MINUTES - Council - 19480301-----·-·· ··· .. ·--~-· ( Lf 7,.,_ 'PP?fl MEETING March lst 1948 The regular meeting of Council was held in the Council Chamb~rs on Monday March lst at 8'o00 p.m. with Mayor Dr. c. Bose in the chair, ·. embers present; Reeve Cook; Dep. Reeve Corner; Councillors, Davies; Sisman; Corbett; Jones; Swindle; Pringle. On motion of DAVIES & Cook the minutes of the previous meetings were adopted Carried~ SISMAN, COOK; That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried·. CORPORATION Aurora Hydro Comm. Petty Cash n n Postmaster Bell Telephone Co. Snow Welding works Walter Dunning Robert Marshall J. Goulding Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons C. N. R~ Mingay Transport W.R.Case J. Maaten Daniel Motors T.K.Fice Chas. Case R. C. Osborne Aurora Bldg.Co. J.W.Bowser & Son Stiver Bros. Thornton-Browning Wilson Hardware . W.L.Milgate F. Dunham Corner Ins.Agency H.A.Bowman F.R.Underhill Stan. Hughes Clerks office Disposal Plant Town Hall Express Express,licenses etc. Stamps, ins. stamps # l 65 135 305 314 36lw 500 Thawing pipes etc~ Fire Escap§l Assessor, ~eb/48 Use car., Jan. Feb./48 Copy Municipal ~Acctg. Flasher Maint. Nov.47 Cartage Snow removal Insulating Furnace pipes Gas & Oil acct. Battery,Fire Dept. Gas, Fire Dept • Mitts, Fire Dept. Sewer pipe Roads Property Fuel T/H Oil, Library Property Dept. Blinker light,Truck 0/S trips & postage Add. Premium 11 11 (Old policy Ca.ncld~ U II Gas accto Feb. 2.70V 66.60v l0.9l v 9.8lv 3.73 y' 30.52,; 5.90'~' 6 •. 89V 2 .soy' 2.90v' 2.05 v' 3.24 v 5.20 v· 44.00 v 198.53 v 120~00 v 100 00 V 5.13 v 21.24 v o75V l6.50V 21.55·v 36.84 v 4o95V 1.98 v ll.64 \.(' 9.75 v l.70v .75v 68.85 v 27 .72V 10.92V 14.oo..l' 15.oo/ 14.67"' l3l.l0 v 41.13/ 32.82./ SISMAN, DAVIES; That the wage accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders . on the Tr0asurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto·~ arried~ COOK, SISMAN; that the following account s be paid, that the Mayor issue ordeu on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CaDried. WATERWORKS Aurora Hydro Comm. Bell Telephone Co. A. Staiman & Sons Beldam Asbestos Packing Ltd. Bert Huffman & Son Mueller Ltd. Canadian Brass Co. Ltd. # l # 2 # 12 Pipe, well casing Packing Cleaning wells Servwce boxes etc. less Cr. Note Main & Curb stops -··-·---···-•• ---.. ,-,~: .. ,_,----~·:-;' -c·:•J.;,--,~--:;,_,:. ·.•;·c;•; ;-: •... ·:-;· ···::;:: » •' ··---• . 63.ll v 40.99 v 3.80 v 48.75 v 3.89 v 565.00 v 8.94 v 228.24 v j .... , ... ) ( / Fo~rth ~ meeting Mab~h 1st 1948 PAGE 2 SWINDLE, CORBETT; That the following accounts be apid, that the Mayor issue orders on the,Treaeurer for the same, and the Seal of the.Corporation.be attached hereto·. arried!• RELIEF ': Medical Assn. 4 x 56¢ 2.24' Traviss Est. Rent 7 .50v .Aurora General Store Food 34.00 v .C. Osborne Clothing 3 .oo v Stiver Bros. Fuel 16.45 v DELEGATIONS; Mr.Lorne Cousins spoke to Council, asking thet• final decisions on the plan submitted on the land south of Cousin's Drive~ DAVIES, COOK; That the plan be given to the Planning Board for their final approval and returned to Council at the next regular meeting with the Board's recommendations·~ Carried'• Mr. Wm.Profit on behalf of the Horticultural Society presented a request for an increased grant this year in order to further the work.of the Society for 1948. a Financial report was presented to Council~ Mr. Sam. Dickie drew to the attention of Council a meeting of the plumbers of the district, with Dr. A. E. Berry as speaker to be held in the Parish Hall on March K 30th at 6.30 p.m. and asked that as many members of Council to attend as possible·~ CORRESPONDENCE A letter from the York Musical Festival, Woodbridge, reques·ting