MINUTES - Council - 19470915/ ~" ( SIXTEENTH MEETING (SPECIAL) SEPT. 15th 194J A spacial meeting of Council was.hald in the Council Chambers on Monday Sept. 15th with Mayor Linton in the chair, other members present; Reave '-tar·?f;·p!~ Reeve Cook; Cllas. Davies; T.F.Swindla; V. Jones; S.G.Patrick; Dr'~ ·c·~ Rose • ., Mr. Gibson, Land surveyor appeared before Council with a vielfil;to undertaking monumenting street corners in Plan 68. ' T.A.M.Hulse presented a petition from a number of garage owners & serVice Station operators to amend the By-law passed last meeting. The matter of suitable property ~or the usa of the Canadian Legion was discussed, out of which the following motion was passed:• SWINDLE, PATRICK; That the Town Solicitor be instructed to enter into negotiations with the Inner Spring Mattress Co. Ltd. and prepare such agreements as may be necessary to clarify the title to Temperance st. and the lands affected in Lots 14, 15 & 16, Plan 9 for the Town of Aurora. Carrii Reeve Sparks asked for the position of the sidewalks on Kennedy St. E~ between Edward & Wells St. in order to find the correct position to place poles to serve the Hydro line~ It being agreed that the poles to go 19 ft. from the centra of the travelled portion of this street. the following motion was introduced. ROSE. DAVIES; That the Hydro be permitted to erect poles 19 feet from the centre of Kennedy St. E. Carried. • ROSE, SWINDLE; That a 4" water pipe be laid down the centre of Kennedy St.E~ from Edward to Wells Sts. connecting northerly on Wells to Connaught. That standard sanitary and storm sewer be laid down the canter of Kennedy St. from Edward westward to connect with the trunk sewer at Gurnatt and north on Wells to connect near Connaught. That the Clark be authorized to order water and sewer pipe adequate for the work. That the Clark be instructed to obtain contractors price for the work for approval of Council. That the urgency of obtaining immediate action be emphasized~ Carried~ Meeting adjourned~ MAYOR · ---~~7~--.~~,_ .. ,~ · ,..,,··:·:· ,,,., ··· · '"'· '-'· -.-.. :.-, "" ,_,,,,·a-~.~,:.:• .. (·,· -<~·~s•.r:,:;s>:;~;-;.;,:,~:~-: •.. ·,;·~--"-'·"·'· • · · ·-,.-.-·-· ·····