MINUTES - Council - 19470505.. 1/ '" EIGHTH MEETING MAY 5th 1947 The regular monthly meeting of Council was held in the Council Chambers on Monday May 5th 1947 at 8.00 p.m. Mayor Linton in the chair and members of Council present; Reeve Sparks; Dep'filty Reeve Cook; Councillors T.F.Swindle; Dr. Rose; J .E .Sisman; Chas. Davies; Victor Jones; S .G.Patrick •. The minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as printed. SWINDLE, SISNlAN; That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CORPORATION; Bell Telephone Co. Aurora Hydro Snow Welding Davis Garage J .W .Bowser & tt tl Commission Works Son II W,L,Milgate Municipal World Ltd. Mingay Transport B,G,Whitelaw Dr. G.W.Williams Daniels Fuels J .E., Buchanan Taylor & Son C. N, R, Newmarket Era & Express Andy's Sign Shop Stiver Bros. Aurora Hydro Commission II If II II II II Banner Press Armco Drainage & Metal Co. Postmaster Wilson Hardware J.A.Mitchell & Son Ont. Hospital,Woodstock J. Goulding Hilborn Williams & Co. The Dorr Co. B,F.Goodrich Rubber Co. T,F,Spence Sundries # 1 65 135 305 314 361W 500 Street lighting Apl. Welding at Disposal Plt. Towing service Property Dept. Disposal Plant Repairs to truck Office supplies Cartage Office supplies Treatment Oil,Library Gravel, Streets Flashlight batteries Flasher, Jan. Feb. 1947 Ad. A/C less rent sign space Fuel t Town Hall Clerk s Office Town Hall Disposal Plant Printing a/c Mar.Apl, 200ft. pipe Stamps Property Dept. Tile & C. Oil Hospitalization Use of Car Apl. Bal. 1946 Audit fees Repairs Disposal Plant Fire hose Gas & Oil Express & Cartage 2.90..... 8 .65-. 2.59, 2 .85-.... 2.05.... 3 ,05--,_ 5.20, 388~51, 26.25, 4.00....._ 7.61-....._ 36.5~ 17.8~ 5.61, 2.42, 3.35' 50.00' 5.27' 60.00' .• 60' 40.14' 4,00' 17 .oa-. 19.65, 1.81, 7 .37' 27 ,18..._ 77.59'\ 356.oo, 47 .oo, 6.15' 5.oo, 45.50\ 6.oo, 275.00, 100.55, 600.00..._ 17.27:--. 7 .36, SWINDLE, COOK; That the following accounts bepaid, that the Majoor issue orders; on.the Treasurer for the same and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Wages accounts for Town employees for month of April 1947. COOK, JONES; That the follwoing accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue on the Treasurer for the Same and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. WATERWORKS Bell Telephone Co. Aurora Hydro Commission n n 11 Canadian Brass Co. Ltd. Grand & Toy Ltd. W.H,Spragg & son J.W.Bowser & Son National Iron Corpn. Ltd, Wilson Hardware J .C.Bodfish Town of Aurora # 12 II 1 2 Couplings,Tubing etc. Index system Machining pipes Oil,pa.int,etc. · 8 11 gate valve Pipe wrench Switch board 1947 taxes less disc. orders 3.80 62.40~ 41.26, 259.34, 21.95, 8.0~ 6.27, 61.02, 5.50, 104.35, 13.45, /,.-- . -\ ~~-". -~·, Eighth meeting Continued, page 2 JONES, DAVIES; That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue order on the Treasurer for the same and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. RELIEF; Medical Assn. Traviss Est. Aurora General Store F,W,Teasdale DELEGATIONS; 4 X 56t Rent Food Food 2.24 7.50 28.60 28.80 Mr. J. Dodd appearaa before Council, asking for sewer and water facilities to his proposed new houses on Gurnett St. SPARKS, COOK; That the Clerk be instructed to employ the services of our Engineer to survey the possibilites re the above and that of Mr. A, Miller as well as other matters coming before the Council. Carried, Mr. Wm. Profit,on behalf of the Horticultural Society asked what could be done about keeping grass cut at McMahon Park as well as the flower beds & trees. The Society has signified their willingness to care for and water trees after planted by the Town. Mr. R,W,Coleman & Sidney Davies addressed Council on behalf of the Public Library with regards the present condition of that building and the possibilities_of having decorating