financial assistance to their society be considered by Council. The letter was handed to the Finance Committee for its recommendations~ A letter from W.S.Gibson & Sons, Surveyors was read, regarding the registering of Kennedy St. E. and the extent ion of Gurnett St·. DAVIES, SWINDLE; that the plan as prepared by Mr. Gibson be registered, by signing the ~ plan. Aurora Board of Trade requesting a meeting of the Legion; Lions Club; Aurora Town Council; and the Councils of the Townships of King ·and Whitchurch in reJi!llect to a Community Memorial Centre. SWINDLE, PRINGLE; That the Council signify it's willingness to send a delegation as requested by the Board of Trade to discuss a Memorial Community Hall. Carried. A petition to close a right of way on Church St. was received by the property owners involved. . SWINDLE, SISMAN; That the petition be handed to the Eroperty Committee for it's recommendations. Carried. · Mr. N.Dion requested a Street light at the corner of Berczy and Metcalf Sts. The request was left in the hands of the Streets Committee to be delt with;. The Financial report and request for a grant from the Hortic- ultural Society was left with the Finance Committee to be considered in the budget. A similar request from the V. o. N. organization was turned. over ·to the Finance Committee. A letter from The War Amputations of Canada requesting that a resolution be forwarded to the Member of Parliament regarding a 100% pension for totally disables veterans. DAVIES, SWINDLE; That the Clerk fill_ in the blanks on the form and have the Mayor sign same and send to the ~ember of Parliament. Carried. Fourth meeting March 1st 1948 Page_ 3 A letter from the Personal Parcel Service to Great Brttain was ordered to be handed to the Banner press to be dealt with as they see fit. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Social Service & Sanitation report re Recrea'ltional Community Centre as per report was submitted bt the Cahirman of the Commitee. SWINDLE, PRINGLE; That th~ explanatory report of the >Social and Sanitation Committee be accepted. arried. , A report regarding the Special collection of garbage was read to Council with recommendations as per report·~ SWINDLE, PRINGLE; That the report of the Social & Sanitation Committeeon Special Garbage Collection be x~ooi accepted and handed to the Board of Health for their consideration and report to the next regular meeting of Co.uncil. Carried~ · A further report was read regarding Recreation and Adult Education. with the Committees recommendations. SWINDLE, CORBETT; That the report of the Social and Sanitation Committee on Recreation and Adult Education be adopted. Carried•• The> Committees report on the figures for the Budget were presented to Council amounting to $4575~00 for the year"~ PRINGLE, SWINDLE; That the Budget Estimates of the Social and Sanitation Committee be passed to the Finance Committee for Consideration, Carried. · PRINGLE, DAVIES; That the Council appoint to the Town Planning Board to act from May 1948 until December 31st 1948. The Town Plann2ng Committee suggests Mr. H. M. McKenzie and Mr. J.H. Knowles,at present one year members of the Board whose term of office expires in May 1948. And further that the Council appoint a second member from Council in the person of Chas. Davies to the Planning Board.