MINUTES - Council - 19460628·,
TWelfth Meei"iling:
June 28 , 1946
The twelfth meetingc of Clbuncil was held in the COuncil (fualllbers
Flriday, J,tme 28th, at 8:10 :P•~M·~ nth Mayor Linton in the chair, and
the following members present: Reeve cr. E. Sparks, D3puty-Reeve A. A.
(}()ok, Cbunc:l.llors A. N. Fisher, s. <B. Patrick, ~. ROse, E. Davis.
The minutes of the ~nth and Eaeventh SpecU.l Meati:ings·. were read
and aaopted •.
FISHER;· SPARKS, That ~he action of the Mayor in issuing orders on the
Treasurer for the payment of the following sums be, and the same is
hereby confirmed, and that the seal of the COrporation be attached
thereto •.
J:illne 8th J~ Bak mmp. $30 •. 00, w. Summers II 3(Y~OO,
JJ;. :Peters; II 25.00..._
M'. R0binson II 18·.oo......_
JJ. Bak II 27.00-.... 15th w. Summ.ers " z:r.oo,
Jcl. Peters " 2~50,
M. R0binson " 18·~00"
JJ. Bak II a5..40
W. Summers, . 11 26',.40"
M'. R0binson It 1B;;.oo'
JJ. Pilt e rs;; II 22c~O~
WATERWORKS, OOOK, FISHER, That the following accounts be paid, that
the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal
of the ~orporation be attached hereto.
Bell Telephone co. :Phone No. JJ2' $3'.80
Aurora Hr,dro Waterworks No. 1 2-'9~60~ It I II II 2 39~92,
St'),ndby Pump 63..77,
Rf~ 0~ Osborne ~incoatt 'li';;.so,
Wilson Hardware GJ!.ass' Ctltter, eta' 5: .. 84" Aut>o:t>a Bldg. C6. Clbuplings lo.,oo,
Francis Hankin & Co. Meter Repair 5i3.39\.
BELIEF, :PATRICK, FISHER, Thattthe following accounts pe paid,
that the Mayor issue orders on theTReasurer for the same, and that. the
seal of the Corporation be attached hereto:
4 xx .• .56' Medical Assn.
Mrs. Traviss Est. Rent.
T~asdalec! s Markett Food .
G:eneral Store 11
Twelfth Meeting, Cbntd~ ~: a?~:
FISHER, SPARKS, That the following accounts be paid, and the Mayor
issue orders. on the Treasurer for the same, and the seal of' the
Obrporation be attached hereto:
Bell Telephone Cb.
Aurora ~dro
Taylor &±Son
Wilson ffii.rdware
Aurora Greenhouses
<t. Nc~ m
central Oleaners
I. Daniels
A • E • Jupp C'O •
<tandn~ Bitumals
Factory Equipment
J,•. W. Bowser &: Son
J,•. D. Storey
Aurora Building C5,
F:• ~ UnderhilL
crorner Ins. Co.
Street : .. Lighting
Obunty of' Yi5rk
J~ Bak
JJ~. G'oilliliing
Phone No, 1
Olerks Office
TOwn Hall
Disposal Plantt
011, ettr.
Plants and Wreaths
Maintaining lffi.asher
Oiling Streets
Pipe WelcUng
Lumberm etc •
Bond (W. Large)
BOnd (ffi N·:. C!!L~rk) .
Labor (Mower)
Cl"ar and E;x,t raJ. Dlbit;w
Numerous items of' correspondence nead'and discussed:
$\ 5: .. 34,
a>.; 5o,
a>.; as,
5 0'32' .. ' ~so,
15 .. 00)
·oo" 2:0 •. '-
5'.li.00 1o·~oo:(
A letter from the C'Ollis Leather 0'0, ws,s handed to the Finance Cbmm~
An order from the Powerrt:J:>onic Equipment Limited w;as place·d for a
rectifyer for the Fire Alarm system.
