MINUTES - Council - 19460806'. ./"' i I -" :'·''\ \ I - / .( AUGUS-T-6th.,--~·· --1946 The regular monthly meeting of Council was held 1n the Council Chambers Tuesday Aug. 6th at 8 p.m. Mayor Linton in the chair with the followi!g members or Council present~-Reeve .. Sparks,Dep. Reeve Cook, A.N.Fisher, W.A. West, R.V.Smith, Dr·. C~ Roe#. . The minutes of the .. previous mee.tings were adopted as readii Fishe~ Cook, That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orde.rs on the Treasurer for the same, and that the Seal or Corporation be attached hereto~ Bell Telephone Co~ Aurora. Hydro n n W.R.Case : Attridge & Son Aurora Bldg. Co. w •. Boa.ks B •. F. Davis & Son Municipal World By-Products Co~ Evening Telegram Torcmto Star B.G.Whitlaw Newmarket Era W.L.Milgate • Babcock Wilcox &Co. Armco products Sundry froz:ht ~ & EX• n lf n Postmaster Fy~Fyter Co. Grand & Toy Taylor &Son J.A. Gemmill Mingay Transport J • E • Buchanan T. Tomlinson Co~ R.J.Lovell O.D.Hess :Dorr co. Davis Garage Dinty Moore Wilson Hardware J.F~Willis J. w. Bowser-& Son C.N .• R. . Prov • ot Ont'. County of York J. Goulding Andy's Sign Shop Aurora Hydro Banner Press.· F. Dunham WATERWORKS,COOK ~ Sparks Phones July acct~ Aug. acct'~ Mower rental Lumber Pipe etc• Gas & oil Coal License book Wipers Ad~ Ad. Office Supply Ad'~ ltepairs truck Pump Pipe Stamps Extinguishers Office supplies Gas Plumbing Trucking Sand & Gravel Grates Office Supplies Towels etc~ Packing Repairs Gas Paint etc. First aid~ Netting etc. Flasher Maintenance hospitalization II Use of.car Traffic signs Street lighting Printing Extra police trips 27.cYT, 6~'i03 62'.91..:::- 39•00, 6;L.45, 105~16, 10.50, 30.52, 1.67, 22~50:::._ 63~00, 60.90 13.05~ 6.oo.; 29~30 1e82~oo' 174.01' 12 so' . '-13.60, 25~00, 27~80, 16.85, 2.64' 10~47 '-. 4~oo'- 125.50' 47~41" 5~99" 1.27"'-ll.Oo" 6'.;25 \ 25~93" 36~15~ 3.10 19.09' 15.19' 46.00' 25.12" 6 oo' . ' 35.00 370~95" 96~60~ 24~00' ' That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto~ l:lell Telephone Co. · Aurora. Hydro II II Davis & Son Dinty Moore RELIEF WEST <t COOK Phone July Aug~ Coke 011 # 12 3.80 148.85~ 134.94,. 104.91, 1.oo, That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Ma.dica.l Assn. Mrs~ Traviss., Estate Teasda.les Market General Store 4 X 56¢ Rent Food " 2.24 7~5o, 9.60 37 .20'' ' ~- p~~ 2 A number of delegations ~received and dealt with, in the persons of Mr:t Lees Owram representing the Collis Leather Co. ~ Jos-~ Harrison in regard to laying a sidewalk on Connaught Ave:~ which was left with the Streets Committeeo for attention~, -Fire Chief Jones with reference to attending the Firemen's Convention this year in Timmins, Ont'~ Also Mr: Fred I KR Bawden and Mr. Storey connected with The Bawden Bump Co~ explaining the workings of the new Stand By gas engine now being orderea for the Waterworks Dept~ Numerous items of correspondence wrme read and discussed at l:uiisld• length. SPARKS ROSE; The permission be granted the Aurora Branch of the Canadian Leg:llll to all requests outlined in their letter, except the placing of one banner at Yonge & Wellington sts-~ be placed further north• so as not to interfere with the traffic signals'~ ROSE SPARKS; That permission be granted the Canadian Youth Hostels to erect a directional sign at Kennedy st. pointing west. _The erection to be left under the supervision of the Clerk for approva~; The matter of revaluing the buildings at the Waterworks for insurance purposes was left in the hands of the Finance Committe&l~ SPARKS FISHER; That the restgnation of Dr. C.R.Boulding as Medical Officer of Health for the Town of Aurora be accepted• The remaining items of correspondence wen ordered filed. ROSE WEST; That the outdoor toilet on the property occupied by Mr~Lustic be ordered removed and the owner be notified to remove same by Sept~lst. the same proceedure to apply to the property owned by Mrs.Art Atkinson on Temperance St'~ A verbal outline of the damage done recently by the storm at the Waterworks station was submitted bj Dep. Reeve Cook, chairman of the the Waterworks Committee~ COOK FISHER; That the Water& Fire Committeeobe authorized to purchase a gasoline-engine for the stand by pump at the cost of, up to #4000.00 and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto~ The chairman of the Streets Committee explained the damage done to that department due to the week end flood. WEST COOK; That the Fire Department be granted the sum of #100';.00 to enable members of the DePt• to attend the Firemen's convention at Timmins the latter part of August~ Carried west SPARKS SMITH; That-a tree locate_d at the southjentrance to Kennedy St~ :a; be removed in order to proceed with the construction of that extention~ SPARKS FISHER; That the Town's Solicitor be instructed to institute legal proceedings to obtain lOfeet of land to the south side of Kennedy St. E. from Yonge St. to Gurnett St~ Carried. ROSE COOK ; That leave be given to introduce a. B,y-law to appoint a Medical Officer of Health for the Town of Aurora and that the aame be read a first time to-day~ _ SPARKS FISHER; That the By-law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council disolve itself into a Committee of the whole for that purpose~ SMITH WEST; That the By-law now before the Council be read a third time this day and that rule 22 of By-law # 862 be suspended for that purpose:;; The readings taken as read.'~ The meeting was adjourned at 12.20 ~~ ------MAYOR. -----~-------~