MINUTES - Council - 19470902; ~i ~ -~"··· , I ' ! FIFTEENTH MEETING SEPT .211 nd 194'7 .. ~ ,. _, '-.. The regular monthly meeting of Council was held in the Council Chambers on Tuesday Sept. 2nd at 8.00 p.m. with Major Linton in the chair and members of Council present; Reeve C .E .Sparks; Dej.Reeve A .A .Cook; T .F .Swindle; v,. Jones; J.E.Sisman; Chas. Davies; S.G.Patrick; Dr. c. Rose. The minutes of the previous meetings were adopted as corrected. SISMAN, DAVIES; That the following accounts be paid, orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of hereto. Carried'~ that the Mayor issue WATERWORKS Bell Telephone Co. Beldam Asbestos Packing Co. B.F.Davis & Son Canadian Brass Co. " u .. the Corporation be attache d 12 Packing Fuel Pipe,fittings etc. Service boxes 3.80-... 5 .83.,_ 183.35, 50.84, 33.03, SWINDLE, SISMAN; That the Wage accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried'~ SWINDLE, SISMAN; That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Traesurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried. CORPORATION Bell Telephone Co. Robert Marshall Can. Industries Ltd. A.E.Hawkins Dinty Moore Aurora Hydro Comm. tt tt n Can. Bitumuls Ltd. Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Banner Press Hess Drug Store Grand & Toy Ltd. J. Bak Fe Dunham Sundries II B.F.Davis & Son Taylor & Son· lL 65 135 305 314 36lw 500 Assessor Calcium Fill Gas. etc. Fire Dept. Batteeies st. Lighting Aug. Sidewalk Mix Add. Machine Printing Supplies Office supplies Property replll.irs Outside trips & Postage Express Sts. II W.W. Cement,tile,fuel Gas 3.81, 4.57-... 3~62, 2.85, 2 .os., 3 .OS-._ 5.20-. 130.00, 17 .17, 168.00-.... 31.~ 1.80.., 388.51-.. 29.46-... 367.20, 5.40, 3.60-.. 5.6o, 2.10'- 28 .10., 2.43-.. 3.2~ 182.20-.. 2.18-.. JONES, DAVIES; That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried'~ RELIEF ""i'•"•'•'•' Medical Assn. Traviss Est. F.W.Teasdale Aurora General Store 4 X 56 Rent Food Food -·;·;-';"'' 1.24 7 .so-... 16.00, 36.50, , .. '.--·-'' Fifteenth Meeting Sept. 2/47 Cont'd, CORRESPONDENCE, Request from the Bell Telephone Co. to allow erection of three Poles on Centre St, to serve new s.ubscribers was read, SPARKS, SWINDLE; That permission be given the Bell Telephone Co, to erect three poles according to plan, on the south side of Centre St. east of the C .N .R. ·tracks, Carried~ Two requestsfrom residents of Aurora for permission to obtain taxis licences were received, the result of which the following motion was passed, DAVIES, SPARKS; That the applications for taxis licences be not granted until such time as a vacancy %K occurs, when the matter will be taken up in Couneil, An application By F, Griffith to operate the iee arena for the 1947-48 season was plaeed before Council. DELEGATIONS Mr, Dinty Moore & M. Taylor Appeared before Council with apetition to cause service stations to be closed during certain hours. Mr. Geo. Duffield explained to Council the desire of the C anadian Legion to have a home or club for the organization and asked the Couneil to consider donating land to erect a building thereon~ SISMAN,SWINDLE; That the Council meet at a later date to go into this matter more thoroughly. Carried. Mr. E.R.Youngs explained to Council the result of sewerage backing up in his basement during his absence this summer, a verbal arrangement was agreed upon wherby a trial remedy would be started shortly, REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Reeve Sparks gave a verbal report of the construction of certain sidewalks and the difficulties of doing work on the corner of Connaught and Gurnett walk without a surveyor's report, ·. A petition from residents of the new subdivision of Kennedy East, Wells, and Edward Sts.was received for sewers, water. DAVIES, SISMAN; That the property