MINUTES - Council - 19480112 (2)'--"-·· FIRST MEETING JAN. 12th 1948 The First meeting of the new Counail met in the Counail Chambers on Monday Jan. -12th at 8~00 p.m·~ Mayor Rose in the ahair, Beeve Cook; Dep.Reeve Corner; Counaillors COrbett; Davies~ Jones; Pringle; Sisman & Swindle present'~ On motion of Reeve Cook & Counaillor Sisman the minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as printedi~ Carried'~ The Report of the Striking Committee for the standing aommittees for the year was as follows; FIRE & WATER Cook STREETS Corner FINANCE Sisman Soaial & Sanitation Swindle By-laws & Industy'~ Daviesu PROPERTY Jones Sports & Publiaity Corbett Town Planning Pringle Jones Cook Swindle Corbett Jones :Pringle Corner Davies Sisman Swindle Cook_ Pringle Corbett .Davies Jones Corner POLICE COMMISSION BLDG. :PERMITS The Mayor; Corner; Sisman; Corbett·~ The Clerk; The Mayor; Davies• COOK,· SWINDLE; That the report of the striking Committee be adopted. Carried. SISMAN; DAVIES; That the following aacounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the. Seal of the Corporation be attached thereto. Carriedi~ CORPORATION Aurora Hydro Comm"~ Postmaster Petty aash Robert Marshall Dr. G.W.Williams Banner l'ress County of York Wm.Knapp c. s. Nisbet J. Goulding l[.Bak Morris Meats Co N • R. Francis Hankin & Co. Ltd. Taylor & Son Wilson Hardware Thornton Browning J.W~Bowser & Son Aurora Building Co. Stiver Bros~ E.v.stewart Muniaipal World Ltd. B.G.Whitelaw F.Dunham St .Li~hting Dec • Clerk s Off'iae Town Hall Disposal plant Stamps · Sundry express etc, Assessor Dec.l-20 V .D.Treatment Printing a/c Hospitalization Painting P/S rooms Snow removal Dea. Use car Nov~& Dea. Repairs to tools Xmas fowl Flasher Maint. Sept. Sludge pump hose Gas. Fire Dept. l'roperty Dept~ Oil, Library Property Dept. Fuel ~0 Fuel T H Gas a. a Dec. Offiae Supplies II 11 Outside trips eta. 388:~51 v 2.09v' 9.38 v 66.76 v 13.00-/ . 7.22 v 90.00 v 106~00 v 51.08 v . 63.45 v 210.00 v 75.00 v 10.00 v 5.65../ 86.40 v l8~55v 56.00.; .. 3.78 v 3.90 v 15.20 v 4o25V 97 .so v 88.35v 37 ~08 v 21.66 v 9.20 v 4.30 v SISMAN, DAVIES; That the following acaounts be paid~ that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal OI the Corpora~~on oe attaahed hereto. Carried~ _ Wage aaaounts for Month of Deaember 1947. ···:· "-~"(''. ., ___ , 1st Meeting Jan. 12th 1948 PAGE 2 JONES, DAVIES; That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried. WATERWORKS Aurora Hydro Comm n n. n Postmaster Petty Cash West Huffman W.H.Spragg Van Tuyl & Fairbank Mueller Ltd. SWmNDLE, PRINGLE; That the following orders on the Treasurer for the same attached hereto. Carried. RELIEF CORRESPONDENCE: Stiver Bros. B.F.Davis & Son Teasdale Market Aurora General Store Medical Assn. Traviss Est. #1 2 Stamps Freight on pipe a/a well screening Machining pipe Well casing Service conn. & 64.72 v 40.99 v 24.00 v 14.49 v 50.00 v 23.50 v 426.50 v tapping parts 51.82 V accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue and the Seal of the Corporation be Fuel Fuel Food Food 4 X 56¢ Rent 20.00 v 56.oov 12~80 v 29.20v 2.24 7 .50"' A request, from the United. Polish Relief Fund for funds was read and on motion of ~rJJfDLE, PRINGLE; the letter ordered filed, carried. A reply ~the Snow Welding Works in regard to the price of installi~ a snow plow for the Town truck was received, stating the price to be $900.00. Moved by SWINDLE,SISMAN that no action be taken re snowplow for truck. Carried. Notification of the Ontario Good Roads Convention dates was read and ordered filed• Blank renewal forms were received from the Municipal World Ltd. for the yearly subscription of that magazine, on motion of Chas. Davies, and R.H .Corner" the