MINUTES - Council - 19480202'·~-
2nd Meeting Feb. 2nd 1948
The monthly meeting of Council was held in the Council Cha,bers on Monday Feb.
2 nd at 8·~00 p.m. 'li'ith )\D:ayor Dr. Rose in the chair, Council present;
Reeve Cook; Dep.reeve Corner; Councillors·. Corbett; Davies; Jones; Frillngle;
Sisman; Swindle.
The minutes of the previous ~eeting was adopted as printed.
SISMAN, DAVIES; That the wage aooounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on
the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto.
SISMAN, DAVIES; That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue ordeu
on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached
hereto. Carried·~
Bell Telephone Co._ # l 2.90 v
65 7oCJ7./
135 2.50v
305 ;!~85/
314 2.05 v
361W 3o35/
500 5o20v'
Petty Cash Express etc. 9.lov
Postmaste-r Stamps 13.00
Aurora Hydro Commission St. Lighting Jan. 365.83 v
Thornton Browning Oil, Library 19.95 v
G.J.Cliff & Sons Ltd. Comm. Salt 55.00 v
Stiver Bros. Fuel T/H 53.60 V'
Grand & Toy Ltd~ Office Suplilies 45.60 v
Banner Press 11 59.80 V'
Mingay Transport Cartage 23.75 v
Assn. Assessing Officers Membership lO~Oov
T .K.Fice Batteries 1.30 v
C .N .R. Flasher Maint. _ Oct/47 17 .81 v
R.L.Boag List of property sales l.26V'
Aurora Orchards .Snow removal 42.50v
Town of Newmarket Use of road breaker 26.60 v
Municipal World Ltd. 10 subscriptions 20.00 v
Robert Marshall Assessor Dec.2l-Jan.31 165.00 v
C.S.Nisbet Snow removal 180.00 v
Ernest Holman Gas & Oil, Fire Dept. 4.60 V'
B.F. Davis & Son Tile l9.65v
Taylor & Son Gas & Oil Fire Dept. 7.84 v
Ont. Hospital,Woodstock Hospitalization 45.50V
County of York 11 129.37 v
COOK,SISMAN; That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders
on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be _attached
hereto. Carried.
Bell Telephone Co.
Control & Metering Ltd.
Francis Hankin & Co •.
B.F.Davis & Son
Aurora Hydro Commission
# 12
Repairs to meter
Water meter, lessCr.note
of $ 54.00
Tungar bulbs
4.10 v
23.85 V'
321.00 v
26.05 v
16.45 V'
SWINDLE, PRINGLE; That the following accounts be paid, the the Mayor issue orde
on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached
hereto • Carried!~
~z.~ Medical Assn.
Traviss Est.
B.F.Davis & Son
Aurora General Store
4 X 56¢
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2 nd Meeting Page 2 Feb. 2/48
Mr. N.Bretz appeared before Council, on behalf of the Canadian
Legion with a request that the Town contribute to the Legion's Building fund.
On motion of Councillors Swindle & Davies the request was handed to the Finance
Committee with instructions to report at the next meeting of Council. Carried.
Mr. AoBrown from Redfern's Office attended on the request of Council
to give details for the depth that the sewers and watermains had been layed"oo
Mr. Brown explained that when the streets were graded to their proper level
some two feet would be therefor graded off the present level, ·leaving the
average depth at about 7ft. This explanation being satisfactory to Council.
A letter from The Ontario Association of Rural Municipalities
regarding membership was left with the Finance Committee for further invest-
Requisition from the Fire Dept. was received for supplies for the
year. On motion of Councillors Sisman & Swindle the matter was turned over to
the Fire & Water Committee to bring in recommendations. Carried.
A request from the Police Dept. for new uniforms was brought to
6ouncil by letter and left in the hands of the Police Commission to be dealt
~he remaining correspondence was ordered filed.
Reeve Cook submitted a detailed report of The Water Committees•
meeting and certain procedure to be followed:' in connection with wells, mains,
and stand pipe. ·
DAVIES, SISMAN; That the Water Committees' report be adopted in its entirety
Councillor S!sman , as Ch&~rman of the Finance Committee made sever&
separate reports. (1) That a cost of living Mf bonus be given to mwmPKxK M1
the Town employees with the exception of the Clerk & asst.Clerk.
SISMAN,SWINDLE; That the report re wages be adopted.-Carried.