owners petition for water and light for Kennedy St. from Edward St. to Wells St. be granted, That the application for sewers be not granted until such time as the petition includes the names of the owners on Kennedy St. from Wells St. to Gurnett St'~ Carried, SWINDLE, SISMAN; That STOP SIGNS be ~rected on Wells St. at Connaught Ave, Carried, A report from the Sports & Publicity Committee regarding the operation of the arena for the 1947-48 season was read by Chairman Sisman, SISMAN, SWINDLE; That the report of the Sports & Publicity Committee be adopted and that the Clerk act upon the details outlined, regarding advertising immediately, That the Chairman of this Committee be empowered to have the Town Solicitor work with him in drawing up a draft contract regarding the arena, such contract of necessity to be finally approved-by Council. Carried, PATRICK,JONES; That,we, the Property Committee recommend that the house at the Waterworks be shingled as soon as possible, Carried, Reeve Sparks enlightened Council that he had handed the hospital acaount of Ellis to the proper County authorities and that the same would go through in the usual way. SPARKS, COOK; That the Clerk order sufftcient sanitary pipe for George st. from Tyler St. north to make connections with the trunk sewer on the north end of George St., Welli~ton to Mills St·• Also sufftcient sewer tile for Catherine Ave. East for sewers at present contemplated, Also sufftcient tile for Kennedy St. from Edward st. to Gurnett St. Carried, • • -•c:-·-··,--, •· • • .• , ...... ,., .• , • ·:-~·->.•,.;..:.'.-c:o...>.:O.:.U...:O'".<.:.-:-ow.-:o;.•.:>.-:...:"-"---'o:C:.i::..L~~:;.;c • ..o.._-,~·-• •. c-.-.·.~·"-·, .-·--· l ;-.:.:.---~~·-·~-~··~o~--·'--"'~'··~¥-·~~;";SL.:..~~-··"-~----·~--........:-:.:.,~2.L;i:S;0,,.,.,;.._ ... ....,o;~~ .. ~~~~f~"OM>~~,.;."'-"""""·~~~~.....: .. ·~~~:~ •.. _. ___ H~........--·---'-'-;_;,s·L:.:._, __ .~...ic.-.--·-:.. _____ .~-----.. - . ,,r-'· . ____ ) -\_ ) (''. r':·:< J ' '-..._....:.,_.:.·< Fifteenth Meeting Sept. 2 1947 Contld. ~ ROSE, SISMAN;That leave be given to introduce a ~-law to authorize the sale of Lot 36, :Plan 30 on the :s!l!D0'1rk south side of Tyler St. and that the same be now read a first time. Carried. DAVIES, JONES; That the ~-law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose. Carried. SISMAN, SWINDLE; That the By-law now before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of ~-law # 862 be suspended for that purpose. Carried~ COOK, SWINDLE; That the third reading be taken as read. Carried'~· ROSE, COOK; That leave be of retail gas & oil shops be now read a first time. given to intr~duce a ~-law to require the closing to close during certain hours. and that the same Carried. COOK, SPARKS; That the ~-law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose·• Carried. SISMAN, SWINDLE; That the By-law now before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of ~-law # 862 be suspended for that purpose. carried. SPARKS, SWINDLE; That the third reading be taken as read. Carried• ROSE, JONES; That leave be given to introduce a By-law to licence and regulate Victualling Houses and that the same be now read a first time. Carried. DAVIES, PATRICK; That the ~~law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council disso%ve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose. Carried. SISMAN, DAVIES; That the By-law now before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of ~-law # 862 be suspended for that purpose. Carried. SPARKS, ROSE; That the third reading be taken as read. Carried. ROSE, SWINDLE; That leave be given to introduce a By-law to Provide building restrictions in "LORNE COUSINS SUBDIVISION" and that the same be now read a first time. Carried. Meeting adjourned~ ~~)·-********~*************** MAYOR