MINUTES - Council - 19460903~~- l .,----- """" \_ I SIXTEENTH MEETING The regular Sept. meeting of Council was held in the Council Chamberson Sp~t. 3rd at 8.00 p.m. Mayor Linton in the chair with the following members of Council present; Reeve C.E.Sparks; Deputy Reeve A.A. Cook; eouneillr A.N.Fisher; R.V.Smith; S.G.Patriek; Dr. C.Rose; Eo Davis. -' The minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. FISHER, SPARKS; That the following accounts be ppid, that the Mayor issue orders on the_Treasurer for the Same, and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CORSORATION WATERWORKS Bell Telephone Co • W.L.Milgate W.R.Case J.E.Buchanan DintyMoore Postmaster " n' J~ vanderMatten J oFoWillis &rmco Drainage Co • C.N.R. H.E.P.C. Mingay Transport Stan. Hughes J .A. Gemmill B.F.Sturtevant Co. J.Ba.k J. Goulding Hospital for Sick F. Dunham Sundries II Aurora Hydro B.F.Davis & Son Fhones Repairs truck Mowing Gravel Gas,Oil Postage " " Cleaning Furnace First Aid Culvert Pipe Flasher Mainte~ Bulbs Cartage Gas Repair plumbing 11 Compressor Sharpen tools Use of ear (Aug) Children Latimer Trips, Newmarket Office Exp. & Freight Freight & Cartage street lighting ement SMft!t, ~ COOK, FISHER 33.49 113.33 4.oo 72.00 18.84 15.00 15.00 n.oo 2.75 1.50 118.44 18.71 36.85 2.60 3.50 2.25 86.02 6.65 5~00 36.75 9.00 5.67 6.40 370.95 35~00 That the following accounts be-ppid, that the Mayor iasue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto~ RELIEF Davis Garage D1nty Moore W .H. Spragg & Son Can. Brass.Co~Ltd. Harold Eveleigh Factory Equipment Neptune Meters Ltd~ Bell Telephone Co. Gas&011 " n Labour on Engine Service boxes etc. Service pump l'ulleys etc~ Water meter # 12 84.25 82.45 28.75 41.83 17.50 24~57 93.31 4.34 SMITH, PATRICK;That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Medical Assn'• Mrs. Traviss Est'~ F.D.Lacey General Store 3 X o56¢ Rent Food II 1.68 7o50 14.40 39.50 · FISHER, COOK; That we pay Mr. Hillborn an additional $100. making $450.00 per year with the understanding that we pay him a reasonable amount for extra work getting Mr. Clark started, and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto' CARRIED• . i \ SIXTEENTH MEETING Contd~ page 2 "-· -----.~." •. J-• --".-••• "" --~ " ·""-•••• J ••• Numerous items of correspondence submitted and dealt withr. A letter from R.T.Caldwell regarding Culvert extention at Wellington & Mill Sts. was left in the hands of the Streets Committee; for immediate action~ A letter from Mr. Geo. Holloway in respect to odours from the Collis Leather Co. was ordered filed after a copy of same was sent to The Collis Co~ and to the Local Medical Officer of HealthB. A communication from Mr. & Mrs~ Geo •. w. Miller, Gurnett St. outlining damage done to their property by the flood earlymin August, was left in the hands of the Clerk for reply to the effect that the Town could not assume any responsibility for the. damagei~ The remaining correspondence was ordered filed • The Chairman of the Streets CommitteeJ submitted a report on the conditions found in that department from a recent survey of the situation and outlined the following p~ogress. That the contract awarded to the Hawkins Construction Co~ re Gurnett st. extention and opening of Kennedy st. E• on or about Apl.lst/ has been fulfilled:~ Gurnett St. has been extended southward from Connaught St"~ to Cousins Drive, a distance of approximately 850 feet, having a travel width of 24 feet. Kennedy St. has been lowered to the levelof Yonge St~ and the gra(e where it joins Gurnett st. lessened to about 5 degrees. The work has been satisfactorily completed and we would reomommend the payment of the contract. The large Maple tree at the entrance of Kennedy st. gas been removed, also the catch basin at the corner of Kennedy & Yonge Sts. has been lowered approx. 14 inches~ We would recommend that the read bed on these new streets be covered with a covering of course gravel, we further recommend that a 12 11 culvert be placed in the road bed at the corner of Connaught st. We also recommend that an ad:ditional 54feet of 4' tile be purchased and xmxx connected with the extsting culvert and-a retaining wall 135 feet long with an average height of 4 be constructed crossing the. tile so that it will preve~ any flooding ~f the town in future. SIDEWALKS; We would recommend that the walk on the north side of Wellington st. west of Wells St. a distance of 450 feet be reconstructed, and a new walk be laid on the eaat side on Connaught connecting with the Gurnet St. walk. We further recommend that a surveyor be obtained to give the street l,ine on Connaught St. W~ CARRIED FISHER, COOK; That we donate to the Aurora Horse Show tlOO.OO as promised for ~ our budget and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto~ A verbal report by the chairman of the Waterworks Committee on the progress of the new equipment recently installed at the Waterworks plant was given. A report by the property Committee was submitted in regard to repairing the roof of the Town Hall The Finance Committee gave an up to date report on Insurance carried on buildings and equipment at the Waterworks plant, recommending an increase off about $2750. to cover the new machinery purchased, and contents of the garages. · SPARKS, SMITH; That the Clerk be instructed to ~rite a letter to those persons whose taxes are in arrears back to 1942 re tax sale this year. SIXTEENTH MEHING cont'f pap;e 3 SMITH, ROSE; That th~ T~~ ~~~~~ $275'~00 of the fees of Mr, engineering the sewer job at Collis Leather Co. on behalf of and that we gat an easement signed by the Collis Leather Co. to crassr,their property before payment is made·~ . CARRIED. Redfern for the Town for rights PATRICK, SPARKS; That the Town order tile suffecient for the needs at the Cook property for the Indmstries conserned, also for the requirements at the Collis Leather storm sewer. The request fo~ a street light at the west end of Tyler st. was left with The Streets Committee.for consideration. The question of winter oo11ts for the police Dept~ was brought up, decision ·being to get prices for submittion and crontact the Council at an early date~ Permission was granted to Norman Elmer to erect an electric sign on Yonge St·~ at his residence advertising his business • · ROSE, COOK; That leave be given to introduce a B,y-law to authorize the leasing of office accomodation above the Council Chambers·~ and that the same be read a first time. PATRICK, DAVIS; That the By-law now before the Council be read a second time.and that the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose. SMITH, FISHER; That the B,y-law now before the Council be read a third time this d~ and that Rule 22 of By-law # 862 be suspended for that pur- pose~ ROSE, COOK; That leave be given to introduce a By-law to authorize sale of . Part lot 25, 26, 27t~ plan 120 for. the Town of Aurora, and that the same be now read a first time. PATRICK, DAVIS; That the B.Y-law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council dissolve itself in to a committee of the Whole for that purpose. FISHER, SPARKS; That the By-law now before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law # 862 be suspended for that purpose~ Meeting adjourned at 11.59 p~m~ ~ 7 -. MAYOR \~