MINUTES - Council - 19470707(" ·'"·\ . , TWELVTH MEETING JULY. 7/47 ... ------·-·---.. ·" _. .-, .... -~ -.. "" ---... ----.. --- The regllar monthly meeting of Council was held in the Council Chambers on July 7th at 8.oo p.m·~ Owing to Mayor Linton being on vacation, Reeve Sparks occupied the chair, with members of Council present as follows; Dep. Reeve A.A. Cook; T~ Fe Swindle; Chas. Davies; Victor Jones; S.G.Patrick. Minutes of the previous meeting were adpoted as read. SWINDLE, DAVIES; that the account for wages be ppid, that the Acting Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and that the Seal of the Corpn. be attached hereto~ Carried~ SWINDLE,.DAVIES; That the following accounts be paid, that the Acting Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and that the Seal of the Corpn. be attached hereto~ CORFORATIONBell Telephone Co • Aurora Hydro H. A~ White United Steel Corpn. Postmaster Grant JlcCa.bheon Robert Marshall Workmens Compensation Dinty Moore W~ R. Case Wilson Hardware J. W~ Bowser & Son Aurora Building Co. Taylor & Son T. K. Fice Aurora Greenhouses w. H. Spragg & Son Mingay Transport w ~ c. Dunning Andy's Sign Shop Attridge & Son C·~ N. R. • A. E. Hawkins Banner Press J. Goulding Frankom's Garage F~ Dunham May n II June II II II Bd. # J. 65 135 305 314 36lw 500 Clerks office Town Hall Disposal Clerks office Town Hall Disposal st. Lighting June Trees Belts(Disposal) Stamps Banquet(Don Valley) Assessor June 1st instal. Gas & Oil Mowing Property Dept. Streets Dept. Police Paint etc. Gravel Batteries Batteries Plants Repair fire truck Cartage Glazed tile 2 signs Lumber (property) Flasher Mar. II Apl. Gravel Printing Use of Car June Grease Fire truck Outside trips & Post. 2"~95, 4.2s,_ 2.50... 2.85, 2~05, 4.()6.,_ 5~20.... 2'~oo, 9~88, 56.0]:,. 1.61, 7 .67, 61~89, 388.51, 7.10, 15.19' 17.0Q,_ 60.00.. 122.50, 214.02, 24.3~ 28~75, 16.84-... 35•35, ~30.... 2.98, J.6.oo, ~go, ~go .... 9.75-. 70.45-, .7~ 9~00-. 9~00, 6~99, 19.50,_ 16.90, 15.00, 20.52' 6.oo- 1.30.. 16~00.. ' / _) Twelvth Meeting Continued Page 2 . ~ .-~ -------· -· , ... -. -· -· --.. -.. COOK, JONES; That~ the following accounts be paid, that issue orders on the·Treasurer for the same and that the be attached hereto~ the Acti~ Mayor Seal of the Corpn~ WATERWORKS Bell Telephone Co~ Aurora Hydro Postmaster C. N. R. Can. Valve & Hydrant National Iron Corpn. Aurora Bldg.Co. Wilson Hardware Can~tdian Britss cg. J~ w. Bowser·& Son Co. 12 1 May 2 May l June 2 June· Postage Rent for main 5 hydrants Pipe,valves ·etc. Lime Gaskets, Paint etc. Fauntain · Pipe,stops fittings Pliers etc. " 4.oo, 60.57, 40~45--, 65.56, 40~99, 30.00' 1~00, 447 .so,. 498.65, .65, 20~55, 11~21>.. 90~0~ 4.20, JONES, DAVIES; That the following accounts be paid, that the Acting Mayor issue orders on the ~reasuear for the same and-that the Seal of the Corpn. be attached hereto~ RELIEF Medical Assn~ Traviss Est~ Aurora General Store F. w. Teasdale CORRESPONDENCE COOK, SWINDLE; 4 X 56~ Rent Food Food 2~24 7~50-... 