MINUTES - Council - 19461202TWENTY~FIRST MEETING PEO'; 2 1946. The regular monthly meeting of Council was held in. the Council Chambers Monday evening, Dee.2nd. 1946 at 8.10 p.m. with Mayor Linton in the ehair, Membe.rs of the Council present, Reeve C.E.Sparks, Dep •. Reeve A.A .• Cook, A.N.Fisher, Dr. C. Rose, RoV.Smith, W.A.West, E. Davis, S.G.Patriek~ The reading of the two pr~vious meetings were adopted as printed~ COOK, FISHER;.;.; That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue · orders.on the Treasurer for the same·and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto'i . WATERWORKS Bell Telephone Co~ Davis. Garage National Iron Corpn~ Kerr Engine Co. Wilson Hardware D1nty Moore Aurora Bldg. Co~ Imperial Iron Corp~ Terry Machinery Co~. Control & metering Ltd~ Powertronic Equipment Can. Brass Co~ Francis Hankin Co'~ W.H.Spragg & Son Aurora Hvdro u -,1 12 gas, gaskets etc~ water pipe check valves packing gas pipe etc~ grates Portable pump repair water meter rectifier curb stops etc~ meter.repair machining pipes Water # l II . 2 3~80 35.15 2684.18 8.10 1.65 33.00 22.03 4~97 441·~50 169~15 111~55 30~04 43~00 15~75 48~43 41.80 CORPORATION, FISHER, COOK;.:.. That the foiklowing accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto'~ Bell Telephone co. Aurora Hydro Wilson Hardware Banner Press Hagersv1lle Asphalt Paving Co. Proctor, Redfern K.A.Merrison Procoor, Redfern County of York R.C.Osborne Postmaster J.E.Buchanan c.N.R. C.N.R. Snow Welding Works K. Forsythe T.F.Spence Taylor & Son BowdenLumber Co. Hagersville Asphalt Co. Can~ Bitumuls Central Cleaners Stiver Bros B.F.Davis King's Printer Attridge & Son W.L,Milgate By-Products Co. Andy's Sign Shop Canadian Legion Municipal World Ltd. Mingay Transport phones st. lighting Nov~ Clerks office Town Hall Disposal pla,nt paint etc~ printong new street engineers senices new sewers engineers services County rates raincoates & cap stamps sand & gravel Sep~ flasher maint. Mar./46 11 . 11 welding &.cutting Decorate Police &Nurse gas & oil batteries shingles cement HX sidewalk mix Police uniform fuel fuel 1946 statutes lumber greasing & parts wipers repaint signs wreath election supplies cartage 28~47, 371.63, 1~90 11~09 62.86 46.95' 75.14' 8287 .5Ch. 414.38, 3357~50 167 .81lh, 7655.39 20.95, 16.00 ll2.50' 19~55, 14~97 12.25, Office69~75, 1.5'7\ ~75, 278.00-. 17.00 25.56' 49·~60-. 48~35, 31.82-., 2~00, 23~26-. 22.20' 22.50' 10.00 .... 15.00" 22.78' 4~00' Corporation Contnd. Aurora Bldg. Co~ J. Goulding F. Dunham Sundries 2 Cement, tools etc. use of' car etc~ outside trips,car flag, freight etc. 23~05, 8.2~ 17.00, 6.80-. SMITH~ ROSE;-+ That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer f'or the same and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto·~ RELIEF Medical Assn-~ Mrs. Traviss Est.~ General Store 3 X 56~ rent food ROSE, DAVIS;~ That the usual honorarium paid the Town Solicitor, which some years ago was reduced to $275~00 be restored to $.300.00"'per annum effective during the year 1946, and that the Seal of the Corporation be 1.68 nso 39~50 attached thereto~ carriew~ . ~. ~ ..... !Vleeting adjourned at 10.50. Pom'~ ~ . MAYOR ~