SPARKS,, FISHER, That permission be granted to the Women 1's ]nstitut& ·
t'o hold a Tag Day in aid of the Navy League on Swtti 21st~ O'arriedi,
'The request of Mrs• A. Wilson negarding a dec-ayed tree in front of
her property was handed to the Streets Committee· for attention,
A letter from P·-; Graham Bell of' London, Ofit. was left in the hands
of the Imdustrial Committee,
An inquiry·· as to why Faeury Stree-tt was notllll:km:Bilt oiled this ye:a,JT
wa;s discussce·d'~.
SPARKS.. FI-ISHERj. Thatt the comp%ints ne smJ.i tation cy1 several
nate]?ayers b:e referred to our Sanitary Ihspector~ to inspeotc the
C'Clmplaints and if a nuisance existsthe case be placed in the lila,nds
of the Medical Officer of Rea,lth, he to report .. t:o Clbuncil at our'
nexttregular:cmeating. Clarried:~
PATRICK, DAVIS·~. Thattthe request from w. J. Langman tto purchase
Lot ::.No • lf, Tyler Street~-be granted~ carried,
ROSE, SPARKS. That the request from 111', Patnick to· purohasa
!.lOt :.No. 39, Tfler Street, be granted. <tarnied,
.,. 3' 'fi
TW'elfth Meet. ing, C:Ontd: •.
The request for a Veterans Lottby W.Ri.. Bll,ker was handed to the
Property C:Ommittee~~-
OOOK,. FISHERi. A report bi( Deputy7Reevec C:Ook of the Water 0bmn:~itt.ee was
submitted as follows: (l) The HYdrant ab: the G::.N:.m., and Ross• Stree:!l;
is held up due to l'a.bor and materialiJi; ~ als:o the base of the Watelf
Tll.nk~ ((2~ Wellington StreettWest is being engineered and we recommend
thatt every effort t·o secure material be· made~ and ask forr T.enders. to
instal the same. (B)i Edward Street extension be connect&.d to the
a.:.inch pipe on Metcalfe Street, and run a 6fdnch t.o GbunsinSJ Dl::live,. nd
p .veeplans re~dy to extend to Yonge Str.eet, and join Yibnge StJ:Jeet. 6-~n~h
pfpe there 0 fore-a complete c:ircuit• when completed, and tendersJ be lett. for
this work~ (41) The new<.:Obusins Sub,-division be connected in a permanent
system as,the lbtSc• are deeded to owners. (5:) Tlhat the Clerk be instnu~
ed to write WEJ,r Assets Limited re a suitable modern engine for our
emergency Water Fire Pump~. (6':1. That-: we p:urchas:e a portable engine and
purilp for cleaning reservoirs:, etc-. (7.)) That we purchase a q§D-d!a:rl'dl
Power:MoWIS'r flbr the Waterw('n'ks, wtth a 2:0 to 3Q-inch cutting bilade.
(8). That we ask Mr:~ Redfern teo check the installation of our new punJ1l·
on order, and if possible,. to instal a meter with same. Also check .
valves and switchesto use the twe pumps when needed~ the present 20(};0
gallon per minute and the new•.5:PO-per minute. ~rried~
A report from the Streets COmmittee• by Reeve Spa:nks, the parti<'l'Ulars. of
WCil'rk,. Wlas left in the hands: of the Streets Obmmitttee.;.
PATRICK, COOK~. Thatta new Police Uniform for Chief Dunham be·omerew
at ':,once. carried.
COOK, ROSE. Thattaut·hority-·be given the Ree:ve:o 0'. E'~ SparkS', to
sign cheques: necessq_ry for. wagesr: and othen' immediate•. payments iin place
of the Mayor, along with the signature of the Clerk as usual, for the.:
week of July 8th the 13th inclusive, and the seal of the Corporation
be attached hereto. carried.
ROSE, DAvisl%-
eElFly closing
a first time.