done, along with a survey of the heating system. DAVIES, JONES; That this matter be left with the Property Committee for investigation and to bring in their recommendations to Council, Carrie~. SPARKS, PATRICK; That whereas the Shanks Bros, have petitioned that they be given a sewer connection to their new dwelling on Wells St. And whereas there is a possibility of connecting their dwelling with the sewer on the west side of Wells st. and whereas the Shanks Bros, agree to find material & dig the trench andfill it in after the sewer pipe has been connected up, and further after the sewer has been extended southwardon Wells St. they, the Shanks Bros, agree to have the sewage course changed to flow southward instead of northward. Now, therfore the Council of the Town of Aurora doth grant their petition and the Clerk be & he is hereby authorized to procure • suffecient tile to make this connection and theStreets Foreman supervise the work, Carried, Mr. T .A.Hulse representing the Legion asked that their permission to use the Town Park on July 26th be changed to July 19th instead, JONES, ROSE; That permission be granted to hold the Field Day on the 19th of July, Carried, Mr, J, Harrison approached Council To see what could be done about the condition of Edward St. south of Connaught Ave. CORRESPONDENCE; Mr, R.J.C,Moddle made application for Lot 28 Tyler St. as a Veteran 1 s Lot. ROSE, SISMAN; That the request of Roland Moddle for the purchase of Lot 28 on the south side of Tyler St. west of George St. for the sum of One Dollar be granted, Sale of this lot is conditional to him building a house within Two years, · Carried, Mr. A, Miller's letter regarding the construction of a sidewalk on Wells St, and the.getting of levels for same was delegated to the Streets Cpmmittee for reply. A letter from the Canadian Anodized Products asking permission to erect a suitable sign of direction on Kennedy St, E. was read~ The stated dihmihnsions w111111e rejected, but alternate size was approved for the period of six months only. The Aurora Agricultural Society made application for the usual grant for 1947. This grant has already been taken care of in the budget. Mrs, D,J, Webster made the s~gestion that a new street being opened, might be named Fetch Ave. as a token of respect and rememberance to our late former Clerk, A communication from Mrs. E,M,Hacking regarding a dangerous tree at her property was left with the Streets Committee to have looked after, A request from Mr. H. Armitage re a chicken nuisance on Machell Ave, was taken up. On motion of Councillor Swindle & Sisman was del- egated to the Sanitation Committee to investigate. ~~" \ . ! Eighth meeting continued page 3 Chairman Sparks of the Streets Committee read the recommendation with regard to the committees' findings on prices of a new truck, The motion to purchase a new 1-lt ton dump-truck from W.L.Milgate was adopted~ Carried, A report of the above Committee with respect to theneed for certain new side- walks and the conditioning of Town streets was submitted and recommendations made, SISMAN, SWINDLE; That the Clerk be autharized to purchase the necessary supplies needed for the Streets Committees' report so that no longer delay than necessary be caused, The Clerk to report at the Special Meeting of Council to be held later in the month. PATRICK, SPARKS; That 1\lr, H, Greenhal/!h be given permission to open the south wall of the mechanics Hall to allow a window to be placed therein, and that when leaving the building it will be replaced as before, Carried, Planning & Development Committee submitted the follwwing report; That the Council chose a nominee from the following names, to be appointed to the Planning Board ::trnxxx: • T ,A,M,Hulse; Victor Attridge; Wm,B.Elmer, Out of these names, , that of Victor Attridge was aeel9oimea~ '1?'