(2) The request of the Planning Board for a 1 mill levy to
carry on the work ~n that field. d
SISMAN, DAVIES; That the report regarding the Planning Board be adopted .• Carrie
(3) That the Corporation make a donation to the Sick ·
Children's Hospital of $25·.00
SISMAN,SWINDLE; That the report re request from the Hospital for Sick Children
be adopted, That a. grant of $25 .oo be made and the Seal of the Corporation '-
be attached nheret\6¥) Carried·~ · .
(4) The matter of a revision of Insurance with coverages
as per report was recommended.
SISMAN;SWINDLE; That the report of the Finance Committee on insurance be
adopted. Carried'•
(5) That the Clerk compile a statement of the amounts
paid to our Engineer during the last five years.
SISMAN,SWINDLE; That the report re Redfern & Co. be adopted. Carried.
(6) That the 5% holdback on the Hagersville Paving co.,as
a guarantee be ppid~
SISMAN,SWINDLE; That the report re Hagersville Paving Co. account be adopted
and the Seal of the Corporation be attached. hereto~ . Carried:~
SISMAN,SWINDLE; That all Committees of Council complete their estimates for
expenditures for the year 1948 and have information complete in detail and
ready for presentation to Council and the Finance Committee at the next
s~ssion of Council or sooner if possible(through the Clerk) Carried.
DAVIES,CORNER; That leave be given to introduce a By-law to Appoint a member
to the Board of Health and the same be now read a first time. Carried.
SISMAN,CORBETT; That the By-law now before the Council be read a second time
and that the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole for that
purpose. Carried. " '
SWINDLE,PRINGLE; That the By-law now before the Council be read athird time
this day and that Rule 22 of By-law # 862 be suspended for that purpose.
JONES,PRINGLE; That the third reading of the ByOlaw be taken as read,Carried.
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&2nd Meeting Feb. 2nd Page 3
DAVIES,SWINDLE; That leave be given to introduce a By-law to Appoint a member
to the Public Library Board for 3 years and that the same be now read a first
time~ Carried.
SISMAN,CORBETT; That the By-law now before the Council be read a second time
and that the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole for that
purpose. . Carried.
PRINGLE,SWINDLE; That the By-law now before the Council be read a third time
this day and that Rule 22 of By-law# 862 be suspended for that purpose. Carrd.
JONES,SISMAN; That the thirdreading of the By-law be taken as read. Carri!'Jd•
-DAVIES,JONES; That leave be given to introduce a By-law to APPOINT a member
to the Public Library Board for 2 years and that the same be now read a :kkluai:
first time. Carried. ,
SISMAN, CORBETT; That the By-law now before the Council be read a second time
and that the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole for that
purpose. Carried. .
CORBETT,JONES; That the By-law now before the Council be read a third time
this day and that Rule 22 of By-law# 862 be suspended for that purpose. Carrd.
JONES,SWINDLE; That the third readong of the By-law be taken as read. Carried.
DAVIES,SWINDLE; That leave be given to introduce a By-law to Authorize the
Borrowing of $28,000.00 for payment of Floating Indebtedness Purpose~ and
that the same be now read a first time. Carried·,
CORNER,COOK; That the By-law now before the Council be read a second time
and that the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole ltor that
purpose. Carried.
CORNER,SWINDLE; That the second reading be taken as read. Carried.
The third reading was left until the approval of the Municipal Board be
DAVIES,JONES; That leave be given to introduce a By-law to provide for
Expenditures on Roads & Streets in this Municipality and that the same be now
read a first time. Carried.
DAVIES,COOK; That the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora go on
record; £ . .
That wheras recently there appeared in the LocalNewspaper an advert•
isement signed and paid for by the United Electri~al Radio and Machine workers
of America of 45 Richmond St. W. Toronto, ont.
And Whereas this Union has applied: to the Ontario Labour Relations
Board for certification as the Official Bargaining Agents of a local industry.
And whwreas this Union is considered to be dominated by Communist
Leadership •
. Be it therefore resolved
That this Council go on record.as severely condemning the methods
purposes and leadership of such Unions as the United Electrical Radio and
Machine workers of America.
And that the General Public should be educated to be constantly on
guard against any form of intimidation likely to lead to their loss of Civil
liberty •.
And further that the workers of this Town should make an immediate
effort to defeat the attempt of the above mentioned union to organize them,
But rather to make membership in a union having declared democratic principles.
DAVIES,PRINGLE; That as this Council has the appointment of one member to tbe
York County Hospital Board, that the appointment be made in the person of
Mr. R. Linton. Carried.
On motion of JONES & C66K That time of the meeting be extended past midnight
in order to continue the business before Council. Carried-~
Meeting adjourned at 12'i30 a.m~
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