MINUTES - Council - 19470324~, ( . J ~--~~,-..,\ . :" . SIXTH MEETING SPECIAL March 24th 1947 A special meeting of Council was held in the Council Chambers on Monday March 24th at 8~00 p.m. Mayor Linton in the chair, with the following members pres~nt; Reeve C.E.Sparks, Dep. Reeve A.A.Cook, T.F.Swindl~, Victor Jones, Chas, Davies, J.E.Sisman, S,G.Patrick, Dr,. C.Rose:. zo'w.o~,c.C, The correspondence was read, and ordered filed, the application for wewer connection for J • Dodd was left for the attention of the Streets Committee. The Clerk to reply.to a letter received from Mr. H. Simpson. PATRICK, SPARKS; The Mr. C .G .Brown be given Lot 30 on Tyler St·~ also Mrs. H. Yake Lot 29 on.Tyler St. for the sum of $1.00 and that a deed will be given when a house. is erected within 2 years of this date. Carried!~ SISMAN, PATRICK; That informat~on be received from the Public School Board re the purchasing of property ~jacent to the Public School. As no funds have been officially requested to pay for same, the Council are of the opinion that this l{quiry of property should be a part of the Public School building project and paid for by debentures. Therefore until such application for debenture is made the Council have no way of raising money for the payment of property. Carried. A detailed report of the Water & Fire Committee was submitted To Council. DAVIES, SWINDLE; That the Council dissolve itself into a Committee of the Whole to discuss:. this report • ' SISMAN, J01~S; That the report of the Water & Fire Committee be adopted and that the Se.al of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried if are SPARKS, PATRICK; That the Property Committee, x~ no tenders ~ received xkKH as advertised, be empowered to use their own discretion in hiring some mechanic to build a fire escape as proposed by Council from the two class rooms in the old Town Hall and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. SISMAN, SWINDLE; That the bill amounting to $44.00 submitted by A. Closa for ticket selling at the Aurora arena be paid and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried. Chairman Swindle of the Finance Committee presented his report for that department as outlined by report on filel pertaining to Assessment. SWINDLE, ~~Ook; That the report of the Finance Committee re assessment be adopted. Carried* SWINDLE, SISMAN; That the Clerk be and the usual way for applications for the ofi the Corporation be attached hereto. is hereby instructed to advertize in position of assessor, and that the Seal Carried. The Finance Committee submitted a report on the revision of wages of Town employees as per report on file. SWINDLE, COOK; That the report of the Finance Committee re wages schedule be adopted~ Motion defeated:~ SPARKS, PATRICK; That the Police of the Town of Aurora be authorized to ascertain the wherabouts of one Hiram Clark during the previous year,l946, for the purpose of establishing a place of residence for the said Hiram Clark~ Carried~ The chairman of the Streets Committee made a verbal report on the condition of the Town truck and what expenditures might be expected to put same in good running order. Reeve Sparks and the Clerk were delegated to have temporary repairs made and get the truck back in operation, following which figures were to be obtained on the purchase price of a suitable new truck from the dealers in the Town. SWINDLE, SISMAN; That notice iiichereby given of intention to introduce a motion setting forth the schedule of wages for the civic employees of the Town of Aurora at the next regular meeting. Carried, / ( -~·\ . i '-! /--~·. _/ '\ .. "'---. Sixth meeting Continued Page 2 The matter of closing the Clerk's office at 12.00 noon on Saturdays was brought before Council.-Due to the majority of the Industries being closed on Saturdays no~ it was unanimously agreed that the Clerk's Office would be closed at 12.00 o 1 clock noon instead on 1.00 p.m. as has been done in the past~ Carried~ - Metting adjourned at 11.30 p.m'~ MAYOR. " ::.:;~; ::·:· . '',".~"'''OA '•