MINUTES - Council - 19471006,--------"-·"··-~-------··"'··"--'~";;;c:: .... :c ............. :.:.c .. ;;;,,;;;c:c:.ec:;;:;2: .. ..c. .... ~,:-"-~""'"-'.,;;,""._·'"""''""''"""'""""-'""""~--•---'S;L~.:.,,_;:,::c ______ ;_,_ ..•.. c ..•.•. Lei:0 .. : .............. ,C.:.:._.~,~· .. .. , i:: ,, ! ·--·' / SBVENTEENTH MEETING OCT • 6th 1947 The regular monthly meeting of Council was held in the Council Chambers on Monday Oct. 6th at 8.00 p.m. Mayor Linton in the Chair, with the following members of Council present; Reeve C.E.Sparks; Dep.Reeve A.A.Cook; Victor Jones; T.F.Swindle; S.G.Patrick; Dr.C.Rose; Chas. Davies; J.E.Sisman. The minutes of the previous meetings were adopted as printed. Carried. SWINDlE, COOK; That the following accounts be paid, orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of attached hereto. that the Mayor issue the Corporation be CORPORATION ······~·· Bell Telephone Co. Aurora Hydro Comm. Postmaster Robert Ma·rshall Aurora Hydro Comm. J .W~Bowser & Son F.R.Underhill W0 L.Milgate Wilson Hardware By-Products Co. B. G. Whitelaw R.V.Smith Wm. Boaka J.E.Tulloch Thornton Browning Barrager Studio B.F.Davis"& Son E.B.Fish W.S.Gibson & Son H.M.McKenzie C.N.R. Westeel Products Ltd. Ont~ Sand & Gravel Co.Ltd. County of York Davia Garage J.Goulding Banner Press Aurora Building Co. F.Dungam · Dinty Moore J. Maaten C.S.Nisbet # l 65 135 305 314 36lw 500 Clerk' sOffice Town Hall Disposal Plant Clerk' sOffice Town Hall Disposal Plant Stamps Assessor St .Lighting Property Roads & Bridges Ins.premium Truck repairs Supplies Wipers Office supplies re Sing songs Gas Aug. Aug. Aug. Sap. Sap. Sap. Sap. Sap. Fire truck repairs Oil library Pollee photos Sewer pipe etc. County map Surveying Chest X-ray Flasher, June School signs 211 pipe Hospitalization Gas a/c Use of car Aug.Sept. Printing a/c Fuel,Clerk's office Outside trips Gas, fire truck Cleaning furnace Mow park,May to Sap. 2.85'- 6.35, 3.25, 2.85, 2.05, 5.36, 5.2~ 1.48" 5.58, 61.22.__ 1.64, 7 .67, 62.5~ 17 .oo, 120.00'\ 388.51, 30.42, 6.0~ 25.00, 14.0~ 15.11' 12.00, 2.70\ 8 .45, 1.50, 3eOO, 8.41, 6.25, 77.2~ 5.85 l9l.oo; 21.34, 16.80, 3.90, 47.8~ 46.20 65.17\ 8.00\ 45.87\ 116.38, 3o.oo, 5.05, 3.oo, 96.oo, SWINDLE, COOK; That the rw11aki«g wages accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. L I .~·· 17th meeting Cont'd page 2 COOKf JONES; That the following accounts be paid, era on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of attached herto. that the Mayor issue ord- the Corporation be WATERWORKS Bell Telephone Co. W.L.Simpson Postmaster Aurora Hydro Coram. # 12 Reapirs roof Stamps # 1, Aug. 2 Aug. 1 Sep. 2 Sep. ftepUrs · 4.49' ss.oo, 30.00-. 63.3h 40.99' W.H.Spragg & Son Francis Hankin & Co. Canadian Brass Co. J~W.Bowser & Son Banner Press Ltd. Repairs water meter Service boxes etc. Bolts etc. . 64.92\ . 40.99, 2.oo, 22.70, 51.18'-. 1.73' Water bills 35.10' JONES, SISMAN; Tbat the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporatio~ be attached herto. RELIEF Medical Assn. Travis a Est. Teasdale's Market Aurora General Store 4 X 56~ Rent Food Food 2.24 7.50\ 16.00, 34.60, CORRESPONDENCE A letter from Mr.E.v.stewart applying for a taxi license was read and discussed. A similar request was made by Mr. Gordon Fairey and was given thorough consideration also. SWINDLE, COOK; That the license now issued in the name of E.E.Scarlett be cancelled. Carried. SISMAN, SWINDLE; That Mr~E.V.Stewart be granted a taxi license to be issua in the name of E.V.Stewart~ Carried. A letter was received from Aurora General Store regarding the existing condition of garbage at the rear of that store, mainly consisting of paper and wooden boxes. The Clerk was instructed to write Mr. Rubin that the resl'onsibility of dealing with the paper and boxes Hkentirely his problem, and same must be removed. SWINDLE, JONES; That the streets committee would interview Mr. Buchanan with the idea in mind that some suitable arrangement could be made where- by a collection of this paper could be salvaged and not burned• Carried~ Three letter~from residents of Tyler st. were ordered filed until such time that the Council could arrange a meeting with Dr. Berry of the Dept. of Sanitatlion, hopes. of which were expected in the very near future:. ROSE, COOK; That the Boy Scouts be permitted to hold an APPLE DAY on Oct. 18th. Carried·. Chairman Sparks of the Streets Committee presented a detailed report of that Dept. in connection with work done on sidewalks, and the regret that more work could not be accomplished on the streets this year. SPARKS, DAVIES; That the Streets committee report be adopted. Carried. Finance Chairman Swindle reported on the band concerts and sing songs conducted in the park Sunday evenings during the summer, and that they had received splendid co-operation by those taking part. The feeling being that the effort was well worth while. SWINDLE, JONES; that the Finance committee report be adopted. Carried. Councillor