MINUTES - Council - 19470120,._';
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SECOND MEETING (Special) JAN. 2oth 1947
A special meeting of Council was.held .. in the.Council Chambers Jan •. 2oth 1947
for the purpose of discussing with the Clergy of the Town, theaction that
the Council believed correct in passing Sunday afternoon skating.
The meeting called for 9.00 p.m. was presided over by Mayor R. Linton, with
other members present in the persons of; Reeve C.E.Sparks; Dr. C. Rose;
T.F.Swindle; W.V.Jones, S.G.Patrick; C.L.G.Davies; J.E.Sisman.
A full representation of the Ministers was present along with the press and
a number of citizens. Rev. E.C.Moddle; Rev. H.S.Warren; Rev. A.R.Park;
Captain B.E.Stevens; Rev. L.R.Coupland; Rev. R.F.Hicks; Rev. R.K.Perdue;
Rev. A.R.Park addressed the Council as to the action taken in opening the
arena for Sunday skating.
Rev. E.C.Moddle acting on the part of the Clergy, read a detailed report
on the general attitude of the body he represented, and outlined the
grounds on which the Ministers based their opposition to the Town Council.
Mayor Linton thanked Mr. Meddle for the report and general feeling. The
Mayor spoke on the stand that the Council had adopted when the motion was
brought before the Council at the January meeting, the reasons why they
felt skating should be allowed and.the assurance that so long as he was
Mayor that no organized sports would be permitted in Aurora.
The following Ministers expressed their own views on the subject. Rev. Perda
Rev. Warren; Rev. Hicks; Rev. Park; Rev. Coupland; Captain Stevens; Rev. Mod
Councillors Sparks; Rose;Swindle;Patrick; Jones, spoke briefly on the
stand and findings pertaining to the skating. E.H.Clarke made a few remarks
as Sunday School Superintendent.
After the discussion was completed the visiting persons adjourned.
A show of hands was taken in final decision whether the skating should be
continued or not. the vote was unanimously in favour of continuing the
Sunday afternoon skating between 2.00 & 4.00 p.m. and total agreem~nt that
no further advertising of. this skating would be permitted. / .
Mr. T.A.M. Hulse on behalf of the Legion approached the Council with the
idea. of establishing an open air rink in the Town park, to be jointly
supervised by the Legion in co-operation with the Sports Committee, carried.
The Clerk was instructed to give the Clergy an answer in writing as to the
final decision the Council made re Sunday skating.
Reeve-Sparks moved that the meeting be adjourned, at 10.55 P.M. Carried.
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