
CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWERS ON TYLER ST. and that the same be now read
a first time. Carried.
JONES,CORBETT; That the By~law now before the Council be read a second
time and that the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole
for that purpose. Carried.
PRINGLE,SWINDLE; That the following members be appointed to the AURORA RE~
Board of Trade-Mr.E.H.Clarke, one year member, term of office
to expire on Dec.3lst 1948
Home & School Club,. Mr.J ,E,Buchanan, one year member, term of office
to expire on Dec. 31st 1948
Aurora Legion-Mr. Norm,Bretz, two year member, term of office
t9 expire on Dec. 31st 1949
Aurora Lions Club-Mr. Len. Simmons, two year member, term of
office to expire on Dec. 31st 1949
Aurora Twon Council-Chairman of the Social & Sanitation Comm.,
term of office to expire o~ Dec. 31st 1948
Meeting adjourned. -·~· ------~ ........... _____ _