MINUTES - Council - 19470825(~. /-~-~. "-.. 1'-1~ "SPECIAL" MEETING OF COUNCIL AUG. 25th 1947 A special meeting of Council was held in the Council Chambers on Monday Aug. 25th at 8.30 p.m. With Mayor Linton in the chair, other members of £ Council present; Reeve C.E.Sparks;~T.F.Swindle; Victor Jones; Chas. Davies; S.G.Patrick; Dep. Reeve A.A.Coo~i Members of Whitchurch Twp. Council present, Reeve L.P.Evans & Clerk John CrawforW. Reeve Nolan of Stouffville & Mr. Boyd were present from Stouffville among with Fire Chief Harry Jones of the Aurora Brigade~ While Council was waiting for the arrival of certain members of other Councils the following resolution was passed; SPARKS, SWINDLE; That Lot 36 on Tyler st. be sold to Douglas Bilbrough for the *&ual fee. Of i%ie $1.00, being a lot sold to a veteran, under the same restrictions as other veterans aad the Seal of the Corporation be attached:~ Carried~ The main purpose of this meeting being called was to discuss with the Whitchurch Twp. Council certain changes in the area to be covered by the Aurora Fire Dept. in .accordance with their agreement to serve the Twp. with fire protection~ After considerable discussion it was agreed by the two Councils that as soon as Whitchurch Twp. supplied a map of the area to be covered by Aurora , an agreement would be d:rawn up to cover this area, with fees standing under the present agreement. ' Meeting adjourned. ******i~**** MAYOR ,-.;,;u~n·,u.·, ····· · ·· •· • ""--c,·•-:r•-,·c-·--~~'"'"'~'"·'· ,..,.,,,,,,.,,~,_,C,.~"'""-'-"''-'-"'=~'-"<'-".:C::<"~..><~<="b-O..~·----.•.•..:.-·~~---•·~• '" •. ,.,, •··~··o-···