Swindle being delegated early in the year to matter of snow removal this coming winter was completed made. SWINDLE, SISMAN; That the report of the special comm.on from the sidewalks be adopted and acted upon. Carried. go into the"' and recommedations removal of snow ··:;·•<-'·'" ,/ "''• 17th meeting Cont'd page 3 Chairman Cook of the Water Committee brought before Council his report on work that had been passed to be done and due to the lack of help was yet not completed. Also the possibility of securing the services of someone to take over that duty of completion. COOK, ·sPARKS; that the report of the Water Committee be adopted. Carried. ROSE, SWINDLE; that the matter of obtaining the services of someone to do this extra work ue left until a special meeting is arranged to deal with the matter more fully'~ Carried. COOK, JONES; That we employ Mr. Wes. Huffman to clean, by sand pumping the two wells at the Waterworks at a cost of $s·.oo per hour for doing the same. Carried·~ Councillor Davies made a verbal ~rt of the Planning Board to the effect that there was~provision for the Council to control the use of land in certain difined areas, in order to allow for street extenions etc. Councillor Sisman gave Council the proposed schedule of the time to be alotted for certain purposes when the arena was let to tender. the members feeling that Councillor Sisman gad gone into the matter very fairly. Due to the resignation of one member of the Planning Board, a new member was necessary to complete the term. On motion of Councillors Davies and Jones, that Mr. J .H.Knowles be appointed to that Board. Carried!~ SPARKS, PATRICK; That an electric light be installed at the property of Mr. Jas~ Murray on Kennedy st. and that no extra light be installed.at Moore,ts· service station as requested. Carried. ~ SPARKS, PATRICK; That the request of the Public Scgool Board to have the class rooms over the old Town Hall decorated be not granted. Motion lostf~ · Considerable discussion was given the petition of a number of garage owners in regard to the closing hours By-law. no action being taken at this time. SWINDLE, SPARKS; That permission be granted the Canadian Legion to hold a tag day in the Town on NoV'. 8th •. Carried. JONES, ROSE; that permission be granted to issue a building permit to erect a garage on centre St ~ just east of Yonge st • on the southx side of the street. Carried. SISMAN, COOK; That the purchase of a four drawer filing cabinet with lock for the Municipal office be made. Carried. Assessor Marshall turned in his report of the completion of the 1948 assessment~ which, on on motion of Councillors Swindle and Sisman was adopted. Carried. ROSE, COOK; That in view of the fact that the Corporation has agreed to sell Lot 30, Plan 30 Tyler St. to Cecil Brown and that such lot is not register&. in the name of the Corporation, the solicitor be authorized to take immediate steps to obtain tille to the property, if possible. That also in view of Lot 24,Plan 30 being in the same legal position as Lot ~0, the solicitor be authorized to obtain a deed of this lot in the :aame of the Corporation• That there be paid to Mrs.A. Conover or her nominee for a deed to the said two lots the sum of Fifty dollars. Carried. ROSE, SPARKS; That Council go on record as condemming a nest of 37 mink on Centre St. as being unhealthy & unsanitary and a public nuisance. Carrie . Q ROSE, JONES; That leave be given to introduce a By-law to borrow 115,000. and that the same be now read a first time. SISMAN,DAVIES; That the By-law now before Council be read a second time that the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose. . SWINDLE, SISMAN; That the By-law now before Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law# 862 be suspended for that purpose. SPARKS,SWINDLE; That the third reading be taken as read. Carried • • ·-1 ·-~~:-n;;-·'-• -'·"· '"'" .__,; ; ... ·, .• :-.;;;; -;.,-;•,--~~:.,-~·-.o:.;,.,:,;..;,_~,;~<Z-~-.c-;,;,•;;<,..,_-.o,:,:£.0.!.:;,: ... ·. ·'-''·'•=:-·-.. ,,.,:"'"' - -~' ,~:\ \~/=". ··''~ ) i \_j .L,(_~') 17th meeting Cont 1 d page 4 ROSE, COOK; That leave be given to introduce a B,y-law to borrow $17.000 for the purchase of Public School Property and that the same be now read a first time. · DAVIES, JONES; That the By-law now before Council be read a second time and that Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose. SISMAN; SWINDLE; That the By-law now before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of B,y-law # 862 be ~ suspended for that purpose SPARKS, SWINDLE; That the third reading be taken as read. Carried. Meeting adjourned. il-*********il-******************** MAYOR ·· .• ,-... • -· · •·:•,• •-•-··· • · ,·,· •. ..:· ~-•• _.,.,/ • .-.:<c.v.·;~';.:,;,;;;.,;<.:.:,. ,>;~-~-;·~~-~,;_._;,;:;·_,,."·;,;·. ;;·,•;,· ·,-,·;.-.•... -· ----·,-r,.,,_,..,... ... ····-.----:-·~;--· ----"' · '• • • ·p··,·,<~;',~,_,,,,,, · · ..... ·-·"-"""" ---~--