MINUTES - Council - 19471103-r <.,. '~ •.. .v NINETEENTH MEETING Nov! 3rd 1947 The regular monthly meeting was held in the Council Chambers on Monday Nov.3:td In the absence of the Mayor & Reeve Sparks, Dep. Reeve Cook presided, with C6uncillors Swindle; Jones; Sisman; Davies; Rose & Patrick present. . . R . The minutes of the previous meetings were adoted as printed. Carried. wage SWINDLE,' COOK; That the :f!St3cXl!!!JI!:img accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carriedfi SWINDLE, COOK; That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on t~e Treasurer for the same and that the Seal of the Corporation be attachedherto• Carried~ CORPORATION Bell Telephone Co. A.E~L. Maughan Sundries Aurora Hydro Comm·~ Stiver Bros. Newmarket Era & Express J. Bak C~ N. R! W. L. Milgate Attridge & Son J. A. Mitchell & Son II Ontario Hospital, Woodstock Mingay Transport Toronto Star Office Specialty Co.Ltd. Cash R.L.Boag B. F. Davis & Son J. Goulding Dinty Moore F. Dunham R. Marshall Count~r of York # 1 65 135 ~~4 361W 500 75ft rule Express etc. St ~ Lig_ht ing Oct • Fuel T/H Tender Ad. 3.45 9.37' 3.23, 2 .85'- 2~05'-3. 54, 5.20, 5 .oo.,: 9.17-.. Property rep&&rs Flasher Maint. July New Truck 388.51, 32.65, 5.00-.. 4.90, 10.76, 2208.31, 8.25, 22.25, 6.8h 46..00, 1.oo, 4.86, 6o.oo ... Lumber Sewer Dept. Streets Dept. Hospitalization Cartage Tender Ad. 15.00, 26.20, Filing Cabinet Selection of Jurors fee List of property sales Sewer Dept. s6.oo, 6.oo, 4.45, Police 42 .20, Use car Oct. Fire Dept. Gas 0/S trips & extra Assessor Oct • Hospitalization 115.00, 110.55, COOK, SISMAN; That the following accuunts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attachedheho·~ Carried WATER Bell Telephone Co. Canadian Brass Co. Ltd. W.H.Spragg National Iron Corpn. # 12 Curb stops Threading pipe Pipe etc. 3.80, 46.43, 11.25, 256.54, JONES, DAVIES; That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto~ Carried. RELIEF Medical Assn. Traviss E6 t. Teasdales Market Aurora General Store 6 X: 5~ Rent Food Food 3.36 7 .so, 12.80, 29.20, -; '·-~·- Nineteenth meeting page 2 DELEGATIONS; A. Rose appeared before Council with regard to a Veterans lot, because. of the Mayor's absence Mr. Rose was asked to ~It tend the Dec. meeting. Mr,( Brown from Redfern 1 s Offiee.·gave Council particulars on the sewer pipe and water pipe in conne6tion with the contract already let~ explaining that neither 2inch or 4inch pipe could be procured and we would likely have to lay 6 inch instead!~ as a result the following motion was passed. SWINDLE, JONES; That the engineer be authorized toorder sufficient 6 11 pipe to give water service from Fleury St.east on Catherine, south on Catherine era to C~ntre St. providing for a hydrant at the corner of Catherine & Catherine cresent and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. SWINDLE, SISMAN; That the Clerk & Councillor Davies be a committee to negotiate with the Property owners in view to getting a Street allowance from Wells st. west to Gurnett st. Carried. Mr. Lorne Cousins presented a draft plan of the new sub-division south of Cousin's Drive for Council's consideration. SWINDLE,DAVIES; That the draft plan of this sub-division be handed to the Planning Board for their recommendations and that the Board report to Council. JONES, SWINDLE; That the water situation at the Billings well be left in the hands of the Water Committee for investigation. Carried. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Councillor Sisman outlined to Council the specifications of XkKX the Sports Committee regarding the leasing of the Arena for the coming season. JONES, DAVIES; That the Sports Committee's report be adopted. Carried. JONES,SWINDLE; That the Rooms in the To\~ Hall occupied by the Public School be decorated and the work be done between Christmas & new years and that the Clerk be hereby instructed to advertise for tenders for the job, to be in not later than Decolst and the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution'~ Carried!~ ROSE, SISMAN; That the Council express themselves to County Council as favour- ing the principll.il~r:>of a Health Unit for North York, and their willingness to become a part of such a Unit if and when formedf~ Carried. JONES, ROSE; That the Clerk apply to Ottawa for a permit to hold a "Food for Britain Campa~gn". Carried~ . SWINDLE, SISMAM; That the Clerk be instructed to purchase a flag at a cost Ill!. not exceeding $25.00 and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried'~ SISMAN, DAVIES; That the Clerk be instructed to cancel the existing insurance on the old Town truck and that new insurance be purchased f~om F.R.Underhill to cover the new truck. Carried. SWINDLE, SISMAN; That the tender submitted by W .R.Case for the skating rink for the coming winter, in the amount of $625~00 be accepted, with full pay- ment to be deposited with the Treasurer on the signing of a contract·~ Carried. ROSE,PATRICK; That leave be given to introduce a By~law to set the Clerk's salary and that the same be now read a first time. Carried. JONES,DAVIES; That the hour of midnight being reached the Council will carry nN after midnight. Carried. ROSE, JONES; That the By-law now before Council be read a second time and that the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose. Carrllu!ld'~ · SISMAN, DAVIES; That the By-law now before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law # 862 be suspended for that purpose. Carr- ied~ Meeting adjourned MAYOR