MINUTES - Council - 19470602------------·-·····": .. ~·-···""'"'"""····"-·'····----... -~::.c.:.:,c;.:;.;..cc.~.:. ..... ,.,,,,"''-"~'~""""-"'-'"""'="'"''M~~· ·-····''~·-•' .. '-'-""~'-'-'-.......... ,_ ..... iec::;c ............. _"·--------· ---· . ..,, /""· t ELEVENTH MEETING JUNE 2nd 1947 The regular monthly meetfng of douncfl was held fn the Council Champers ):m Monday June 2nd 1947 at 8,10 p.m. with Mayor Linton occmpying the Chair, Members of Council present as follows. Reeve C.E.Sparks; Deputy Reeve A,A. Cook; T.F.Swindle; Dr. d.Rose; Victor Jones; dhas. Davies; S.G,Patrick; John E. Sisman. The minutes of the three previous meetings were adopted, after certain corrections m~ being made. Carried. SWINDLE, SISMAN; .That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orderes on the Treasurer for the same and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried. CORPORATION; . , Bell Telephone Co. :A:wmu~ Aurora Hydro Stiver Bros. Dintv Moore ll 11 Toronto Star Ltd. Evening Telegram Banner Press Municipal World Ltd. McColl Frontenac Oil Co. Can. Bitumuls Co. Ltd . Aurora Bldg. Co. n n n It 11 11 Alex. Bell Ivan Daniels Thmrnton Browning W.R.Case Strath Craft R.C.Osborne Township of King Postmaster Jas. J. Wall Corner Ins. Agancy W.H.Cunningham & Hill A,E,Hawkins J.E,Buchanan Wm. Boaks W.H.Spragg ·County of York J. Bak F. Dunham J, Goulding F ,R,UnderhilL_ Ltd, # 1 65 305 314 361w 500 St. Lighting,May Fuel Fire Dept. Disposal plant Ad, Ad, Printing Office Supplies Gas H.x. Bitumuls Disposal Plant Streets Property Gas • Apl, A/d Fuel Oil(Library) II tl U G-rading Lots Book ends (Apl.46) Boots (Firemen) Taxes. (W .w.) Stamps Sewer pipe Bond(H.N .Clark) Roo to Gravel Sts. t1 II Gas. May Repairs to mixer Hospitalization Repairs to tools Outside trips & Postage Use of car Apl. Bond (W .Large ) 2 .85-__ 7.46, 2.85, 2,05' 3.1~ 5.20-- 388.51, 39.80... 11.53... 2.96-.. 5.12' 5.46" 9 .5o._ 22 .86'- 1.80, 29.46, 21.30'- 16.40, 1.1o, 31.20-.. 7 .41'- 8.77'- 10.00'- 20. 00.. 17.8~ 17.7_~-17 .OU'\. 21.001( 4o.o~ 24. 004; 142.5~ 230.40.,. 30.70.. 21,80.,. 21 • 00.,. 4.5~ 4 .oo-.. !i. oo.J~-oo) 20.00, SWINDLE, SISMAN; That thefollowing Wage accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for thEJ. same and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried, COOK, JONES; That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto, C.17f'fRJ£d._ WATERWORKS Bell Telephone Co. Marshall Rank Can. Brass Co. Grand. & Toy Ltd. Pyrene Mfg. Co. W,H,Spragg & Son Stiver Bros. J. D. Storey 12 Repairs to meter -£ pipe Water cards Refill Threading pipe Fuel Welding ·,·,· .. 3.80-. 5.00.._ 11.54, 16.50, 5.6~ 5.5Q,_ 2£:~~ i J"'' Eleventh Meeting Contd. Page 2 JONES, DAVIES; That the following accounts be orders on the Treasurer for the same and that be attached hereto. Carried RELIEF _Medical Assn. Traviss Est. Aurora General Store F. w. Teasdale DELEGATIONS 4 X 56¢ Rent Food Food paid, that the Mayor issue the Seal of the Corporation 2.24 7.50 42.50 16.00 A deputation of ladies representing the Women~s Institute appeared before Council, asking that a suitable sign be erected designation McMahon Park and the origin of it being given as a park. CORRESPONDENCE A letter from C.A.St. John requesting the Town to sell Lot 30, Plan 120 as a veterans Lot. ROSE, SISMAN; The the above mentioned Lot be sold as a veterans lot to C. A. St. John for the smm of $1.00 and a By-law covering this lot be prepared. Carried. COMMITTEE Reports: The Chairman of the Sanitation Committee made a verbal report on a supposed nuisance on Machell Ave. to the effect that the condition did not represent a nuisance. Reeve Sparks agreed to take the necessary steps to procure suitable trees for planting in the Town assisted by the Deputy Reeve and see that the same were planted under the guidance of the Town Foreman~ SWINDLE, PATRICK; That the Aurora Women's Institute be granted permission to hold tag day in aid of the Navy League on Saturday Sept. 20th 1947, Car_ried. The matter of getting correct data on the Origin of McMahon Park and the erection of a suitable sign at the Park was left for the attention of the Clerk. The clerk was instructed to get some advice as to the best method of resurfacing Maple & Spruce Sts. ~a~ ~e~sPt eft.(he Chairman of the Streets Committee re-read his report from the last re§ular meeting, and on the Ammendment by Dr. Rose & S.G.Patrick to include If funds are available Harrison Ave. East of Wells St. be given next consideration. Carried. SWINDLE, PATRICK; That the Clerk get a quotation -i!l"' lime st~ne from the Orillia Quarries and suiolnit the price to the Street~ Committee •. Carried. · Meeting adjourned at 10~00_ p.m~ ~ *iC.{HCo*~****~(o?Hc-~f**·iHHi-J,Hb'Hr·~~r*-lHHr-;H*' ~Mayor ' . '·' ') '~~·;\·:-·' ' . . .•.. ,, ~""' .... ,~',"::··~··---•.·.•,;.:.;v-.<;-,;,;c-;.,>,0 ;~>,"·;:,;<_;, -;-;-:/·,;i .•;/.'