~ Also confirm that the Town Planning Board now consist of; Dr. C.R.Boulding ;j year member term of office to expilli'e on. eo. 31st 1950 > Mr. w.S.Mills Mr. E. H. Clarke Mr. E.R.Youngs(~) ' Mr. H. M. Mckenzie Mr. J. H. Knowles Mr. H. N. Pringle PROPERTY COMMITTEE 3 year member, term of office to exp~re on Dec. 31st 1950 · 2 year member, term of office to expire on Dec. 31st 1949 fi year member, term of office to expire on eo~ 31st 1949 l year member~ term of office to expire on Dec. [§1st 194t5 1 year member, term of office to expire on Dec. 31st 1948 Council representativem term of office to expire on Dec. 31st 1948 > Carried·~ This committee tableS. a report on repairs to the Town Hall, Waterworks house and veranda. JONES, DAVIES; That the report of the Property Co~mittee be adopted and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. arried~ Recommendations of the committee regarding the Library bldg. were presented to Council as per report'~ · JONES, DAVIES; That this report on the Library bo~~d be received and handed to the Finance Committee. Carried~ A similar report by the committee regarding repairs to the ArBna repairs was presented and recommended. JONES, DAVIES; That this report regarding repairs to the Arena be received and handed to the Finance Committee. Carried. CORNER, SWINDLE; That residents who desire trees planted will kindly notifY the Clerk and a notice placed :im:lll: in the Banner for this purpose~ Carried. ·-·-'~' "~.-:·-;~·---,_·,",•V:\'";•"> ''····,·,o;o·-~;; .• •-,1 ,•,:,,.0,:,'0fc!'.•:•; >~·;·,;:;; ;:,:,;~;~.;.;·; ;>;';;; \;·;Q:;;~~:-'-,,-.;, ,;.·,• •o-,o-·>-·--· Fourth meeting March let 1948 Page 4 CORNER, COOK; Wheras the matter of financing and the erection of a York County Building at the south east corner of Church and Adelaide Streets,. Toronto, and a n application to the Ontario Municipal Board to approve of $357 ,800~ in debentures for a ten year period at two and one half per cent·~ Be it resolved that the Municipality of the Town of Aurora hereby oppose any action taken at this time, as the above amount is only an estimate of the cost of the proposed "flounty Building. With the present obligations; namely the addition to the Registery Office under construction, and the grants to Hospitals of $130,500. also the Township of York being the largest municipality in the County going on record opposing this expenditure. With the high cost of material and labour every precaution should be taken to keep taxes on a level where Real Estate should not suffer, and with ever growing demands on municipal councils, and the high cost of living, serious consideration should be given before approving of any .extra expenditures durig the next three years• Carried~ WATER & FIRE C01[MITTEE JONES, COOK; That the following supplies and equipment be pur- chased for the Firemen and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried~ 1 smoke cannister type 6 OVAG 1 2 t to ll Siamese 2 ll Wonder nozzles 6 Helmets 200 ft ~ 2t hose 6 Hose straps 1 Hose dryer to be built in Fire Hall t 1.50 45.00 35.00 12.00 310.00 1.00 100.00 JONES,COOK; That the caretaker be instructed to use the gas engine to pump water and co-operate with the Aurora Hydro to conserve K.W. hours and keep off peek load at all times, and to keep the .water pressure up at all times. Carried. COOK, JONES; That the name of Cecil Holman be recommended for the caretaker of the fire truck for the year 1948, under the supervision of the Fire Chief at a fee of $75.00 for the year. and the Seal of the Corporation be attached, hereto. Carried~ DAVIES, SISMAN; that the report submitted by the Clerk on hold-up insurance and burglary insuranc 0 be taken up with the Finance Committee for a report and recommendations. arried. A petition from residents of Tyler St. for sanitary sewers was read. This list of names apparently is more than suffecient number to pass for the · Local Improvement Aot~ SISMAN, SWINDLE; That the matter of sewers for Tyler Street as per petition ~ received be turned over to the By-laws Committee for proper action. Carried. Meeting adjourned at 11.15 I .I