MINUTES - Council - 19471215'-~--· /'·., ', ~--f \ 22 MEETING (SPECIAL) DEC. 15th 1947 A special meeting of Council was held in the Council Chambers on Monday Dec.l5h Mayor Linton in the Chair, and Dep. Reeve Cook; Dr. C.Rose; T.F.Swindle; Victor Jones; Chas. Davies; John: Sisman; S .G.Patrick present. The Minutes of the two previous meetings were adopted as printed!~ SWINDLE, JONES; That the f~lowing aBcounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be att- ached hereto~ Carried'~ CORPORATION; Hydro Commission Weateel Products Ltd. Wilson Hardware J~W~Bowser & Son Stiver Bros~ H.E~Teasdale w .H~Taylor Canadian Legion F.R.Underhill R~L~Boag C.W.Mack Stoutts Garage T.K.Fice Thornton Browning Aurora Orchards Grand & Toy Ltd. Cash Lois Love Attridge &. Son Petty Cash Bell Telephone .co. J. 0 1 Brien Clerk's Office Town Hall Disposal Plant St~Lighting Nov~ 2 road signs Property etc. It tt Sts. etc~ Fuel T/H Bailiff Div~ Court Clerk Wreath Insurance List prop.sales Repairs to pd.Stamp Gas,chains etc. Solice (Batteries) Oil,Libra:cy Snow removal Office supplies Election expenses Insurance Lumber Express etc. # l 65 135 314 361W 500 305 Snow removal 1.90, 11~37, 65.00, 388.51, 3.90, 29.85-- 22.15-.. 8.35' 35.10, 20.00, 20.00, 15.00, 537~85, 2.16-... 1.7o, 71~38:.. .so, 8.60, 60~00, 24.90-.. 80~00, 55~00-., 122.83, 3.48 ... 2~95-.. 7 .19--... 2~70-.. 2~05--... 3~14--... 5.20--... 2.85-._ 19~00, SISMAN, DAVIES; That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried. WATERWORKS; Hydro Commission B~F.Davia & Son Davia Garage J.W.Bowser & Son Bell Telephone Co. # l # 2 Cement Gas Pipe etc. # 12 62~71\ 40~99, 3~00, 35.50, 85.81, 3~80, ROSE, COOK; That the Town Employees be presented with a holiday gift of fowl this year as in previous years~ Carried'~ A report from the Town Planning Board was read, outlining the activities during the year, and was adopted·~ JONES, DAVIES; That the report of the Sanitation Committee be adopted and the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried!~ ROSE, JONES; That the repprt of the Finance Committee re insurance be tabled and presented to the new Council. Carried. ROSE, PATRICK; That a~hearty vote of thanks and appreciation be tendered to Mayor Linton for his untiring efforts and co-operation to Council during the year. By unanimous vote of the members, the motion was carried'~ Each member of Council expressed their personal thanks to Mayor Linton for -·-:······:·:···· ··•• ··:·c---:·•.~;•.->'e)•:·:·•' -~·, ···•-•.· ·.·,• C."<,:.:-;•l.·•~·s;.:.~~c""~'__,::o,:'o~:,o·:~-.•;,..::.'.~:<·:-.•.• •• ·i, •. c •. ,·o•'• ,,-,-_,, "'~"''-- ·; \ .· "--, ... :-..- . /.". \ ... ) 22 meeting Continued page 2 his leadership this year. In reply Mayor Linton conveyed his thanks to each member for their efforts and expressed his pleasure in working with the members odt Council~ .. . / , ~ , Meeting adjourned at 10.15 p.m. l !'~ *****~~****.l<..u&...t. MAYOR .,-,·,;·• ,-•• -.·,,,, .•.•.-. •'•>-<·-·-;.;;:-;-; ·;_;;.;.:(•:• :-:~~<-;:.f.; '<•:-;.;-. !-; ~;-;·;•.• ;-;•.·:~ ·Ni. ·'·'-'•"-'' ···-:··i\'."C'"'- " .