31.60' 16~00, A letter from Geo. Lawson re the grade of Catherine Ave. E~ was left in the hands of the Streets Committee for attention'' Carried SWINDLE, PATRICK; That the matter of getting sewer connections for the Dodds property on Gurnett st. be again taken up with the Engineer as the sketch of the grade did not seem clear.; Carried JONES,DAVIES; That the tender price for painting the waterworks stand pipe be filed until such time as tenders are called for the contract. Carried!. A letter from the Library Board with regard to obtaining lease was given to Councillor Davies to be refered to at the next Planning Board meeting, upon motion of Cha4'» Davies, seconded by T .F.Swindle·~ Carried. the remainder of the correspondence was ordered file~ SWINDLE, JONES; That the Streets Committee make an inspection of the storm sewer from Yonge st~ to Mosley st. and report the condition at the next regular meeting. Carried'~ REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Deputy Reeve Cook, Chhirman of the Water & Fire Committee submitted his report for that Dept~ JONES, COOK; That the report of the Fire & Water Committee be adopted & the Seal of the Corpn. be attached hereto~ Carried!; SWINDLE, PATRICK; That the verbal report of the :Planning Committee be adop~ ted. Carried'' Reeve Sparks brought in a report of the work done in planting 13 trees in the Town during June. Upon motion by Councillors Davies & Swindle the report was adopted with thanks to the Committee for their work in this connection·~ COOK, PATRICK; That the Reeve accquaint the Horticultural Society the location of the. trees, so that their attention might be directed to their care~ • '"· ·••~·-'" o'••;:·,--,~~-~~·~"~'"'-'-·'."•,'.O,'d.o,CC;Co •; •;·-;,,_,,,::,·,;,:: "C·~O ii-•~' ·/i: ;,, ,-:i,-,.;<;•:oJ,>"' ' "";",'0"•-c-,"' /-~ .... " ,/ -----· Twelvth Meeting July 7 1947 Page 3 DAVIES, SWINDLE; That the sewer pipe and water pipe requested by Town foreman, this.date for services immediately required be obtained, also that there be obtained one Flexible Sewre Rod,; and the Seal of the Corpn. be attached hereto~ . Carried · DAVIES SWINDLE; That the Clerk place an order with the Limestone Products Ltd~ Uhthoff, Ont. for a 40 ton oar of Limstone. in 3/8 chips. carried!~ SWINDLE, PATRICK; That the Deputy Reeve Co-operate with Foreman Goulding 1n order that repair work might be commenced on Yonge St'~ Carried!~ SWINDLE, JONES; That the Clerk & Reeve Sparks consult the Town Solicitor regarding responsibility of Cousins Drive west of Edward St. Carried • SWINDLE, DAVIES; That a delegation comprising; Chairman of Streets Co~~; Dept~Reeve Cook; T~F~Swindle; and Foreman Goulding, inspect new streets 1n the Town of Tillson~ 1n connection with similar work that we wish to do in Aurora. June 2oth to be set if possible~ Carried~ COOK, DAVIES; That the signing authorities for the GENERAL & WATERWORKS accounts be altered to read" That the Mayor OR Reeve & the Treasurer be empowered to sign all cheque, notessand transfers". Carried!~ DAVIES, SWINDLE; That the Town of Aurora dealare Apg~ 4th %1 Civic Holiday for the Town of Aurora for the year 1947. arried. . Following instructions from last meeting regarding the suitable marker for McMahon Park, the matter was left in the hands of the Clerk to obtain prices for two types of signs and submit thlse prices to Council • DAVIES, SWINDLE; That the Clerk contact Messrs Gilkes & Harrison and Miss Phillips regarding a proposed sign to be erected at the Corner of Centre & Yonge Sta'<i Carried~ Meeting adjourned at 11~35 p~m~ ... --~·;) //~:;_;--'***'~****** "**~~**'*** Mayor ,i ••