MINUTES - Council - 19470811__.,· I! .. r.--~-'/ ! ! I· ..... , i Thirteenth Meeting Aug. 11th 1947 --. --.. -.- The Regular monthly meeting of Council was held 1n the Council Chambers on Aug~ 11th at a.oo p.m. with Mayor Linton in the Chair, and other members of council present; Reeve C.E.Sparks;.Deputy Reeve A·JA.Cook; T.F.Swindle; Chas. Davies; John Sisma.n; Dr~ c. Rose. The minutes of the last meeting were adopted as printed:;; e SWINDLE, SPARKS; That the PwJlww:1R&. wage acc.ounts be paid, that the Mayor· issu orders on the Treasurer for the srune and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto'i Carriedri SWINDLE, SPARKS; That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto'; CORPORATIOK BellK Telephone Co·~ Aurora Hydro Postmaster O.N.R. Sundries Robert Marshall Postmaster C.N.R. A .E .Jupp Clonts~ Oo~. LtO.. Limestone Products Ltd~ A.E.Hawkins AnQ.y's Sign shop J.D.Storey . Francis Hankin & Co. Ltd. Stoutts Garage Liberal Printing Co. F.D.Lacey J.C.Bodfish W.L.M1lgate B.F.Davis & Son Stiver Bros~ Maynards Wilson Hardware J·~w.Bowser J.E.Buchanan Banner Press Attridge & Son J. Goulding Ontario Hospital County of York FrankQns Garage A.A.Cook F'~ Dunham 135 36lw 305 314 500 65 .1 Town Hall Clerks office Disposal plant St~ Lighting Post~ (Garbage) Freight · Express etc. Assessor salary Postage Flasher Maint ~ Oil for streets Crushed stone Laying culvert lettering door Repairs Sewer cable Gas Ado Supplies arena Electric Plug Truck repairs Tile Fuel T/H Spraying park Supfi!11es Gravel Printing Lumber Use of car July Hospitalization 11 May & June July acct. Use of oar, Tillsonburg 11 & Stamps . 5o25, 4.10-. 2~85.. 2.05, 5o20.. 5~(Tf, 2~85-- 4·~43-- 1.49-.. 54~72, 388~51-...' 6.50' 37.49, 3~55, 122.50, 211~0(},. 14.42, 755.20-.. 41.65' 1~0(}. ~50' 1.50-.. 136.50... 1.31, 4.20, 2.93'- 1.25-- 13~75..... 12~0Q..._ 33~85, 25~00... 6~10-._ 4.05, 96~40, 29.5~ 25.43"- 6.00, 46.00-.. 42.74-.. 36.65-... 20i00' 12·~00, COOKr_SISMANh• That. the followinp: accounts. be paida that,_,the. Ma:vortissue orders on t e Treasurer for th~ same ana the ~ea~ oT t,~ uorpora Ion oe attached hereto~ WATERWORKS Bell Telephone Co. Aurora ~dro Comm. Powertronic EqUipment Ltd. Canadian Brass Co. Ltd. NatipJ'lal Iron Corpn• Ltd. A.E.J:ia.wkins Proctor, REdfern & Laughlin 12 # 1 2 Batteries Clamps etc• Valve box Watermalns Engineers fees on above 3.85, 66.12, 40.99-.. 106.70--.. 48.88--. ~~~=~t •-••"";";•-·-.-t:·~-, <•_-· ' '• • '-'•'· ;•~ <;., ~--~·:·; ;·:;;';.' • .;.:-;:,-'::; ;~~;::;~;;~. ;;;~;:;_::;., ;.;.;·;, ,. • ·.·.•.·.·,•;.• .-.'-"•'i··•' ~-~•-··-:o·~~··• ""''' ""' ,., .. ,, o'e'<">'~"-'"-<'-'·'-., '·~~"""----·----- ,,~~ .. Thirteenth Meeting Aug. 11th Contdt SISMAN,SWINDLE; That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on.the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto·• RELIEF Medical Assocn~ Traviss Est~ F.W.Teasdale Aurora General Store 4 X 5~ Rent Food Food 1.24 7~5~ 12~80.,_ 31.60,_ Mr. Lome Cousins introduced John H.Chapman to Council,who wishes to apply for permission to erect a blacksmith shop and woodworking business at the north end of Town~ Instructions were given to submit plans of the proposed -"-building to be _dealt with by the Building Committeeli .. , Mr. Geo. Lawspn appeared before Council asking that sewer facilities be given to serve the two new house on Catherine Ave. E~ Robert Foote placed before Council the damage done in the recent flood to his property in his basement. CORRESPONDENCE·~ The Aurora Women's Institute applied for permission to hold a mile of pennies tag day on Yonge . St ~ Aug~ 23rd~ - COOK, SWINDLE; that permission be granted to hold the above mentioned tag day. Carried~ The letter from J.K.Smythe Jr. re dogs running at large be handed to the police for action~ on motion of COOK, & Sisman~ Carried~ A letter requesting a veterans lot by R.E.Johnson was read, a result of which a motion was passed by SWINDLE, SISMAN; That the application from R.E~Johneon for lot # 27 Tyler St~ be granted on the usual terms. Mr. Kettlewell drew to the attention of Council the need for action in connection with trees on Lepper St~ which w~s given to the Streets Comm~ for attentio~· 9omplaint as to water flooding on Tyler st~ was to be taken up