MINUTES - Council - 19461216I i f I r FINAL MEETING DE0,16th 1946 The final meeting of Council was held· in the Council Chambers on Monday evening Dec. 16th 1946 at 8,15 p,m, Mayor Linton occupying the Chair, with the .following members present;.., Reeve C,E .• Sparks; Deputy Reeve A,A,Cook; A, •• Fisher; R,V,Smith; W.A,West; S,G,fatrick;_Dr, C, Rose; Eo Davis: The Iiinutes of the previous-meeting were adppted!i FISHER, COOK;-That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto, CORPORATION Bell Telephone Co, Aurora Hydro Stoutts Garage lvan Daniels . Stiver Bros, Aurora Bldg. Co, Wm·, Boaks Postmaster Central Cleaners J .w .Bowser & Son Hagersville .... Fa.ving Co, Hill & Murray B,F,Stur.tevant Co, J,A.G-emmill Judge Denton Clerk _ Dr, G,W .WilU.ams R,C ,Osl:!o:rne . Election Expenses 1946 Aurora High School F,R,Und.erhill Zurich Ins, Co, H~ Armitage Lois Love C,A,Fry Sundries # 1 3_,42 -65 16,09 135 3.51 305 2~85 314 2,05 361W 4~14 500 5.20 Arena 12,37 Clerks Office 2-,53 Disposal plant 48~26 Town Hall 10•08 Gas&. Oil 17,15 Oil(Library) · 11,02 Fuel~Town Hall) 40~00 Glass,nails etc, 16,04 Repair tire 1,00 stamps 23.00 Folice overcoat 43,60 Lock etc, 3,22 Grading new Sts, 1320~02 Roof Town Hall 332~33 Repair compressor 58~00 " plumbing Town Hall 2,50 Revising Voters L, 10~00 II II n 60,40 Bd~ Health Convent~ 15~00 Rain. Coat 8,50 DRO, P/C. Foll Flaces90-~00 Public Meet, Dec,3rd 10,00 Insurance 599~56 " 50~96 II 141,00 II 55,00 " 141,00 Express 5~26 COOK, FISHER; That the following accounts be ppid, that the Mayor issue orders .on the TreasUrer for the same and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto, WATERWORKS; . Bell Telephone Co, Aurora Hydro Comm~ J.W.Bowser & Son Aurora Bldg. Co~ 112 -1 2 Bolts Wrench, pipe etc~ Mr, Len, Simmons met Council on behalf of the Aurora Lions a refund of part of the money paid for the use of the Arena season, as a result the following motion was passeM 3,80 47~31 40S2 1~25 4.78 Club asking for for the past ROSE, COOK; That a refund of fifty dollars$50,00) be made to the Aurora Lions Club, re ice fees at the Rink during the winter of 194~ 1946, The Finance Committee respectfully submit the following; That we adopt the changes as specified Ibn the attached schedule, Carried ./ FINAL MEETING Dec, 16th 1946(Continaed) ROSE, PATRICK; That Dec. 26th (Boxing Day) be declared a Public Holiday', ~ --·~ ~ SPARKS, FISHER;-That the same consideration be extended to the Town employees.in the Christmas festivities of 1946 as in the year 1945, Carried~ Meeting adjourned. at 9,00 p.m~ • MAYOR .... ,,,:,· .. ,;: ... ·«···· ---- -•-• T",'',";'; ''