MINUTES - Council - 19461007·~·. /~ ._, .. , SEVENTEENTH MEETING OCT. 7th 1946 The Regular monthly meeting of Council was held in the Council Chambers Oot • 7th 1946 at 8 p.m. with Mayor Linton in the Chair and members of the Council present as follows;-Dep. Reeve A.A.Cook, Dr. c. Rose, W.A.West, R.V.Smith, S.G.l'atrick,Ellwood Davis~ The minutes of the previous meeting was adopted as read. COOK;.ROSE. That the following aooounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto~ · · Bell Telephone Co. Aurora Hydro J.w. Bowser & Son Aurora Bldg. Co. Attridge & Son Mueller Ltd. Frank om 1 s Garage Davis Gagage G.rand & Toy Ltd. O.D.Hess Stiver Bros. T.K.Fioe Central Cleaners T. Tomlinson Foundry Co. Aurora Banner Thomas & Corney Municipal World Ltd. A .E .L .Maughan Dinty Moore J.E. Buchanan Geo. Langstaff County of York City of Toronto Sundries Sundries Concrete l'ipe Ltd. Postmaster J. Goulding B.F.Davis & Son Wilson Hardware F. Dunham Aurora Hydro !'hones. Clerks office Aug. Town Hall Aug. Disposal Plant Aug. Clerks Office Sept. Town Hall Sept. Disposal l'lant Sept. Fire Dept. Supplies Road signs, cement eto. Lumber Sueew plug Gas, oil eta. Gas supplies Supplies ·Fuel Flas~ light batteries Police uniform Gulleys l'rinting Typewriter repairs Office supplies Ind. Comm. expenses Q-as ·Gravel food Hospitalization n Fire Dept~ Express & Freight l'ipe(Cousins Drive) Stapps Extra use of oar Cement Gless, putty,Look etc. Outside trips Street lighting . 37.6Gh, 1.70, 5.62, 62.82 .... 1~52, 8.28'\ 58.66.., 35.81, 366.05, 44.22' 2~51, 24.43' 17 .46, 1~00\ .7:r'\ 42.35\. .6o,. 53.90.... 94.82, 35.57"-. 3~85"- 2.32\ 13.81\ 4 .15,., 111.00, 8.oo, 6.75' 76~00, 6~21'< 5.97' 316.80, 18.00\ 5.00 142.10'- 6;.65\, n.oo-. 371~63-. COOK, SMITH;~ That the following accounts be paid, mhat tha Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and that the Seal of the Corporation be attebhed hereto. WATERWORKS BellTelephone Co. Aurora Hydro Aurora Bldg~ Co. Wilson Hardware J.W.Bowser & Son Beldam Asbestos l'acking Co. Dinty Moore Storey l'UIIJ!l Co. W.H,Spragg & Son Collis Leather Co. Eleotrioal Maint. & Repair Postmaster Davis Garage #12 1 Aug. 2 Aug. l ~ep. 2 o:;;ep. 0 il.eto. Power mower etc. Flashlight, oil oan etc. Packing Gas~ Adapter plates Pupp installation nron t.ees rying motors 3tamps Gas 4.15 69.46 43.94 35.16 42~60 9~72 263.37 4.35 4.86 66.00 45.12 S8.50 3;8o 33.60 27.00 33.00 i' l,,. -- '" II\ . i~ -, •i \. '!~ rt ' +t' ·,: ' !:' ,. /' '\._ SEVENTEENTH MEETING, Cont. page 2 ~ATRICK, WEST;f That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders .on the reaaurer for the same and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto·. RELIE-F Medical Assn. Mrs. Travias Eat. General Store 3 X 56 Rent Food 1.68 7.50 31.60 CORRESJ?ONDENCE A letter from F. Griffith asking to have the Concession at the arena for the coming season was handed to the J?roperty Committee, with instructions to let this concession out by tender this year. A letter from the City of St~ Catharinea in respect to hydro billing and tax. was ordered' filech . A reply by Collis Leather Co. to our recent letter. outlining complaints was read, the feeling being that they were doing everything in their power to counteract the nuisance. the letter being ordered filed. It was deemed advisable to have Town foreman Goulding attend a display of sewage equipment machinery, being held at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto to gain much valuable information on up to date methods of handling;; A proposal b~.the Board of Health by letter was read and the Council advised the By-law Committee to deal with the contents as they waw fit, and bring in a reccommendation at the next meeting. ROSE, COOK;.:. That the revised statement of account for additional services rendered by A.E.Hawkins and Mr. Redfern be passed for payment, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached thereto'i Dep. Reeve A.A.Cook made a report on the progress at the waterworks plant as to the installation of the new pump, and explained that the proposed plans would not work out to satisfaction, and that Mr. Redfern has arranged to look the matter over again with a view of changing the. original plans'• The By-laws