Tnatt leave be g.iven to introduce a By-Law t.o require
of Barber Shops in Aurora, and that the same beJ now realil.
ROSE,. COOK~. That~the By-Lawv:now before the 0buncil b.e read a se;eond
time, and that the CYouncil dissolve itself into a committee of the whol.eJ
f·or that purpose•
R.'OSE, COOK. That the By•Law now before the Obunc:il be read a third ·
time this day, and that rule 22? of. By-Law No~ 8.6:2? be suspended fbr thatt
purpose •.
/etOSE, SPARKS. That+.sep!illl!ate tenders• be called. fon· (l) 0'onstrue<t.ion
/ of Edward Street from CYonnaught s-c.outh to Cibusins Dnive'> and ease. on
CYousins Drive to C".N .R. (2~ Sanitr.acy Sewer from Gurnett and Cl'onnaugh1t
to Edward! Street. (3•)' STorm s<lwer SDuth fr.om 0busins Dnive on Edwa:mi
Sfll7eet :,proposed extension to Clreek. (4!)) Dig· and laY Water Main from
Metc-alfe :Street to COusins Drive vr.!.a Edvvard Street. · (6)1 Dig and ].ay
Water.'.Main on Wellington street.: West:O Tl3nderz, t'P be advertised in
the Stan' and Telegram and Banner, July 2nd and 4th~ <nosing Date of
Tenders July 11th~
.••.. ,,.
../ ..
r-,"--·-/ ..
~-4 ;_,_
Twelfth Meeting, C'Ontd:!.
time, and that
whole for that
time this day,
· . · to authorize the s.ale of iltot:s-r. --:r-w.Bows£1~
That the By-LawAnow before the COuncil be read a second
the· COuncil dissolve itself' into a C'ommd.ttee· of the
That the By-Law now before the Cbuncil. b.e read a t.hird
and that rule 2a' of By-law No •. 862) be suspended for t:hat.
ROSE, COOK~. That .leave' be given to introduce a by-law to provide: for
contract for collection,, removal, disposnl of Ashes, Gar:bage. and other
Refuse,, and that the S'B.me be read a first time, -
ROSE, DAVIS. That the ~;w-}iaw mpw bef'pre the Gbuncil be read a s,eeond
time,. and that the Council dissolve itself ihto a c-ommittee,, of the whole
fbr that:purpose•
ROSE, ODOK~. That tihe' By-]aw now before the Oo'\}Ircil be read a third
time this day, a.nd that rule 22 of By.-]Jaw: No •. 862 be suspende.d for that.
The By-Eo!'!( was given its• readings and passed,
ROSE, DAVIS.. That:.leave be given to introduce a By-Law t:o require
ea,rl;~r closing of Drug Stores in Aurora~
ROSE, DAVIS.. That the By-Law;: now before the Col:m:ciL be reB.d a second:
time,. and that the Obuncil diss'Olve itself into a committ.ee' of the
whole for that purpose •.
ROSE,. O'OOK.. Tha.t the By•La:wwnow before the Cbu.n·cil be read iii, thi:J?d
time this day'; and that rule 22 of By-Law 862 be suspended for that
purpose •.
Tne By-La.w wa.s given its rea.dings and pa,ssed.
ROSE, OOOK.. That leave be given to introduce a ~u-Law: t:o authorize
purchase of parcel of land for streets-,. and to provide the Hart:. IV!fg.
CYo •. (0:3,n) Ltd, with a building site in the T'b1•m of Aurora.
O·OOK,, DAVIS. That·~the By-Law now before·the Council be read a s·econd
time and that the Council dissolve2 itself into a committee; of the whole
for thatt-purpose.
ROSE,, PATRICK~. That the By-IIavrnow before the Council be read a third
tlluile this day, and that rule 22 of By-Lawo.·862 be suspended for that
Tll.e By""Daw:::was g.iven its readings and· passed.
Meeting adjourned atcl2:oo·:P,M.