MINUTES - Council - 19471015(
. __ ,.
A special meeting of Council was held in the Council Chambers on Wednesday
Oct~ 15th with Mayor Linton in the Chair, and Dep. Reeve Cook; Oc:>uncillors:
Swindle; Jones; Sisman; Rose; Davies present.
Also present were Drs. Berry of the Dept. of Health and Dr. Williams, local
~edical Officer of.Health'~
Considerable discussion was in effect regarding the aondition emanating in
the vicinity of Tyler st.causing discolouration to paint etc·~
Dr~ Berry assured Council that a complete check up of all conditions would
be made as soon as possible, a report would in turn be submitted to Council.
INTRddU.~Ed-Deputy Reeve Cool!;.,Mr. R. Barnard to the Council, who had been invited to
attend in connection with the view of obtaining someone to take a personh~
interest in the Waterworks dept'~ During the interview all members of Council
made enquiries of Mr. Barnard as to the type of work he was capable to
und.ertake along various angles~
SISMAN, Cook; That the K.A.Morrison Co. be awarded the contract re sewers
etc. as outlined, such work to be completed as soon as possible • That the
portion of Wells st. sewer as detailed in previous motion of Council be also
completed by Mr. Morrison at rates specified in the Contract. Carried.
SWINDLE, SISMAN; That the Court of Revision be held in the Council Chambers
on Monday N0 v.l0th at 7.00 p.m. and that the following members of Council
act as the Court. The Mayor; the Reeve; the Deputy Reeve and Councillor
Dr• Rose~ Carried~
Particulars of a proposed Health Unit to be formed at County Council was
outlined as to those municipalities particapating, and the coverages that
would go in connection with the Unit'~ Certain information was to be
requested from the Dept. of Health before the matter was finally decided.
after which the question would be discussed at the next meeting·~
Meeting adjourned.
**~*~~***** • MAYOr.