Committee is taking steps to prepare a new Taxi By-law and will bring in their findings at a special ·meeting later in the month'~ SMITH WEST;• A motion by the Property Committee was as follows;.:. That the Mechanics Hall should not be sold or offered for sale at this time·•' That Mr. Greehalgh 1 s offer to purchase Mechanics Hall be not accepted~ Some progress is being made to abtain a suitable lot to place the Summers residence on, as soon as they will be called upon to vacate in favour of the J?ublic School Board. Supplies for the re.:.roofing of the Town Hall is being gradually obtained and work is expected to commence before very long. SMITH, ROSE;-That P. Preston be paid the sum of three hundred dollars for 10 feet of land on Yonge St. frontage, and the· south side of Kennedy St. E. covering full length of the property • That the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. PATRICK, COOK;-That the Assessor, W.H.Taylor be given until Nov.lat to complete the assessment roll for this year, due to his continued illness of some wweks past. ROSE, SMITH;.:.(l) The account tendered by the Medical Officer of He~lth for treatment of venereal diseases Mar.5th to July 9th 1946 be passed for payment~ and the Seal of the Corporation be attached thereto. (2) That the.revised premium of $1.80 for-insurance on Town property be accepted for payment, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached thereto'~ . ; L.- ;.;;-."-...\ -. .'. >, . ~-. --\'..._ SENENTEENTH MEETING PAGE 3 BY•LA:WS; ROSE, COOK;~ That leave b~-given t~-i;r;:troduce a By-law to fix the date.for nomination of. candidates & for polling and that the same be now read a first time<o COOK, SMITH;~ That the By-law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council dissolve itself into a Committee of the whole for that purpose. . SMITH, DAVIS;• That the By-law now before the Council be read a third·time this day and that rule 22 of By-law # 862 be suspended for that purpose~ WEST, COOK;• That the third reading be taken as read!~ carried-. ROSE, DAVIs;.;. That leave ):>e given to introduce a By-law to fix the salaries of the Hydro Electric Power Commissioners, and that the same be now read a first time'~ SMITH, COOK;~. That the By-law now before the Council be read a second time and thatthe Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose'• · . WEST, DAVIS;• That the By-law now before the Council be read a third time this day and. that rule 22 of By-law# 862 be suspended for that purpose. SMITH, COOK;-That the third reading be taken as read, carried!~ ROSE, DAVIS;• That leave be given to introduce a By-law to authorize the sale of Lot 30, Plan 120, and that the same be now read a first time. SMITH, WEST;.; That the By-law now before the Council be read a second tim.e and that the Council disso1ve itself into a committee of the Whole for that purpose<o . PATRICK, WEST;• That the By-law now before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law # 862 be suspended for that purpose• WEST, DAVIS;-That the third reading be taken as read, carried!~ ROSE, WEST;.;. That leave be given to introduce a By-law to authorize the sale of Lot 36 on the Souxth side of Tyler St. Plan 30, and that the same be now read a first time~ WEST, DAVIS;.;. That the By-law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council dissolve mtself into a committee of the whole for that purpose~ . SMITH, PATRICK;-That the By-law now before the Council be read a third_time this day and t}:lat Rule 22 of By-law # 862 be suspended for that purpose'~ ROSE, PATRICK;• That the third reading be taken as read, carried·. ROSE, SMITH;~ That leave be given to introduce a By.;.law to authorize the sale of Lot 17 on the Nol'th side of Tyler st. Plan 30o and that the same be now read a first time. _ WEST, PATRICK;.;. That the Byfilaw now-before the Council be read a second time and that the Council dissolve itself into a committe~of the whole for that purpose • . . COOK, SMITH;• That the By-law now before the Council be read a third time and that Rule 22 of By-law # 862 be suspended for that purpose. PATRICK, DAVIS;.;. That the third reading be taken as read, carried. The meeting adjourned at 11~30 p.m • ~~- ·-·-MAYOR -----\