with the n Engineer. and on motion of SWINDLE, COOK; the Clerk was asked to get informat~ from the Ontario Dept. in this regard as to getting creek cleared out~ The Matter of Hospitalization of master Murray Ellis was left in the hands of the Reeve to be taken up at County Council on Wed. of this weeki~ j SPARKS, DAVIES; That the offer of Lloy4 Machinery for the obsolete machinery at the waterworks be accepted~ SWINDLE, SISMAN; moved an ammendment,That the sale be left to the Clerk with a mimimum price set. a vote being taken on the ammendment which was lost~ the original motion standing~ Carried~ SPARKS, SISMAN; That the Engineer be engaged for the construction of sewers on Catherine Ave. E·;; & Crestllnt. Carried~ Fire Chief Jones presented a report on his undertaking of having an incenor- ator built for the use of the stores on Yonge St~ which met with no success~ Chairman Sparks of the Streets Committee submitted a report of the sewer serving Genter st. and crossing Yonge st.finally emptieng into the creek on the west side of Town. SPARKS, SISMAN that the Streets Comm. report be adopted'~ Carried'~ The Reeve gave a detailed report on the trip to Tillsonburg for the inspect~ ion of that Town's streets, and on motion of DAVIES, ROSE; the report be adopted·~ Carried'~ 1'1 i ' Thiraeenth Meetine; Aug. llth Cant 1 dte SPARKS, SWINDLE; That.-the .Mayor .forward .a letter .of .appreciation to the Town of Tillsonburg for the most Court.elbus way in which the delegation from Aurora was received and conducted on the tour of their Town.; Carriedf. SWINDLE, COOK; That the Streets Committee investigate the request for addition of two lights in Town, one on Yonge st. and one on Kennedy st. Carried,• ROSE, SISMAN; That the deed be given Cecil G. Brown for his Veteran's Lot, subject to the proviso that if a ha.use is not completed by July l/49 that Brown pay the Town the sum of $300~00 for the Lot~ Carried'"• Deputy Reeve Cook gave Council a verbal report on the progress the Commo. had undertaken regarding the re-surfacing of a portion of Yonge St~ COOK, SWINDLE; That the Streets Committee take up the matter of the excessive speed of motorists on ChurCh & Metcalf Sts at Victoria as being a hazard dangerous to the school children~ The Planning Board submitted a motion as to the holding of the deed for the Public Library by the To~ DAVIES, SISMAN; That the resolution regarding the disposition of the Public Library Buildi~ be adopted as rea&~ Carried~ SWINDLE, SISMAN; That the report of the Finance Chairman be submitted for discussion,~ DAVIES, SPARKS; That two sChool signs be erected at the public school on Cllurch & Metcalf Sts. for the protection of the children• Carried~ SISMAN, DAVIES; That 2 additional sand boxes be constructed & placed on Town property. Carried• ROSE, COOK; That leave be given to introduce a By-law to authorize the sale of Lot 30 Plan 120 :f'or the Town of Aurora and that the same be now read a first time~ Carried!; DAVIES, SISMAN; That the By-law now before the Council re read a second time and that the Council disaovle itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose. Carried• SWINDLE, SISMAN; That the By~law now before the Council be read athird time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law # 862 be suspended for that purpose. SPARKS, COOK; That the third reading be taken as read. Carried• ROSB,DAVIESx; That leave be given to introduce a By-law to restrict to use for detached one family dwe.lling house within the subdivision of Lot 159 Plan 246 of Aurora and that the same be now read a first time~ Carried. DAVIES, SISMAN; That the By-law now before the Council be read a second time and thatthe Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose. Carried~ It being the decision of Council that this By•law be returned to the Solicitor ~or correction and then be turned over to the Planning Board for recaommenda- tions. ROSE, COOK; That the account of the Banner Press for 5•40 on behalf of the Band concerts. be paid by' the Town. Carried~ ROSE\ SWINDLE; That the By-law( borrowing of dollars for public school purp+ oses J now before the Council be read a third time this da;r ~e 22 -. a · ·· Carried';, ' . Meeting adjourned at l2•i00 p.m. ..L~~ MAYOR i