MINUTES - Council - 19470408i [ I. !. i ~'). / 7~ MEETING A:PRIL 8th 1947 The regular monthly meeting of Council was held in the Council Chambers on Tuesday Apl, 8th 1947 with Mayor Linton presiding, and members of Council present; Reeve C,E,Spar:ts, Dep,Reeve A,A,Cook, T.F,Swindle, v. Jones, J ,E,Sisman, Chas, Davies, Dr, c. Rose·~ The minutes of the three previous meetings were adopted as printed, SWINDLE, COOK, That the regular wages be paid, carried, SWINDLE, COOK; That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto'' CORPORATION Bell Telephone Co, Aurora Hydro Aurora ;eldg, C!b. Wilson ttardware J,W,Bowser & Son J,E,Buchanan Dinty Moore Stiver Bros, A,E,Hawkina W ,L,Milgate R,C,Osborne LaFrance Fire Ltd, Postmaster Grand & Toy Ltd, T,K,Fice 0 .D .• Hess E,V,Stewart Stan, Hughes J ,D,Storey C ,N ,R, B,G,Whitelaw Municipal World Ltd, Ivan Daniela County of York J, Bak J, Goulding F, Dunham Sundry # 1 Arena 65 135 305 314 36lw 482 500 Clerk's Office Town Hall Disposal Plant Street Lighting Feb, Street Lighting Mar. Fuel Etc, Brooms,scrapers etc. supplies .. Truck, gravel etc, Grease Fuel, Town Hall Snow ploughing Mar. Repairs to truck Mitts, Fire Dept. 3 recharges Stamps Offic.e supplies Arena First Aid supplies Gas Gas & Oil Welding Flasher Dec, Ink Office supplies Fuel oil,library Hospitalization Repair tools Use of car Mar, Outside trips Express etc, 3.6o, 6:.;1~ 2.99\ 2.85--. 2~05' 2,85' .91-.,. 5.20.. 19.62, 1.74-.. 10.57-.,. 61.65--. 388.51, 388.5J..... 67. 75..._ 16.44-- 1,23, 61.50'\ 5,oo._, 90.43.... 159.0~ 26,60-- 24,00, 6,00-._ 20,00, 1.20, .50-- 5.41, 2.49, 14.81' 1.75, 17 ,01...._ 1.25, 4.53, 16,66, 69.38, 4,oo, 6.oo..._ 6,00, 15.96..._ COOK, JONES; That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto, WATERWORKS Bell Telephone Co, Wilson Hardware Postmaster Mueller Ltd, Can, Brass Co, Ltd, B.F.Davis & Son Aurora Hydro 12 Gasket,putty etc, Stamps Service boxes 0 Service fittings (1W Fuel #1 2 3.85- 3.5.0-- 24,00, 23 .3B--- :j!8.52'- 30,15, ~ 62 ot1'7' (6">:17 41.8Q Apl.8th 1947 Page 2 JONES, SISNillN; That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto~ · RELIEF Medical Assn~ Traviss Est. General Store 3 X 56 Rent Food 1.68 7.50 39.50 SPARKS, COOK; That the account of P.M,Thompson re funeral expenses of the late Samuel Warren be paid and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached, Carried. · ··,... Mr. A. Shanks appeared before Council in connection with getting sewer l. connections to serve his new home to be built shortly~ Reeve Sparks was as:ka ./ to contact A .L .Cousins on behalf of the ratepayers petitioning for same. Dr. Devins & H. McRae acting for the Public School. Board gave the Council information regarding the purchase of property for the proposed new scgool. F.E.Corner wrote Council in regard to having a tree cut at his residence, this matter was handed to Reeve Sparks of the Streets Committee. SPARKS, JONES; That the Aurora Womens Institute be granted permission to hold a tag day for the Blind on May 3/47. Carrie~. SWINDLE, JONES; That the Aurora branch of the Legion be allowed the use of the Tovm park and area in front of the High School on Wells St. to hold a field day dance on Sat. July 26th. Carried. On Motion of Councillors Swindle & Davies,the Legion requesting the 11th of Nov. be proclaimed a legal holiday in Aurora, was adopted. SISMAN, SWINDLE, That the Town of Aurora adopt daylight saving time to correspond with the City of Toronto, namely.Apl.27 to Sept. 28/47. Carried. Reeve Sparks submitted his report on trees cut and his committees advice on having new trees procured to take the place of trees needed in the Town. On motion of Reeve Sparks & Councillor Davies the report was adopted~ SPARKS, D&VIES; That the report of Chairman of the Streets Cpmmittee re complaint of Mr. Merchant that water was being diverted on his driveway be adppted. Carried~ A report on the wages of the Streets employees was submitted and amended to read as follows J. Goulding J. Bak w. Summers J. Peters M. Robinson Retroactive to Jan.l/47. Carried~ $35.00 per week • 70'1 per hour o70rf per hour o55r/ per hour .45'1 per hour c \. . I ( The Police Committee reported as follows; That the wages of Police Chief F. Dunham be increased by $5.00 per week retroactive to Jan. 1/47. Police . Constable w. Langman be increased by $5.00 per week retroactive to Jan.l/47. The report was adppted. I ~ COOK, SISN.AN; That the Council go into a Committee of the Whole to discuss' the schedule of wages, with Dr. c. Rose in the chair. Carried~ ROSE, JONES; That the wages of Alex. Higgins be increased to $25,00 per weel{, Other consideration remain as before. Carried. ROSE, SWINDLE; That the approval of the principal of the purchase of the E,E,Scarlett property be left in the hands of The Mayor, the Clerk, and Town Solicitor Lee~ ( \ Apl, 8th 1947 Page 3 DAVIES, COOK; That your Planning & Development Committee recommend that the following gentlemen be appointed to the Planning Board of the Town of Aurora for a period of three years. Mr. Stewart Mills; Dr. C.R.Boulding; Mr. E.H.Clarke; Mr. J.W.Bowser; Mr. H.M.McKenzie. and that the Town Council be represented on this Board by Councillor c. Davies. Carried. · The report on the Town truck was received, the matter to be left with the Reeve & Clerk to get still further particulars on prices of other size trucks, which may be more serviceable to the Town needs. Chairman Swindle of the Finance Committee made a report of that Dept. which shows the position of the Town finances (.this to be published) SWINDLE, SISRffiN; That the report.of the Finance Committee be adopted. Carried~ ROSE, COOK; that leave be given to intrmduce a By-law to Strike the Rates in the Town.of Aurora for 1947 and that the same be now read a first time. SWINDLE, SISMAN; That the By-law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose. DAVIES, JONES; That the By-law now before the Council be read a third time thms day and that Rule 22 of By-law # 862 be suspended for that purpose. SWINDLE, SIS1ffiN, That the third reading of this By-law be taken as read. Carried~ Meeting adjourned at 11.40 p.m. ii-**7e-*{i'***