MINUTES - Council - 19470303~ j II
The regular monthly meeting of Council was held in the Council Chambers on
Monday March 3rd 1947 at 8.oo p.m. with Mayor Linton in the chair, and members';
of Council present as follows; Reeve C.E,Sparks; T.F.Swindle; S.G.Patrick;
J.E.Sisman; v. Jones; Chas. Davies; ·
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted~
SWINDLE, SPARKS; That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue
orders on the Treasurer for the same and that ·the Seal of the Corporation be
attached hereto.
Bell Telephone Co. # 1 2.95'
65 8.07"
135 3.3~
305 2.8~
314 2.0~
361W 3.1~
482 8.56"
500 5.2~
Aurora Hydro· Arena Jan. 36.16-.,__
Clerk's Office Jan. 2.78,
Town Hall Jan. 11.43,
Disposal Plant Jan. 64.51--
Arena Feb. 42.52,
Clerk's Office Feb. 1.73'
Town Hall Feb. 10.3~
Disposal Plant Feb. 62.59-
Copp Clark Co. Ltd. Offiee, Almanac 4~oo,
J.E,Buchanan Snow removal & gravel 34.20,
Dinty Moore Gas etc. 8,2~
B.F.Davis & Son Fuel, arena & Disposal 16.00,
Mingay Transport Cartage 2.92,
T .K ,Fice Arena 7 .5~
11 Police 2 .30,
J.C.Bodfish Fuses etc. 8.34,
W.H.Cunningham & Hill Rooto for drains 24.0~
Can. Industries Ltd. Calcium Chloride 20.81,
L.C.Lee • fees, deeds etc. 3.4~
J,W,Bowser & Son. Shovel,gal. basket etc. 8.00,
C.N.R. .Flasher maint. Nov. 21.76,
Grand & Toy Ltd. Office supplies 2.4~
Aurora Hydro Comm. 200W lamps (arena) 21.45
W.R.Grosskurth 1 hr. parking signs 74.20~
National Fire Protection Co. Fire extinguisher fluid 23.7~
Stiver Bros. Fuel, Town Hall 64.60,
11 Fuel, Clerk's Office 32.95"
Corner Insurance Agency Ins. Bond; Clerk 6 • 57,
Ivan Daniels Oil (Library) 19.11,
J. Goulding Hse of car Feb. 5.00--..
Wm. Knapp ecoration P.Police off.338.8o,
Banner Press Printing 33.51,
Newmarket Era & Express Printing 18.0~
Snow Welding Works Welding (Disposal) 2.25,
F. Dunham 11 outside trips 31.~,
A .E ,Hawkins Snow removal Jan.& Feb. 729·~ 00,
Davis ~arage Gas, repairs etc. , 12.33,
JONES,DAVIES; That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orde:s
on the Treasurer for the same and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached
Medical Assn.
Dominion Store
· General Store
Traviss Est.
·-::r·:· ···-··!~"~:"''''
3 X 56¢
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Fourth Meeting Contd. page 2
JONES, SISMAN; That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orilers
on the Treasurer for the same and that the Seal of the Corporation be
attached hereto •
Bell Telephone Co.
Aurora Hydro
II tl
Canadian Brass Co.
11 n n
Neptune Meters Ltd.
Mueller Ltd.
-~.W.Bowser & Son
B.F.Davis & Son
Dinty Moore
Banner Press
Aurora Hydro
If 11
# 12
# 1 Jan.
2 Jan.
Dresser Couplings
Copper Tube
Repair meter
Screw driver
Grease etc.
Water bills
# 1 Febo
# 2 Feb.
A delegation representing the Legion appeared before Council, asking
permission to operate the Arena from the time ice is removed until Nov.lst.
Correspondence from the Association of Ontario Mayors & Reeves was ordered
filed on motion of Reeve Sparks and Councillor Swindle.
SWINDLE, JONES; That a request from The British Sailors Society to hold a
tag day in the early spring XKK be not granted~
A request from the Band Committee for financial assistance this year was
turned over to the Finance Committee" to bring in their recommendations •
The letter from the Railway Assn. of Canada regarding the adoption of
daylight saving time for the summer season was ordered held till the next
regular meeting of Council in April.
The County of York submitted the figures for the 1947 assessment and was
placed on file for the convenience of the Finance Committee in striking
the mill rate for this year.
SISMAN, SWINDLE; That the Aurora Lions Club be allowed permission for the
use of the.Town park on May 24th to hold a display of wireworks for the
SWINDLE, SISMAN; That Dep. Reeve Cook and Councillor Davies be delegated to
attend the meeting of the Board of Trade on Mar. 6th
The Legion made the request that the Town ass,ist in getting some action
under way to have the War Memorial suitably inscribed with the names of
thwse who paid the supreme sacrifice in World War # 2 from The Town of
Aurora, Townships of King & Whitchurch. The Mayor consented to get the
matter moving·~ ·
Upon motion of Councillor Swindle, the request for a veterans lot/was left
with the Property Committee to investigate and report to Council.
A letter from the Aurora Horticultural Society soliciting a grant to further
their work in beautifing the Town was handed to the Finance Committee.
A petition from the ratepayers on George St. for the Town to extend the
Sewage Disposal system was received. Councillor Swindle asked that Town
Solicitor Lee be instructed to ascertain the.tat least 75% of those ratepay-
ers have signed the petition
The letter from the Ontario Assn. of Rural Municipalities.asking for
membership to the Assn. was order filed on motion of Reeve Sparks and
Councillor Sisman.
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Fourth Meeting Cohtd. page 3
Chairman of the Finance Committee gave a verbal report on his Dept.
asked that a special meeting of Council be held after the Committee
met, and go over the Assessment matter as ~ell as Town wage~
Chairman Sparks of the Streets Committee outlined the work done in connectb
with the tree cmtting. He states that there have been 26 trees now cut,
with applications for 3 more to be removed.
SWINDLE, SISMAN; That the Streets Committee be authorized to cut these
trees if they so deem it necessary.
SWINDLE, DAVIES; That the Property Committee be authorized to erect a
fire escape at the Town Hall for the emergency use of the Public school
children. Carried.
C'6uncillor Sisman as chairman of the Sports & Publicity Committee asked
for imformation regarding the feasability of installing artificial ice
in the Arena. Some figures pertaining to the cost were furnished by the
Clerk, obtained from a municipality now operating an artificial ice areha.
Chairman Davies of the :Planning Committee suggested several names of those )
who might be approached to act on the local Planning Boarde
Reeve Sparks gave a report on a hospitalization case which was adopted~
The first reading of a By~law to renew the lease of the Mechanics Hall
for a further three years, read at the last meeting was again brought
before Council~
SISMAN, SWINDLE;That the By-law now before the Council be read a second
time and that the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole
for that purpose.
SWINDLE, SISMAN; That the By-law now before the Council be read a third time
this day and that Rule 22 of By-law# 862 be suspended for that purpose.
Reeve Sparks moved that the third reading be taken as read~ carried~
SWINDLE, JONES; That the Aurora Legion be given permission to use the Arena
for the summer months and until the first of Nov~ Carried.
SWINDLE, JONES; That the Sports & :Property Committees survey the possibil""
ities of sports grounds and submit their suggestions .to Council. Motion lost~
The matter to be left to the Planning Board~
SWINDLE, DAVIES; That the Streets Committee bring in recommendations for the
replacing of a number of trees remo~ed and any additional trees seen
necessary. Carried'~
SWINDLE, DAVIES; That the Clerk contact the Dept. of Highways for particulars
for the taking over of Yonge st. within the Town limits.
The meeting was adjourned at 11~30 p.m.