MINUTES - Council - 19461111r----·
A special meeting of Council was held in the Council Chambers on Monday
Nov. 11th 1946 at 8.05 p.m~ with Mayor Linton in the Chair, the following
members of Council present; Reeve C.E.Sparks; Deputy Reeve A.A.Cook;
Councillors, A.N.Fisher, Dr. C. Rose, S.G.Patrick, E. Davis, W.A.West'~
Correspondence from the Regular meeting w!l,s read and d:l:s,cussed in. detail.
SPARKS, PATRICK; That Dr. G.W.Williams be the appointee of the County
of York on. the local School Board for another term.
Rose, SPARKS; That the Clerk take the matter of excess of maintenance
of the Flasher at the C.N.R. tracks on Wellington st. up with the. Board
of Transport Commissioners .. in view of obtaining a refund for the Town
and the Toronto and York Roads Commiss~on.
A reply to the letter received from the Tourists & Parks committee re
the fac:tlities in Aurora was left in the. hands of Councillor Patrick·~
COOK, ROSE; That we authorize the Mayor and Clerk to purchase a typewriter
and adding machine at a cost of approximatley $450.00 and the Seal of the
Corporation be attached hereto.
Cairman Cook of the Water Committee gave a verbal picture·~he
in connection with the new pump for his department~
Chairman Sparks of the Streets Committee also gave a verbal report on
his department.
WEST, PATRICK; That a 2in~ 10,000 gal. per min. Homelite Pump, complete
with 25 ft. hose and couplings be purchased for the sum of $441.50 and
that the Seal of the Corporation be attched hereto~
Dr. Rose the chairman of the By.:.lawss Committee submitted to Council. a
detailed report and recommendation pertaining to the Taxis and Parking
Councillor Patrick brought in a report on the Sports Committee and the
matter of repairs to the Sports Timer, which will be placed in good
working order by the time the hockey season starts.
PATRICK, ROSE; That the Committee.recommends the tender of Goodsales&
Concessions be accp\ed at $75.00 to operate the booth at the arena for
the 1946-47 skating season•;
The Clerk was instructed to write Mrs. E. Green, north Yonge St~ regarding
the poss•ibilities of sewer connections at her residence~
Mr. J. Goulding gave the Council a report of his trip to Balliston Spa•~
in respect to their system for sewage disposal~
SPARKS, FISHER; That the lease to Aurora Textiles for the Mechanics Hall
be extended fore an additional t'ree years atlil the rate of $75 .oo per mo.
on the same condi tiona as: his former lease'~ ·
PATRICK ROSE; That the Council reimburse Mr. A~ Willingham with the
sum of $lo.oo,for assistance rendered W.H.Taylor in completing his
assessment roll.
The Prpperty Committee XBBH delegated to go into the matter of viewing
the heating situation of the Clerk's Office to keep constant heat available;
to the Provincial Police quarters~,
SPARKS, FISHER; That the Town build a retaining wall so as to divert the wate
rs of Cousins creek into the original creeK bed, at W .L .stephens property·~
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[I~NTH MEETING Continued• Page 2
It was generally agreed that Council will waive the collection of Poll
Tax this year, in view of the other many taxes imposed just now'
ROSE, COOK; That leave be given to introduce an Ammendment to the present
Taxi By-law and that the same be now read a first time.
PATRICK, DAVIS; That the By-law now before the Council be read a second
time and that Councml dissolve itself into a committee of the whole for
that purpose.
ROSE, SPARKS; That the By-law now before the Council be read a third time
this day and that Rule 22 of By-law # 862 be suspended for that purpose.
WEST, DAVIS; That the Third reading of the By-law be taken as read, carried •
ROSE,FISHER; That leave be given to introduce an ammendment to the present
Parking By-law and that the same be now read a first time.
WEST, PATRICK; That the By-law now before the Council be read a second~
time and that the Council dissolve itself int~ a committee of the whol~
·for that purpose~
RSSE, COOK; That the By-law now before the Council be read a third time
this day and that Rule 22 of By-law # 862 be suspended for that purpose •
. .
DAVIS, WEST; That the third reading be taken as relld, carried~
Meeting adjourned at 11.30 p.m.