--e:c-r"'d-_ ~ - 'lanning Board; That the elected members of the Planning Board be elected llt according to the Provisions of the Planning Act in the following order; lst year 2nd year 3rd year H.M.McKenzie; Victor Attrmdge J, W, Bowser; E. H, Clarke Dr, C,R.Boulding; Stewart Mills, and we further submit that Mayor Linton be appointed a member of this Board ex, officio, :lillltl!1ld::l!l:lil:, C.nRR!l<-d-.., DAVIES, SISIUN; That the report of the Planning Committee be adopted and that a vote of appointment be immediately taken,¥ CARR 1 JE:d-- Councillor Swindle made a report of the Finance Committee re the engagement of the position of an Assessor, From the meeting held before the Council meeting of May 5th it was decided to engage Mr, Robert Marshall as Assessor at the figure of $5.00 per day. This years assessment to be based on the usual proceedure,because the new procedure could not be completed in time for this 1948 roll on Sept. 30th, After this assessment is taken, the Assessor to commence with the Appraisal system until completed, SWINDLE, COOK; That the report of the Finance Committee re appointment of Assessor be adopted, Carried:~ FINANCE COM!IliTTEE; That the following grants be paid at the discretion of the Mayor & Clerk when funds are available, Victorian Order Nurse Horticultural Society Agricultural Society Band $600~00 50,00 100,00 250,00 SWINDLE, ROSE; That the report of the Fimance Committee re grants be adopted, Carried'~ Chairman Sisman of the Sports Committee made his report on that Department Which outlined the schedule of the use of the Town Park for the coming season as well as numerous projects to be undertaken, SISMAN, SWINDLE; That the report of the Sports & Publicity Committee be adopted and that all phases as outlined be com~leted as soon as possible. Carried, C~irman Cook of the Water & Fire Committee made his report, mainly dealing with rates of remuneration and accident ben:l.fi ts for the Fire Brigade. COOK, JONES; That the position of Mr. Jas. Goulding be clarified as to rec- e~ving his instructions and his position as to authority, (1) All instructions to Mr, Goulding must be received through the Clem and any question as to priormty of work in case of question will be decided '·----.-,--,-·; __ .:-~ .;;_,;-.-: -~','.'0:,'-''' _-,_-:;; •' _,...-·"""'~ , ____ ,_/ ·~ ... -, / ~-.-~· ·-~--·· ··---~~> --~4 __ Eighth Meeting continued page 4 by the Clerk and Mayor~ (2) Mr. Goulding to be in complete charge of all men employed by the Town on streets, waterworks, sewers and any other outside work including janitor. (3) He will be held responsible for all the above employees and property includin~ all land, building or movable property of the Town. (4) His duties are of a supervising nature and he should not only take charge of our Town work by mxRx our own men but also see that o~r contractors are carrying out their work to the best interests of the Town. e should report to the Clerk any work done or any one working on Town property so that proper care of our interests may be taken into consideration. (5) For the proper performances· of these duties we recommend that Mr. J. Gouldin~1 s salary be $38.50 per week retroactive to Jan.l/~C · iii~ /SPARKS, PATRICK; In ammendment that Mr. J. Goulding's salary be $40.00 per well: in place of $38.50. M ··-en de~eated~ MoT'•tt ~1?R,.,.c;~.__ RME"Nei.M~NI ROSE, SISMAN; That permission.be granted to Mr. Chas. Edgar to sell Lot 8 on the east side of Edward St. Carried. COOK, SWINDLE; That the discussion regarding the permit of Chas. Sparlm be continued after midnight'~ Carried. SISMAN, ROSE; That the requested building permit of Mr. Sparks be granted, to erect a building on Centre St. according to the Bu:ilding By-law. Carried. Meeting adjourned at 12.20 ~.m. lflH~ MAYOR i . i .1 I