MINUTES - Council - 19461104/ '._, ___ . Q EIGHTEENTH MEETING .-~· ., ... -' ....... -. --. The Regular monthl~ meeting of Council was held in the Council Chambers on Monday evening Nov'•4th 1946 at 8.30 p'~l11~' with Mayor Linton in the Chair and members of Council present as follows;;.;: Reeve C.E.Sparks, Deputy Reeve A.A. Ct>ok; A.N.Fisher, S.G.Patrick, W.A.West, Dr. C. Rose; Ellwood Davis~ The minutes of the previous meetings were-· adopted: as printed';; A report by our Ass~ssor, Mr.W.H.Taylor was read regarding the 1947 assessmentw Mr. Taylor has served the Town in this capacity for 18 years. Mayor Linton expressed his thanks to Mr. Taylor for this untiring service for so many years SPARKS, FISHER;.:. That the Assessor's Report as presented:. by W .H. reeeived .. and accepted and that he-be paid the sum of $400.00 as ion for his services~ That the Court of Revision, comprising The Reeve, Deputy Reeve and C-ouncillor A.Ji'. Fisher be a committee to zmmplatKk84 be held on the 18th day of November 1946 Taylor be remunerat- Mayor; hear (liliX!it ) (appeals) COOK, FISHER;'": That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto'tl WATERWORKS, Bell Telephone Co~ Dinty Moore National Iron Corpn. Ltd~ Mingaj Transport W.H.Spragg & Son The Northern Miner Davis Garage Wilson Hardware Stoutts Garage J.C.Bodfish # 12 Gas Gaskets etc. Cartage Bolts Ado Gas etc~ Bolts,glass, bushings Tool bOX Electrical work 3~80 33.00 30~46 s.oo 6.oo 2~25 34•00 4~20 1.25 164.08 WEST, PATRISK;,;. That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor iasue orders on the Treasurer for the same and that the Seal of the Corporation be attched heretO. RELIEF, Medical Assn'~ Mrs. Traviss Est'~ General Store · John • s Groceteria 3x56 Rent Food Food 1.68 7.50 31.60 4.80 FISHER, SPARKS;-That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor . iss~e orderason the Treasurer for the same and that the Seal of the Corp- oration be attched hereto~ CORPORATION Bell Telephone· Co!~ B.F.Davis & Son Postmaster Ivan Damiels M. Graham Aurora Hydro Selection of Jurors J.E.Buchanan Taylor & Son T.K.Fice J. Bak Wilson Hardware C .N .R. Dinty Moore J.A.Mitchell & Son Armco Drainage & Metal Attridge & Son J.W.Bowser & Son St • Thomas Metal Signs Ltd. J.F.Willis Twp • of Kiilg Len Simmons Robt. Imrie Stiver Bros. Toronto Salt Works o.D.Hess Phone as wood Stamps on Carp~ Work Library Street lighting Sand & gravel Gas & oil Fixtures (P.Police) Labour 11 11 . Broom,padlocks etc. Flasher Maint,Jul.Aug. Gas. battery charging Coal oil etc. Culvert Lumber Chamois etc. Street signs Soap Taxes Work on park Grnds Office map Coal Comm. salt Soap etc~ 28~52 4~00. 47 .oo 4~42 18'~62 371>~6~ 15.00 138 1~00 21~50 75.84 55.00 8·~15 36'~93 9~77 1.40 807'~30 97'.19 2.90 51.84 < 1.00 9.90 46.80 5.00 36.40 88,~00 1.15 \ Eight~th Meeting Proctor,Redfern & County of York F. Dunham J. Goulding Ont. Hospital Continued Page 2 lau@b.lin Engineers Ser~ Hospitalization Outside trips,extra Use of car(Oct.) Hospitalization. 140;.80 4'~50 police 35.75 6~00 46.00 Mr. Percy Allin appeared before Council asking for permission to make alterations to his house at Mosley & Wells Sts··~ after a plan has been submitted .to Council they will decide upon the granting of a permit·~ Three .. members of the Bowling Club came before Council as a delegation to tender a financial picture of their year's activities~ Due to unfortunate circumstances this season the Club find they have a difficit of $56.97, Upon motion of C .E .Sparks and A .N .Fisher the Bowling Club were voted a grant of this amount to clear off all outstanding accounts to be able to commence the following year clear of debt'~ Messrs Lawson appeared. at the meeting in regalld to a building permit'~ The explanation of the use of this building has now been cleared up and the usual permit may be given~ ROSE, PATRICK;.;;. That the figure of $285,000'li.00 debenture, proposed by the Public School Board to be used for building a new Plil.blic School be taken to the Electorate of Aurora as a Money By-law in the ~ forthcoming election. ROSl!l'j DAVIS;.:O That leave be given to intrdlduce a By.:.law to govern the forthcoming election, and factors connected therewith} and that .the same be now read a first time. CARRIED COOK, ROSE;-That the By-law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose·~ CARRIED. PATRICK, WEST;.:. That the By.:.law now before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law # 862 be suspended for that purpose~ CARRIED~ SPARKS, COOK;.:. That the third reading of the By-law be taken as read, CARRIED·~­ Members of the Public School :Board were in attendance to discuss' with the Council the requirements relating to the proposed new Scheel'' Meeting adjourned at 11.45 p.m·~