Clerk we ·authorized to purchase 10 copies monthly of the Municipal World for the members of Council and that the Seal of the Corpn. be attached hereto'~ Carried. · A letter from the. Town of Meaford, requiring no answer, was ordered filed. ·Request from the Canadian National Institute for the Blind for permission to hold a Tag Day in Aurora on May 1st was received. BY WHKMRWX unanamous consent of Council this permission was given. A letter from the Streets Dept. was given to the Finance Committee to be dealt with and re~ommendations made to Council later~ upon Motion of Councillors Swindle & Jones• Carried·~ Mr. & Mrs. W.O.Stephens letter to Council for permission to operate a small grocery store on Wells St., taking over the business of Jack Morton,Connaught Aveo being discussed, a motion by SISMAN,SWINDLE "That permission be granted to W .o.stephens, Wells St. to operate a neigh- borhood grocery store as per letter received, was carried~ REPORTS OE COMMITTEES The report from the Planning Board on work that would need to be undertaken this coming year and for financial assistance was received. ~;SWINDLE, PRINGLE; That the Planning Board report be received. Carried;; SISMAN, COOK; That the Water Committee be empowered tp spend up to $600.00 for the purchase of a new'Water meter for installation at the Collis Leather Co. plant and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried. Upon request from The Lion's Club the following motion was passed. "That the Aurora Lion's Club be granted permission to hold a Tag Day in Aurora in aid of The Food For Britain fund", Moved and seconded by Councillors J6NES & PRINGLE. ·-.,~._,.,_<• .•; .. " let Meeting Jan. 12th 1948 PAGE 3 SWINDLE, SISMAN; That the Clerk be instructed to contact Mr. Morrison, contractor,and arrange to have Mr. W.L.Stephens water pipe repaired satisfac- torily. Carried~ ~ SWINDLE, CORNER; That the accounts of the Engineer be handed to the Finance Committee for aonsideration and that Mr. Brown of Redfern Office be asked to attend the next meeting of Council to supply information as to the dept a of sewers <J; watermains ~ Carried. SISMAN, SWINDLE; That the account of Morrison 6onstruction be paid out of ~ Current funds for the present and Debentures be issued at a later date· to be used to offset this expense and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried'~ DAVIES, CORNER; That leave be given to introduce a By~law to "Authorize borrowing of up to $55,000.00 to meet expenses until taxes are paid and that the same be now read· a first time•i • SISMAN, PRINGLE; That the By~law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose. SWINDLE, CORBETT; That the By-law now before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law # 862 be suspended for that purpose. _ SWINDLE, DAVIES; That the third reading of the By~law be taken as read. carried. NEW BUSINESS; SWINDLE, SISMAN; That the Clerk be and is hereby instructed to insert notice in the local press, expressing the appreciation of the Council for the Co-operation received from the citizens in the matter of snow removal from the sidewalks and that a warning be given those who have failed to co-operate~ Carried. DAVIES, COOK; That the Council appoint 2 members to the Planning Board to fill the vacancies caused by (a) the resignation of Mr. Bowser; (b) the change in the Chairman of the Planning Committee of this Council, Carried. DAVIES, JONES; That Councillor Pringle be the chairman of the Planning Board Committee of Council. Carried. Council approved the appointment of Mr. Riley Youngs as the new member of the Flanning Board for a term of 2 years. Carried. Meeting adjourned at 11.20 p.m~ ****~***~**** MAYOR- ·C . ' I